"Don't you believe it."

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's disapproval, Alice was dignified and said seriously: "that damned castle is really weird. Once there was a traitor in the Mafia, and then we watched him step by step into the sea of fire. No one forced him. He just went to die, but when he felt the pain, there was no one to save him."

"So weird?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and found it hard to understand, "can mibibi really control people's thoughts? Why didn't he control your thoughts? "

Thought is a strange thing. It's like there was a cult in the history of China. At the beginning, many people practiced evil martial arts, and in the end, countless people died of suicide. It's silly to say that these people believe in immortality, and then all kinds of suicides, such as jumping off buildings, self Immolation and wrist cutting, emerge in endlessly. Don't they feel pain?

But what influenced their thinking?

"We don't know. No one who betrays the Mafia will come to a good end. It's said that many people died before, and no one dares to betray missisby later." Alice shook her head and said at last, "that's all I know. Anyway, you'd better be careful. Missisby is not the same trash."

"Of course we'll be careful, but you have to be careful too." Zhao Chengfeng said, "I'll take you with me then."


Hearing this, Alice's face changed a lot, but then she nodded her head again, and finally she accepted her fate. If you want to use Zhao Chengfeng's power to recapture the imperial power, you must pay something, that is to betray the Mafia and go to the opposite side of the Mafia!

It's risky. Lovely Liz has no choice. Because Alice is very clear about her present situation. She is an ant in Zhao Chengfeng's hand. He can crush herself whenever he wants.

"Well, it's a good conversation today. You can go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow night you'll leave for Katla." Zhao Chengfeng drew a big cake for Alice. "After solving the Mafia, I will help you get rid of absurdo."

"Thank you." Alice nodded to Zhao Chengfeng, revealing a deep white ditch on her chest and being taken down again.

"Chengfeng, their words are almost the same. But Alice knows more about it. Is that missy really that weird? "

Alice just left, Shangguan Yan'er said her worry. The spirit wizard can control people's thoughts, which is much more terrible than killing her opponent.

"Weird is for sure. After all, mafia has existed in this world for thousands of years, and as far as I know, mixBy has lived for a long time. Frankly speaking, he is an old monster." Zhao Chengfeng said: "of course, we don't have to worry too much. Don't you know? After the founding of the people's Republic of China, all animals are not allowed to become spirits. If he is really a monster, then we are just going to get rid of demons and defend the way. "

"Can you be a little more serious? I'm talking to you about business. " Shangguan Yan'er is a little angry. Zhao Chengfeng is obviously joking. When is it? Can this guy still laugh?

"I mean business, too."

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and said, "but, is it useful to worry more? useless. No matter how evil that damned castle is, no matter how powerful MIBI is, I can't let Phil go. That's what I have to do

"You..." Shangguan Yan'er's words came to her mouth, and she swallowed them back.

Zhao Chengfeng is such a man. You can't love him or hate him.

"Well, don't think too much. There must be a way to get to the front of the mountain. Let's have a rest. It's really tiring to come all the way." Zhao Chengfeng yawned and went to bed with the woman in his arms.

Yawn before going to bed for days, two people to bed a lie, but no sleepiness, Zhao Chengfeng's hand is not honest.

"Oh, Chengfeng, what are you doing? Isn't it going to bed? " Shangguan Yan'er whispered.

Zhao Chengfeng kept on talking and said, "I didn't do anything. During the day, didn't you say I was watching you? I just want to have a look and feel... "

"Ah, sex wolf..."

A scream, a groan all night.

At about ten o'clock the next morning, Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er just got up from bed. It is obvious that they had a very good time last night.

"Boss, my staff has been arranged. When shall we start?" At lunch time, Raymond came here. Different from yesterday, Raymond's dress today is very formal, bareheaded and dressed in a suit. He looks very energetic.

"I'll leave at six in the evening, and you'll leave at half past six."

While eating, Zhao Chengfeng said: "Yan'er takes a team of people and Raymond takes a team of people and horses, and attack from left to right. As long as I do it inside, you will do it as well."

"I'm going in with you. It's too dangerous for you to go in alone." Shangguan Yan'er doesn't agree.

"How can I go in alone? Isn't there another Alice Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman on the shoulder and said with a relieved smile, "don't worry, miss is more important than his female apprentice. Besides, he may not be my opponent."

To be sure, there are many strong people on the earth, but Zhao Chengfeng is not helpless. Many people want to kill Zhao Chengfeng, but when they die, Zhao Chengfeng lives well.


"Nothing, but."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted the woman, "you are responsible for the reception outside. When Fei Er comes out, you start to do it. Whatever the old castle, just blow it up. Don't mention it."

"Only when you start outside, the pressure inside will be less. Do you understand?"

Shangguan Yan'er twists her eyebrows and nods. Now that the man has decided, Shangguan Yan'er can't say anything more. I just hope that I won't wait too long.

"Oh, yes."

Raymond patted the brain door, took out two amulets from his pocket, handed them to Zhao Chengfeng and said, "boss, I asked my men to pay a high price to get them. You two put them on and opened them. Be prepared. "

"You this..." Zhao Chengfeng took the amulet, some laughing and crying, thought about it, finally put it close to the heart, no matter how to say, this is Leimeng's heart.

"Boss, I know you'll call me superstitious, but Missy is evil than that old man. Let's be on guard. That's right." Raymond said, and then felt out a string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck, which looked a little nondescript.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head speechless and joked: "Raymond, you should actually wear Lin Zhengying's Taoist robe. I guess that effect should be good."

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