"The number is about 200, but as for the weapons, I really don't know and it's not easy to investigate." Ray's face was embarrassed. After all, that's the core of the Mafia. How can it be easily spied?

Although Raymond has some influence in the omelet, he is no different from the Mafia and the local people. It's just a little networking, that's all!

"What weapons have you prepared?" Zhao Chengfeng did not blame Raymond, and asked.

"It's no problem to equip a reinforced platoon. Rifles, sniper guns, 40 fires, and grenades are all available. This time, I brought a dozen or so good men Ramon was eager to try.

Although he was afraid of Katla mountain forest, Raymond also had his own plan to destroy the Mafia with the ability of the boss. Didn't this big cake fall into Raymond's mouth?

Raymond is a fake monk, or an ambitious fake monk. This time, I followed Zhao Chengfeng. On the one hand, I showed my loyalty, on the other hand, I was also for my own interests.

"That's enough."

Zhao Chengfeng said faintly: "after I enter Katla mountain forest, you can slowly penetrate into it. I move my hand and you can do it. If you disturb the enemy's sight, save the people first. "

Zhao Chengfeng wants to destroy the Mafia, but the most important thing now is to rescue he Yongfei. This time, he Yongfei was kidnapped by the Mafia. Zhao Chengfeng didn't dare to tell him. He batian is also a fierce man. If you know that your baby daughter has been kidnapped, you are likely to destroy the whole omelet country by all means.

Egg roll country is well-known in the world, but after all, it is a small country with a regular force of 30000 to 40000. With this force, Huaxia can destroy it ten to eight times in any military region.

The most important thing is to give Xia Bingbing an account. At the beginning, Xia Bingbing was worried about he Yongfei before entering the 731 secret realm. Zhao Chengfeng said it was ok, but now something really happened.

"Chengfeng, why don't we go to Katla mountain forest in the evening? Let's check the situation first. What do you think?" Shangguan Yan'er is more cautious and absolutely does not allow Zhao Chengfeng to have any accidents.

Men are good at everything, but this is not good. For the sake of women's life, they don't want any danger. It's just like Zhao Feitian let Zhao Chengfeng swallow the heart biting poison.

It is estimated that at that time, Zhao Feitian has guessed that Zhao Chengfeng and Guan Yan'er have revived.

It's really a good thing to attach importance to love and righteousness, but many times it will drag him down. Just like Zhao Chengfeng, who knows that there are tigers in the mountain, he has to go to tiger mountain.

"No, let's go over it again. Don't we distrust Raymond?" Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, shook his head and refused.

Raymond laughed awkwardly, "it's OK. It's better to investigate more, so as not to miss anything." Raymond was not happy, but he didn't dare to show it.

"I didn't mean to distrust Raymond, just to be on the safe side, so..." Shangguan Yan'er was also embarrassed.

"No more."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "let's sit here for a while and go back to rest. There will be another battle tomorrow night."

See Zhao Chengfeng insist so, Shangguan Yan son also didn't say anything, just frown, don't know what in the brain.

In the evening, Raymond took care of Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er in his own hotel. Because they had something to do, they didn't drink, so they went back to their rooms to have a rest.

"Chengfeng, don't we really have to go to the field to explore? Why do I always feel inappropriate? " Shangguan Yan'er is still not at ease.

"There's nothing to worry about."

Zhao Chengfeng said as he smoked: "Raymond is really ambitious, but he doesn't dare to give up in front of me. Besides, can't I get something from Alice? "

"That woman?" Shangguan Yan'er's eyes brighten, yes, don't you still have a hostage in your hand? Although, the mafia boss MIBI may not care much about Alice's life, but Alice is at least MIBI's apprentice, how much will know about Mafia.

"That's right."

Zhao Chengfeng snapped his fingers and asked someone to send Alice over.

Alice doesn't look very well. After all, she has been locked up in the underground prison for several months. She has been bumpy all the way, but she doesn't have any good food. It's strange that she can have a good rest.

"What can I do for you?" Alice asked of her own accord.

"Nothing special."

Zhao Chengfeng said faintly: "it's still about your cooperation with me. Let's talk about it. Where is the Mafia's home? How many people and weapons are there in the old nest? What is the combat effectiveness? "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't beat around the Bush and went straight to the theme.

"Katla Mountain Forest Castle. It's said that it's a demon castle. Anyone who is close to the castle will die, so the castle is in a very secret place. I can take you there." Alice seems to be very clear about Zhao Chengfeng's means and her current situation. She tells her all about it. "There are more than 150 people in the castle. These people are the core of the Mafia. Their weapons and equipment are very common. Aka 47 and ordinary pistols. However, this is not the most terrible place in the castle. "

Then Alice looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said solemnly, "the most terrible part of the castle is that you can't help entering it."

"Can't help it? What do you mean Zhao Chengfeng suddenly came to interest, one side of the Shangguan Yan'er is Xiumei frown, the unknown castle has a trace of panic.

"You seem to have forgotten who missisby is. He's a magician and a high-level spiritual magician. He can control people's thoughts and minds!" Alice explained, "missisby is evil, but powerful. I don't think you can get in and leave unharmed. Unless Missibi leaves the castle! "

"So if missisby leaves the castle, he won't be able to kill?" Zhao Chengfeng is not stupid either. As soon as he hears this, he knows that there is something hidden in it.


Alice nodded and went on: "missisby is mysterious. I can feel his breath and smell it, but you may not believe it. I've never seen him before!"

"Oh? You've been in the Mafia for so long, haven't you seen him? " This time, Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised.

"That's right!"

Alice then said, "it's said that missisby is not a man, but a ghost. So he can't see the light. He can only stay in the castle all his life, or leave the castle at night."

"Not people? Is it a ghost Zhao Chengfeng laughs and thinks it's funny.

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