"I'll explain it to you later. It's a long story." Zhao Chengfeng is also very helpless.

It's not that Xia Bingbing doesn't care about the company, but Xia Bingbing has more important things to do now.

"She's not free. I'll call you." Song Sisi didn't bother to tangle, so he said, "now there's a strange situation. Go and solve it."

"What's the matter, you say." Zhao Chengfeng's duty is not to let go, his daughter-in-law is not there, and his sister-in-law is not there, so he can only do it by himself. Anyway, the company will not have too much trouble.

It's really troublesome. Just give it to Jiangling directly? In the past, Zhao Chengfeng always thought that Jiangling was suitable for being a female boss. Now he knows that Jiangling is powerful. It seems that Jiangling can do everything to the extreme.

For example, in business, when Dong Mingzhu robbed Dong's group, its assets were only 4.5 billion yuan. In less than two years, the company's assets at least doubled.

That's the ability!

"Phil can't get in touch." Song Sisi's tone was a little dignified, and he said, "because I'm directly in charge of the marketing department, Feier will communicate with me every night about how to develop foreign markets. But Feier didn't contact me last night. I took the initiative to call her, turn off the phone, send a short message and ignore me on wechat. The whole person seems to evaporate."

"She went alone? No secretary? " Zhao Chengfeng brows a twist, heart also followed to mention the throat.

If he Yongfei makes any more mistakes, Zhao Chengfeng has no face to see Xia Bingbing. After all, the foreign situation is too complicated, and he Yongfei is so beautiful. If two big sex wolves come out, it will be

Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to think down.


Song Sisi said, "fei'er said that she would go alone. She didn't bring anyone. But I don't feel secure, so I'll call you to let you know if there's any way to get in touch with Phil. I've been out for nearly ten days, and it's almost time to come back. "

"I see. I'll contact you right away." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "Sisi, you don't have to worry too much. Maybe your mobile phone has lost its power. It's possible."


With that, song Sisi hung up.

"Strange thing, how can I not contact you?" Zhao Chengfeng also dials the phone again, and the voice like death comes from the other end of the phone - the phone you dialed has been turned off!

See the man brow lock, summer wood Xi's heart also follow heavy up, "how? Do you want to call the police? "

"It's no use. Phil is abroad." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and makes a call to the kid to help locate he Yongfei's mobile phone. Then he invades the local website to check the local monitoring to find he Yongfei.

Kid is a super hacker, which should not be difficult for him.

"Don't worry, boss. I'll call you as soon as I hear from you." The kid patted his chest and assured that he was smoking when he heard the sound of "BAM BAM BAM BAM" in the microphone.

Zhao Chengfeng was not in the mood to joke about the kid, but said, "hold on."

"Chengfeng, don't worry. It'll be OK." Xia Muxi doesn't know what to say, so she can only comfort men.

At this time, Xia Muxi suddenly feels that she is useless. Why can't she help men share some of them? Even if she does something, she can't find any consolation now.

What a failure!

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng answered, but his brows tightened even more.

It's Zhao Chengfeng's words to comfort song Sisi that the mobile phone is not powered off, but Zhao Chengfeng can't comfort himself. If the past he Yongfei is a lively and lovely little girl, crazy girl, may forget to play charging or something. But now he Yongfei will never make such a low-level mistake. After becoming the president of the perfume lily company, he must force himself to be careful and not to make mistakes.

"It's hard to be true. What's the trouble?" Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette, took a puff, and twisted his forehead into a big "Sichuan" word.

Summer wood Xi looking at man brow lock, more and more feel oneself useless.

"I want to go back to school and learn more skills so that I can share his worries and solve his problems in the future, instead of letting him help me solve every time I encounter a problem." At this moment, Xia Muxi swears secretly.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished smoking a cigarette, the phone rang again. This time, it was not the kid who called, but ah long who was in jintari.

"Hello, ah long..."

"Something's wrong."

As soon as the phone was connected, a long's dull and dignified voice came, "he Yongfei has been hijacked by the Mafia. Now you have to go and pick up the person in person!"

"What? Mafia again? " On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously pinched the mobile phone, almost didn't crush it!

The Mafia is the damned Mafia again. The Mafia is not strong. The so-called magician is also vulnerable in Zhao Chengfeng's view. But the existence of the Mafia gives Zhao Chengfeng a headache. The Mafia is just like a little power that can't be killed. It's everywhere.

"Is it someone in China who leaked the news and how did they kidnap he Yongfei?" Ah long is also very hot. He Yongfei's Lao Tzu was the leader of a long in the past.

Even the family members of the old leaders can't protect themselves. Is this subordinate too unpromising.

"Not at home, but abroad!"

Zhao Chengfeng explained: "because of the company's business, fei'er went to the omelet country to investigate the market. It was all right a few days ago, but I just received the news that she couldn't get in touch with fei'er. Unexpectedly, she was kidnapped by the Mafia. These bastards!"

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng has no good language, his heart is like ten thousand alpacas galloping by, and he is very depressed.

"That's not surprising. Isn't the omelette country the home of the Mafia? They should have grasped some information and seized he Yongfei. " Ah long suddenly realized.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng clenched his fist and gritted his teeth: "I'll go to the omelet country right away. You are responsible for providing me with information at any time. After a while, send me the address, and I'll start right away!"

It's important to save people and kill people. This time I went to omelet country, Zhao Chengfeng wanted to uproot the whole Mafia!

"Don't you take Alice with you?" "This woman should know a lot about the Mafia. If you have her to guide you, you will get twice the result with half the effort," Aron reminded. Besides, do you really want no help? That's the Mafia's home

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