"Do you have a magic weapon?" MIBI suddenly asked. He could hear that MIBI was very scared, very scared.

"Guess what."

Zhao Chengfeng has a funny smile around his mouth. He is also guilty in his heart. What is the magic weapon? Brother Feng hasn't even heard of it, OK? However, Zhao Chengfeng will never say it, because he has no bottom in his heart now.

Zhao Chengfeng is absolutely not afraid of the confrontation. Even if he is defeated, he dares to fight. But until now, Zhao Chengfeng has no idea where and how to fight MIBI?

Spiritual magicians only torture with spirit, who can bear it?

"Damn it

Mishibi was a little annoyed and gritted his teeth: "Zhao Chengfeng, you are cruel. I came into my castle with magic weapons, but don't be too happy. Even if you have magic weapons, I don't have nothing to do with you. But shall we discuss it? "

"To discuss?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng heart a joy, mouth but don't think so, "mishibi, you really think I Zhao Chengfeng good bully, don't you?"? Some time ago, the Mafia, the manor and the Japanese joined hands to attack my people, which resulted in the loss of more than 100 people in the millstone mercenary regiment. What's the account? Now it's good. You've taken my sister-in-law again. What do you say? Hehe, how are you going to discuss with me? "

"Don't you also destroy my part and kill my people? In that war, the Mafia lost more than 300 people, OK Mishibi is very painful. There are more than 300 people. What a powerful force. Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng killed him.

But MIBI has to compromise now. MIBI is really powerful. In the castle, MIBI is the absolute master. No matter how powerful you are, you will be controlled by MIBI. However, miibi is not invincible. Miibi is afraid of magic weapons, especially Zhiyang Zhigang's, because miibi is not a human being, but a real ghost!

If it had not been for the mental strength, missisby would have been gone.

"Who made you beat me?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes turned around, and he was more confident. It turned out that mibibi was afraid of magic weapon. Well, I have to ask the old man what is magic weapon?

Is it the same as in immortal novels, where there are magic tools, there are immortal tools, and there are magic tools? If that's the case, then you must play with an artifact.


"Don't talk nonsense. Let my sister-in-law go, or I'll tear down your place. Do you believe it?" Zhao Chengfeng's heroism soared to the sky, and he made a big breach.

"If you let your people go, you'll get out of here right away. From now on, we'll keep the well water from the river. How about that?" Missisby has no temper, no more arrogance.

"I'm going to take your apprentice. Do you have a problem?"

"Well, you can take Alice!" Missisby gritted his teeth.

"It's not too much to pay one million for killing so many people, isn't it?" Zhao Chengfeng takes out a cigarette, lights it and takes a puff.

"Do you want to compensate the people who killed me? Zhao Chengfeng, don't go too far! " Mibibi stamped his feet in anger, and had an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng.

Son of a bitch, isn't that bullying?

"I'll make it up to you? Ha ha, I can boast with you, but I can't lose money. " Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, very strong.


Missimbie was short of breath and his teeth were chucking.

"Who is Zhao Chengfeng in the end? Why can he restrain MIBI's spiritual magic and suppress him to death? What method did he use?" Alice stares at Zhao Chengfeng, and her eyes are full of doubts.

You know, in the past, when Missibi killed people, he always called out: "go to die." that person would die without hesitation, or burn himself, or cut his wrist, or even run into a wall alive.

But how could Zhao Chengfeng

"OK, I'll pay for it, but I'll only give you 20 million dollars!" Missisby was very reluctant to bite his teeth.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng smile more happy, way: "OK, that hand in my person.". Don't make me wait too long. "

"You wait. She'll be out soon." Missisby said bitterly.

As Zhao Chengfeng puffed his cigarette, he said carelessly: "if you are not busy, you may as well explain to me your separation. I am more interested in this."


Missibi snorted and did not speak.

Soon, the door on one side of the castle opened, and he Yongfei came out, looking haggard.


Zhao Chengfeng hurried to the past, carefully looked at the situation of he Yongfei, finally relieved, in addition to look a little worse, he Yongfei did not suffer any harm.

"It's you?" He Yongfei is also very surprised to see Zhao Chengfeng, and his mood is very complicated.

At the moment of being kidnapped, he Yongfei guessed that Zhao Chengfeng might have come to save him, but he didn't know whether he should hate or be grateful for the man in front of him.

"Yes, it's me." Zhao Chengfeng patted he Yongfei on the shoulder, "nothing is good, nothing is good."

"..." looking at the man relieved, he Yongfei opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Now that I've given it to you, please leave. I never want to see you again!" Missisby's voice sounded again, some impatient, some unwilling.

"You are such a poor place. Do you think I want to stay? Fool

Zhao Chengfeng scolded, turned around and said to he Yongfei, "let's go, too."

In this way, it is strange for the three people to leave the castle. After leaving the castle, although it is completely dark outside, it is obviously not as gloomy outside as inside. It seems that there is an invisible force pressing on people's chest in the castle, which makes people unable to lift any spirit.

"Who is she to you?" Out of the castle, he Yongfei looked at Alice next to him, his eyes full of hostility.

This damned smelly man, I haven't seen him for a while. Did he hook up with a woman outside? It's too bad.

"You think too much. She's a prisoner. Time won't go. Let's go now. " Zhao Chengfeng grabs the woman's hand and leaves the castle in a hurry, no matter how the woman reacts.

"It's a trend!"

After walking through the dark Katla mountain forest for about 20 minutes, Zhao Chengfeng finally meets Guan Yan'er and others.

"Retreat now, get out of this damn place."

Zhao Chengfeng's face is dignified, and he leads the crowd to leave directly. The party just left Katla mountain forest, and Raymond and others on the other side also came out.

"Boss, what's going on inside? I was just about to start. Why did I withdraw? " Ramon scratched his head, a little depressed.

I've been preparing for a long time, and I'm going to have a big fight, but Zhao Chengfeng orders me to retreat, which is more embarrassing.

"The situation inside is complicated. Mississimbi is as powerful and weird as he imagined. Let's talk about it later!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't explain too much and left quickly with all the people.

And up to now, Alice seems to know something.

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