
With a faint smile, the rosefinch called Zhao Chengfeng to sit down and said slowly: "Tianzhu is a common creature in the inner gate. It's not too rare. Most large sects have plants. Some small sects may be less, but it's not too rare. Do you know why? "

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head blankly. He really doesn't understand this. Instead, he is more puzzled. At the beginning, he robbed Ouyang Hu of Tianzhu. Isn't he a master of inner door? According to the rosefinch, the inner door should be full of natural enemies. Is it necessary for him to fight with himself? There's no need at all.

"Because of Reiki."

Rosefinch said: "you are also an ancient martial arts expert now. You must also feel that the air in this world is too turbid. Aura is so thin that there is no aura. As an ancient martial arts expert, it is very difficult for us to collect aura, let alone a plant? Therefore, if you want to cultivate aura, first of all, you need a spirit gathering array, or you need to find a place with vigorous aura for cultivation, otherwise you will never succeed. "

"Gathering spirit array? What the hell is this Zhao Chengfeng is even more guilty.

"The spirit gathering array, as the name suggests, is a space to gather the spirit, just like the secret realm of breaking the sky. It is a space and also a spirit gathering array. Don't you think that after entering the secret realm of breaking the sky, the spirit is very abundant?" The rosefinch asked.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized, scratched his head awkwardly and said with a smile, "I thought that the reason why the heaven breaking secret place is full of aura is because there are so many people in heaven."

"You're right to understand that." The rosefinch explained: "the greatest effect of the spirit gathering array should be to gather aura, but in fact, the spirit gathering array on earth can only serve as a container. The reason why the aura is so strong in the secret place of breaking heaven has a great relationship with Tianzhu. Tianzhu needs to absorb aura to grow, but it can release more aura. In short, it is a role of increasing growth. "

"What a complicated feeling."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of a thing in his mind, and asked: "no, I've entered a secret space, but I didn't find Tianzhu in it. Why is the aura so strong?"

Zhao chengtui's "secret space" is actually Unit 731. Zhao Chengfeng stayed in 731 army for a long time, but he didn't find Tianzhu or other plants.

"It depends on the array base used by this spirit gathering array. If the array base uses some kind of treasure that contains a huge aura, there is no need for heaven to punish." Rosefinch explained.

At that time in Wuji gate, although the rosefinch attack is not strong, but the match method is still very studied.

"Array base?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned again.

"Matrix means foundation." Zhu que thought that Zhao Chengfeng didn't understand, and explained: "it's just like we have a reason to build a house now. First of all, we have to lay a solid foundation before we can continue to build a house."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, but he was thinking about the base of 731 troops. You know, the secret place of Unit 731 was created by Lao undead. God knows what kind of array base he used at that time.

According to the rosefinch, the array base should be the natural material and local treasure. If it can be absorbed, can't its strength be improved quickly?

"Old man, good things are reluctant to keep for me, your grandmother's." Zhao Chengfeng secretly scolded, thinking that after going back, he must ask for an explanation from the old man.

I don't want to be my own child.

"In addition, I recommend two places as the spirit gathering array." After a pause, Zhu que continued: "one of them is 100000 mountains. The miasma is strong in 100000 mountains, which means that there is also a lot of aura. Moreover, 100000 mountains are quiet and no one comes in. It's very safe here; The second is the lonely island of borodo

"The island of borodo?" On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng immediately twisted his brows and was puzzled, "can that place work?"

"Sure it will

Rosefinch said firmly, "to tell you the truth, if I hadn't arrived at Tianxing village, I was going to go back to the island. Although that place was destroyed by you, the aura is still there, and the array base is still there. I just need to take care of it. It's very convenient."

"What if Zhao Feitian killed the old man?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. Although Zhuque makes a lot of sense, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't intend to adopt it.

One is security. Zhao Feitian's strength is there, and few people are his opponents. Don't cultivate Tianzhu well and take root. Well, Zhao Feitian seems to take advantage. How uneconomic is that?

Second, it's too far away, inconvenient!

Zhao Chengfeng is an acute man. How can he wait for Tianzhu to grow up? Do you run thousands of kilometers or even tens of thousands of kilometers every time to get a killing? Don't you have to break your leg?

"Er..." rosefinch's face was stiff, and he didn't think of it.

"Forget it, the place will not talk about it first. As long as we find a way to cultivate Tianzhu, the place will be very easy." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and was ready to leave again.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng just stood up, but Xia Muxi came over.

"Chengfeng, you..." when Xia Muxi saw Zhao Chengfeng, she was so surprised that her chin would fall down. Of course, Xia Muxi was more moved at this moment.

Because xiamuxi also thought that the man came to see him, and gave him a big surprise.

"Muxi, why don't you tell me when you get to Tianxing village? If we had known you were coming, we should have come together. " Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose.

See summer wood Xi a face excited color, Zhao Chengfeng can't say I'm not coming to see you? How hurtful is that?

"Let's talk. I have something else to deal with." Rosefinch left, leaving space for young people.

"I just wanted to come back and have a look, so I came back. Besides, there's nothing to do in Jiangzhou city." Xia Muxi explained, "I don't want to read any more..."

"Well? No more reading? " Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised.

At the beginning, the main reason for Xia Muxi's conflict with her family was the problem of reading. The old creditor said that Xia Muxi would not be allowed to read anything, and that it was useless for girls to read more books. He wanted Xia Muxi to come back to take over the position of big story.

But Xia Muxi wants to read books. Xia Muxi thinks that only by reading more books can he get ahead, especially after seeing the world outside, Xia Muxi knows the importance of reading and that reading can change people's destiny.

As like as two peas in the sky, the fate of everyone is almost the same. When they grow up, they start to get into household chores, then they get married and have children, grow fields and hunt in the mountains. This is not a healthy way of life.

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