Omelette country, a small subtropical country, is the most typical European tourist country with four seasons like spring. Therefore, the environment is very good, the air is clear and the beauty is warm.

"I'll go there. It's a wonderful place for Ramon to meet with him." Standing on the edge of the beach, Zhao Chengfeng almost stares out.

What's the most on the beach? Beautiful women, beautiful women in bikini, especially on the other side of beach volleyball, are beating and shaking, and their chest parts are like waves, one wave higher than the other.

"Look again, can you believe me to dig out my eyes for you? You haven't seen enough, have you? " One side of the Shangguan Yan son hate teeth itch, in Zhao Chengfeng waist grab a, at the same time also secretly scold these egg roll country woman shameless, no clothes to wear, right?

It's no problem to sunbathe on the beach, but can we have more cloth in the underwear? It's so bold and unconstrained that I'm crazy!

"Oh, don't you." Zhao Chengfeng ate pain, embarrassed smile: "we are not adhering to the principle of no waste? You see, there are so many beauties that you can't bear to look at them in vain. "

"You Shangguan Yan'er is very angry.

"All right, all right, let's stop. Ramon's over there. Let's hurry." Zhao Chengfeng quickly stops, and sees Raymond from a distance.

Ramon pulled a deck chair and slept in his white underpants. He was naked and looked like a butcher. This guy really lost the face of the monk.

"Don't sleep."

Zhao Chengfeng walks over and kicks Raymond.

"Boss, you..."

As soon as Raymond opens his eyes, he sees Zhao Chengfeng and shouts excitedly, but he is pressed down by Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng sits down with Guan Yan'er and says: "don't be so ostentatious. Don't you think the world is in chaos?"

"Cough, what the boss said is, come on, boss, smoke." Raymond simple and honest smile, touch out a world show in the past.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little stunned. There was an imperceptible appreciation in his eyes. Raymond looked at the five big and three rough, but he was careful. Far away, if we just make cigarettes, it's enough to explain everything.

Ordinary people smoke, are good smoke, what greater China, Yellow Crane Tower, which expensive, which on the grade, what smoke. But Zhao Chengfeng only likes tianxiaxiu, because tianxiaxiu contains extremely special feelings for Zhao Chengfeng. What's more, the world is pretty strong. If you take a sip, it's like drinking a knife. It's very sour!

Raymond gives Zhao Chengfeng the world show, which is exactly what Zhao Chengfeng wants. Although the world show is everywhere in China, it is rare abroad. Raymond's been working hard.


Zhao Chengfeng took the cigarette and lit it. Then he said, "Alice has been picked up by your people. Let your people watch her. Alice is not a gas-saving lamp. She doesn't kill much, but she is smart."

Alice came with Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er, but she didn't bring them to the beach. If the Mafia found them, they would be in trouble.

"No problem. I can rest assured that Ronon has never gone wrong in all these years." Raymond also said: "but boss, I'm afraid it's hard to capture the Mafia's nest. Do you have any way?"

"Tell me, what's going on? By the way, where is Katla? " Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "the Mafia said that they would meet at Katla at seven tomorrow evening."


Hearing this, Raymond's face changed greatly. "Boss, can't you change a place?"

"Where is Katla?" Aware of Raymond expression is not right, Shangguan Yan son quickly asked a sentence.

"Cemetery, the cemetery of purgatory!"

Raymond didn't hide it, and then said, "Katla was originally the only mountain forest in omelette country. The so-called mountain forest is actually different from the mountain forest in Huaxia country. There is a forest on the plain, which covers a small area and can last more than ten square kilometers. But Katla mountain forest is a nightmare for omelette people."

"Isn't it a cemetery? Where there are people, there are cemeteries. What's to be afraid of? Can't people here believe in ghosts? " With that, Zhao Chengfeng laughed first, which he didn't think much of.

According to Zhao Chengfeng, the so-called theory of ghosts and gods is pure nonsense. If ghosts really exist, then Zhao Chengfeng has killed so many people. Why don't those people come to Zhao Chengfeng for revenge? Bullshit!

"Boss, don't take it seriously!"

However, Raymond's face was extremely dignified, and he said in a deep voice: "Katla mountain forest is very evil. After entering, he felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at you, which made you restless. Moreover, according to legend, more than 300 people died once in Katla mountain forest, and these 300 people were still members of the royal family of omelette country. The whole royal family was dead at that time! "

"Usurping the throne?" Zhao Chengfeng.

"That's right!"

Raymond nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: "there are too many people who have died unjustly and tragically in Katla. You'd better be more careful. It's really no good. Let's find a way to lead the Mafia out. It's not too late to start again! "

"Bring it out? What do you mean Shangguan Yan'er recognized some clues and asked, "do you mean the Mafia's home is in the Katla mountain forest?"

"My sister-in-law is right, that's right!" Raymond then said: "it's evil. The Mafia guys don't seem to be afraid at all. They live in the mountain forest, next to the tomb. They live in the church in the center of Katla. The whole church is like an ancient castle. They look at it carefully. I don't know what these guys think."

"No matter what he thinks, this time I came to omelette country for two purposes, the first is to save people, the second is to kill people." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand indifferently and said, "you just need to give me the exact information. You don't have to worry about the rest. I'll solve it!"

"Chengfeng, you..." Shangguan Yan'er shows her eyebrows and looks worried. Women like men's self-confidence very much, but it's better not to do risky things.

"Don't worry, I know it."

With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng said, "don't we also have a hostage? Then you can take Alice with you. You and Raymond will sneak in to save people. I'll hold them down

This is Zhao Chengfeng's tactics, nothing else, is to do!

"Boss, look, this is a map drawn by my people." Raymond swallowed his saliva. He felt a little weak in his heart, but he could only stem his neck.

The eldest brother is all in person. Do you want to be a little brother?

"The map is quite detailed. Do you know how many people there are and what weapons they have?" Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the map and nodded with satisfaction.

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