"Yes, no more reading."

Xia Mu Xi nodded and said: "because of your relationship, many students in the school are groveling to me now. I don't like this kind of flattery, and they are not reliable friends. Looking at them, I think their smile is so hypocritical. I don't like the feeling! "

"So it is." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is to smile, "whatever you do, you how happy how to do good, like to contact, don't like to leave a little bit.". Life is short. Don't be hard on yourself. Try to make yourself happy. "

As for what Xia Muxi wants to do, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't worry at all. As long as women are happy, Zhao Chengfeng will meet the requirements of women to the maximum extent. Isn't the existence of men just to protect their own women?

"But isn't it good for me to give up halfway?" Summer wood Xi Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, some tangled“ Li Ruo talked to me and said that hypocritical people are everywhere in our lives, and we can't avoid them. "

"I feel like a failure. I really don't know what to do?" Xia Muxi expressed her distress.

Because of the appearance of Zhao Chengfeng and the inexplicable departure of Sima shangyun and Ouyang Mengmeng, Xia Muxi has become famous in the first people's University of Jiangzhou city. Many people privately say that Xia Muxi has found a rich and capable boyfriend, how powerful he is, and so on. But in front of Xia Muxi, he shows great enthusiasm one by one, Even in the past, Ouyang Mengmeng's followers made love to Xia Muxi, and turned back to say that Ouyang Mengmeng was not.

This makes Xia Muxi feel disgusted, and the society is too realistic.

"Li ruo's words are reasonable." Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng took a look at Li ruogao, but after careful consideration, he thought it was normal.

Although Li Ruo is a good friend of Xia Muxi, their experiences are totally different. Although Li Ruo is a girl from the countryside, she has a lively mind and a smart person. As soon as you enter the University, you will figure out how to make money and how to accumulate capital for yourself. The so-called "capital" here refers to not only money, but also experience, experience and experience.

If Li Ruo knows how to get along with others, he should know that "talking to others and lying to ghosts" is definitely not a curse, but a correct choice.

If you don't talk to people, can they understand you?

The reality is cruel, but learn to be smooth. For example, in business, the boss hates a certain partner, but he has to show a smile, pat Jiabang and pretend to be brothers, because if the company wants to run, he can only make himself hypocritical.

Hypocrisy is also an attitude towards life!

"Whether you want to experience in the society or continue to study in school, just tell me how happy you are and how to come. If you need anything, just tell me." Zhao Chengfeng continued.

Xia Muxi is Xia Muxi. She won't be Li Ruo. She can only be herself!

"I want you to be with me all the time, OK?" Summer wood Xi said in the heart, looking at the man's eyes a little red, the man's words are moving, but, summer wood Xi want forever some far away.

Zhao Chengfeng is not only his own man, but also the man of other women. Xia Muxi told herself not to be too selfish!

"I'd better go back to school. Maybe I can't learn much useful knowledge, but at least I can get in touch with all kinds of people and adapt to society in advance." Summer wood Xi thought to want to say.

Xia Muxi's idea is also very simple. Although he doesn't have to do anything, a man can give himself a happy life. He is carefree all his life. He can give birth to a child for the first time, and he has nothing to play with.

But Xia Muxi doesn't want to make men feel useless, let alone annoyed. The rule for a woman to control a man well is not to worry too much, don't ask too much, and be herself quietly.

"That will do."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "in two years, you will graduate. You are the first female college student in Tianxing village. If you really don't like the life in modern society, come back to Tianxing village. Although there are rosefinches in Tianxing village to take care of, you are the owner of Tianxing village. In addition, rosefinch has little experience in management. "

"I think so, too." Xia Muxi nodded with a smile, and her delicate and white face appeared two shallow dimples, which made her smile beautiful.

Pure and beautiful, clean and innocent.

"By the way, Chengfeng, how did you come to Tianxing stronghold?" Summer wood Xi suddenly asks a way, the face son also can't help of red get up.


Zhao Chengfeng suddenly embarrassed, how to say this? If you don't come to see Xia Muxi, the little girl will be disappointed. But Zhao Chengfeng is not a liar. This

"Didi... Didi..."

However, when Zhao Chengfeng was in a dilemma, the phone in his pocket rang quickly, which made him very excited and didn't want to take it out directly. However, when he saw the caller ID, he was a little confused.

"Hello, Sisi, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng picked up the phone, but he was thinking about why song Sisi called him.

Now the perfume lily company, the heavy burden of all tribes on Song Sisi, Xia Bingbing although he came back, he could go around the company, accompanied by all staff in the hotel to have a family reunion dinner is gone.

As for Liu Shiyun, who has a big stomach and handles most of his work at home, he Yongfei is able to do it. He doesn't go to the omelet country to investigate the market.

"Oh, I'm still on my honeymoon with Bingbing." Song Sisi's sour voice came from the other end of the phone.

Women, who don't want men to accompany them? Song Sisi is no exception. Especially think of the recent Zhao Chengfeng accompany Xia Bingbing mountain and water, the heart itch badly. It's just that song Sisi can't eat Xia Bingbing's vinegar. After all, it's very rare for Xia Bingbing to come back.

"Cough, Bingbing is busy with her own business now. If I'm not with her, don't be jealous." Zhao Chengfeng coughed: "what's the matter with calling me?"

"What is she up to? Does the company want any more? " Hearing this, song Sisi felt even more angry.

In the past, song Sisi always thought that Zhao Chengfeng was the shopkeeper. No matter in the R & D department or the marketing department, this guy always put forward opinions, solved problems and disappeared quickly.

But now it seems that Xia Bingbing is the biggest shopkeeper. He has been missing for nearly a year, but he doesn't care about the company at all when he comes back. According to song Sisi, after Xia Bingbing comes back, he doesn't even read the account book of the financial department.

This woman's heart is really big.

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