At six o'clock in the evening, Zhao Chengfeng and Alice went to Katla mountain forest first.

"This place is really evil."

Zhao Chengfeng glanced around, and his brows twisted subconsciously. It's gloomy, just like Raymond said. He felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him behind him.

"This is Mafia territory. We are under Mafia surveillance now. Be careful." Alice reminded her that when she got into the woods, Alice's eyebrows began to twist.

Although she has lived in Katla mountain forest for a long time, lovely Liz doesn't like the smell here. It's cold and humid, just like the legendary hell, which makes people uncomfortable.

"You'd better care about yourself. Brother Feng still has the ability to protect himself." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about Tao. He goes inside.

Although Katla mountain forest is evil, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't pay special attention to it. For example, Jiulong Mountain on Hong Kong Island and Wulong mountain in Beihai city are not as ghostly?

To put it bluntly, it's just the psychological function of people.

After passing through a mountain forest, Zhao Chengfeng saw the legendary castle. The castle is indeed very old. The most strange thing is that all the buildings around the castle are built with stones. The stones are covered with moss, and some of the stones are covered with Parthenocissus. It looks very artistic, just like an ancient castle. However, when approaching the castle, Zhao Chengfeng clearly felt that someone was watching him secretly.

No, it's not observing, it's as if there's something lingering around you. It's extremely unpleasant!

"Give me psychological pressure? Hum

Zhao Chengfeng snorted. Suddenly he opened his mouth and yelled, "Zhao Chengfeng is coming!"

The sound is like a torrent of thunder. It spreads all over the castle and the whole Katla mountain forest. Countless birds in the forest jump up and run around. It's obvious that Zhao Chengfeng's voice is frightening.

The most amazing thing is that with Zhao Chengfeng's voice, the uncomfortable feeling magically disappeared.

"Sure enough, he is a spiritual magician. Mississi has great strength." Zhao Chengfeng secretly walks into the castle gate which has just been opened.

There are only two or three people at the gate, each holding a Ka 47 in his hand and staring at Zhao Chengfeng warily.

"Take me to your master and say that Zhao Chengfeng is here." Instead of looking at these people, Zhao Chengfeng swept around the castle.

The castle is absolutely antique. It looks magnificent on the outside, but on the inside it is extremely exquisite, exquisite and creepy. On the main hall of the castle, there are two torches on each side, and above the torches are human skulls or skulls with open mouth.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you are here."

Just as Zhao Chengfeng looked around, an old and strange voice came out of the castle. The voice was not big, but it was very clear. It sounded very uncomfortable, even a little bit eroded.

"Missibi, don't hide, come out, and don't use your so-called spiritual magic to control me." Zhao Chengfeng's voice is much louder. He subconsciously looks at the surrounding environment and feels dignified.

Because Zhao Chengfeng didn't find any trace of mississibi. When his strength reaches the realm of magic martial arts, Zhao Chengfeng can feel the people and things within a hundred meters even with his eyes closed. But this time strange, in addition to some ordinary guy, did not find missisby!

"Ha ha, how dare you be so presumptuous in my territory?" Missibi's voice came out again, sneering.

"It's really your territory, but you don't know the man beside me. She's your precious apprentice, Alice? Why don't we exchange hostages? " Zhao Chengfeng looks at Alice.

Hearing this, Alice's face changed a little, but it soon returned to normal. She didn't have the capital to resist.

"Alice is indeed my precious apprentice. Unfortunately, she has defected, so there is no exchange of hostages." Mishibi's voice rang out again, "Zhao Chengfeng, since you're here, it's time for us to settle a good account. How many Mafia people have you killed me in the past two years? Even my other separation has been destroyed. How do you want to die? "


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. How could mishibi be separated? No, how can it be? How can there be separation in the world? It's not scientific. Even if the old man is a powerful man, he has no ability to separate himself.

If Zhao Feilong really had the ability to separate himself, Zhao Chengfeng would not be nearly killed by the old man of Yanshan.

"Forget you destroyed my church before? That's my separation. Hateful, you have destroyed my decades of cultivation, so you have to die! " Missisby's voice rang again, with anger and ruthlessness, and a trace of madness in it.

"Is that your part? No, how can you be divided? " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand the reason.

Lack of skills means that people can not be separated. That's the only plot in mythical TV dramas, and it's obvious that mibibi is not a character in mythical TV dramas, but more like a devil in hell.

"Well, my spiritual strength is strong enough. What's so great about being separated?" MIBI Leng snorted: "Zhao Chengfeng, you are really powerful, but it's a pity that you will die in my hands soon. After you die, I will take good care of your body. Ha ha ha..."

Before he finished speaking, MIBI burst into laughter, and Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt a dark wind blowing, not blowing, but the air around him seemed to be controlled, which constrained his actions!


There was a loud noise in his head. Zhao Chengfeng felt as if he had been struck by thunder. His whole body was numb as if he had been drugged. He felt drowsy.


Zhao Chengfeng was shocked, but he was more worried. NIMA, without even seeing the shadow of MIBI, was controlled by him. How strong is this guy?


Suddenly, Zhao Chengfeng heart position, a golden light up, light up at the same time, the amulet also instantly into annihilation.


In the dark, mixBy exclaimed, as if in pain, "what are you wearing? Why can I restrain my soul? Why? "

"Guess what?" With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly feels that Raymond is very cute. The price is not in vain. At first, Zhao Chengfeng thinks Raymond is superstitious, but now it seems that Raymond's amulet is good for him. Otherwise, he doesn't know what will happen.

What a shame it would be to be controlled by missisby before you do it.

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