"I really need to find time to see my rich father-in-law." Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin, and there was a lustful smile on his face.

Shangguan Yan'er doesn't remind, Zhao Chengfeng really forgot this stubble. You know, Zhao Chengfeng's cheap father-in-law babulu is a famous rich man on the African continent. Despite the poverty of the African continent, countless people can't eat enough and even have no clothes to wear, babulu is absolutely a super rich man. Otherwise, how can he be worthy of his reputation as "diamond king".

You know, babulu has an election ticket in his hand, which is nothing. If babulu is willing, he can even run for the local president, but babulu doesn't want to do the thankless work.

If babulu had a word, it would be better than yudhury. Three days and three nights.

"You ah..." Shangguan Yan'er shook her head speechless and wanted to say a word in her heart - when are you going to see my family? However, Shangguan Yan'er finally held back, because her sister Shangguan Lanxin didn't have any news until now, and the whole person seemed to evaporate without a trace.

Kid is one of the best hackers in the world. With the strength of the Chinese nation, it's easy to find someone, but now there's no news. Can Shangguan Yan'er be in a hurry?

"Master, do you have any operational plan and need manpower when you go to omelet country this time?" Pang Hu asked at this time, "master, although you are powerful, it is the home of Mafia after all. We have to guard against it."

"Well, do you have any good suggestions?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in return, which can be regarded as a test of Pang Hu.

Pang Hu, as the most outstanding bounty hunter in South Vietnam, is sure to have no problem in his mind, steady and tolerant. But this boy is a little arrogant after he follows Zhao Chengfeng. After all, they have found a master.

It's just that there can be arrogance, but it can't be too much. And Pang Hu can ask like this, Zhao Chengfeng is actually quite happy. Like Li Yuanba, such as the blood monk's play is really fierce, but his brain is not very smart, so he is easy to suffer big losses.

"Hey hey, I don't have a good idea. But if you need help, I can transfer a lot of people for you." Pang tiger thief chuckled, showing a bit of treachery.


When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was disappointed. I thought Pang Hu could do something better. If you want to provide manpower, do you need Pang Hu's help? It's just that you drop people directly from gintrey. There's no need to tell anyone.

However, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't plan to use the people from jintari, whether they are the local soldiers from Africa or the soldiers from China. When they go to the egg roll, their appearance is too obvious, as long as they are not fools. I'm afraid it's not wise to be detected by the enemy just after landing.

"Master, you may not understand me." Pang tiger thief laughs, showing a bit of cunning, "Raymond's holy religion was divided into many churches at the beginning. There is a church in the egg roll country. Although it is no longer called holy religion now, Raymond's holy religion is still there. I think they will help you a lot."

Pang Hu spent some time on the island of musley, and got familiar with Raymond. In addition, Pang Hu is Zhao Chengfeng's Apprentice. Naturally, Raymond doesn't dare to hide it. Raymond knows his crime very well, and ten times of chopping his head is not enough to pay off his debt. So I told Pang Hu all about myself.

"Is there someone over there, Raymond?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised.

"Of course there are people."

Pang Hu beamed and said: "the fake monk Raymond is quite capable of tossing. Although the strength of his subordinates is not particularly strong, there are a large number of people. Moreover, this guy has a problem. Generally, clean thugs are not allowed. As long as the kind of prisoners who have been in prison, it's better to be murderers. This is the main reason why the holy religion was so powerful at the beginning. "

"Raymond is really smart." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and had to admire Raymond's intelligence.

Usually, people who come out of prison, especially murderers, are cruel and vicious. If something goes wrong, these people can take the blame for them. Moreover, these people who come out of prison have their own network of contacts.

In a way, these guys are even more brutal than some of gentry's soldiers.

"The monk of Ramon can really be a toss, even if the egg roll country and some other countries have Raymond's eyeliner, and some of the information is provided by Raymond." Pang Hu nodded.

"Well, let Ramon know. Let his people meet me in omelet country. Let's talk about what we need then." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and said that some people don't have to use it in vain. It is estimated that the Mafia people will not think that the holy people are actually their own people.

In the past, the holy religion was very evil, but now Raymond has begun to restrain his subordinates. It's OK to kill people, but don't fight against China. If you want to kill, you can kill the Japanese, the Americans, and the Bangzi people.

"OK, I'll contact Raymond right away." Pang Hu answered and went out to call Raymond.

"Since there are Raymond's people to help, I'll go with Yan'er this time. You stay in jintari, train well and make money well." Zhao Chengfeng directly clapped, "remember that relying on others is better than relying on yourself. Only when you are strong, you will not be bullied."

"Can you two go?" Ah long frowned slightly, obviously worried.

You know, it's the Mafia's home after all, and there are hostages in the Mafia's hands. Even if there are Raymond's people to help, who can tell exactly how many Raymond has and how much help he can provide?

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Chengfeng pretended to wave his hand easily and said, "there are too many people going, but it will arouse their vigilance. Our characteristics are too obvious. Besides, there's a need for someone to take care of him, so don't worry

"Well, if you need help, please let us know in time." Ah long doesn't insist either, because he believes in Zhao Chengfeng's strength.

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng, ah long no longer has the heart of chasing in the past. This man is too strong.

"Master, I've already contacted Raymond."

At this time, Pang Hu came in and exclaimed, "Raymond is still very face saving. He said that he went to the egg roll country in person to assist you."

"Just go. Ramon has nothing to do on the island of musley anyway." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, not surprised.

Raymond is so attentive that he is still afraid of Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Raymond did a lot of stupid things. I want to atone for it and earn some performance in front of Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Hua Xiaobao is almost always on the island of musley, and Raymond is also afraid of Hua Xiaobao.

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