"Chengfeng, what happened to you inside?" Shangguan Yan'er is worried about Zhao Chengfeng's face.

Zhao Chengfeng speeded up the car and said with a twist of his brow, "don't worry about it. Don't ask. Go back first."

The car suddenly cold down, no one spoke, Shangguan Yan'er looked at the side of he Yongfei, want to talk and stop. He Yongfei is also confused because he doesn't know what happened.

In the days after being kidnapped, he Yongfei didn't feel anything wrong. He was very confused about Zhao Chengfeng's expression. Is there anything terrible about the castle? I didn't find out.

He Yongfei is quite clear about Zhao Chengfeng's strength. Although he is a bit lecherous and playful, his own strength is definitely not strong. Where did his panic, even his fear, come from?

Less than 20 minutes later, Zhao Chengfeng and his party finally returned to the hotel. Zhao Chengfeng kept silent all the way, looked gloomy and smoked three cigarettes in a row.

"Stop smoking. What's in it?" Shangguan Yan'er finally didn't hold back and snatched the cigarette box in Zhao Chengfeng's hand.

Silence is the most terrible. The storm has nothing to worry about, but this silence is an invisible pressure for Shangguan Yan'er and Raymond. It's depressing because no one knows what's going on in the castle. Only Zhao Chengfeng understands.

"Yan'er, take fei'er back to China at once. By the way, and Alice will take her away at once." Zhao Chengfeng still snatched the cigarette, lit one and gave it a good bang.

"You want to abandon me again, don't you? Is it going to take another risk? " Shangguan Yan'er sneered, tears rolling in her eyes, "no, I said, no matter how dangerous I am, I will follow you. You can't stop me, I must go!"

"I didn't say I was going to die, I was going to find someone." Zhao Chengfeng is still calm face, smoking, as if the heart pressure of a boulder in general, "you can rest assured that there is no absolute assurance before, I will never act rashly."

"Who are you looking for?" Shangguan Yan'er is still not sure, "what's in the castle?"

Not only Shangguan Yan'er is interested, but also Raymond and he Yongfei are surprised. Isn't this Zhao Chengfeng's style? Say a bad word, I feel a little scared.

Raymond knows what kind of fierce man Zhao Chengfeng is. Don't be scared. This guy is the devil from hell. If you dare to provoke him, you will never live as if you were dead. Such a bull man is still scared?

"The castle is full of ghosts. It's a bit weird. If I guess correctly, missisby is no longer human. I don't know what he is, but I'm sure missisby is very weird." With that, Zhao Chengfeng takes out the amulet given by Raymond.

The amulet has been completely broken, with a layer of black impurities lingering on it. I don't know what it is.

"This..." Raymond was familiar with the amulet. He opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't say anything for a while.

"Yes, the amulet broke, because it exploded and saved my life when missisby attacked me." Zhao Chengfeng took the amulet, and then said: "mishibi is very strange. I don't know how to deal with him. He is a spiritual magician. Maybe if you just stand there and don't move, he will be able to kill you, make you insane and make you crazy."

"Spiritual wizard? Not people? So, is that a ghost? " Raymond's mouth is opening wider.

Raymond is just an ordinary master. To be specific, he is a ruthless master with blood on his hands. Such people don't believe in evil, but now even Zhao Chengfeng feels mysterious, and the amulet has broken, so Raymond has to believe it.

"I'm not sure now." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and took a deep breath: "so, I won't fight against mimibi now, but the omelette country is still a Mafia territory, so Yan'er and fei'er, you two take Alice home first, I'll go with Raymond to find the owner of the amulet, and I'll do it after I'm sure."

"You can't act rashly anyway!"

Shangguan Yan'er is more afraid after hearing this. She is not afraid of the so-called "spiritual wizard MIBI", but is afraid of losing Zhao Chengfeng, because now she doesn't know exactly what strength MIBI has.

"In a word, if you act rashly and have an accident, please wait on huangquan Road, and I'll be there later." Shangguan Yan'er stares at the man, and there are crystal clear tears in shuilingling's eyes.

It's not much to say, but it's more determined and shocking.

"Is this woman crazy? What's good about Zhao Chengfeng? " He Yongfei secretly resents Zhao Chengfeng. This sentence alone is enough to show the relationship between Zhao Chengfeng and this woman.

Hum, cheating with other women in front of my sister-in-law, it's so bad!

What makes he Yongfei angry most is, what's good about this man? Why do so many women rush to his arms?

"Well, don't think about it." Zhao Chengfeng was moved. He patted Shangguan Yan'er on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, I'm not so easy to die. I still have a lot of things to do. I won't be too hot and emotional."

"Well, I'll take Philly and Alice home first. By the way, what are you going to do with Alice? When she said this, Shangguan Yan'er stared at the man's eyes, trying to see some clues from the man's eyes, with obvious hostility and resistance on her face.

Shangguan Yan'er is a woman, and a woman's sixth sense is very effective. Alice, no matter her face or her figure, is one and the same. It's no exaggeration to describe her as a beauty. For such a high-quality beauty, Zhao Chengfeng should have no reason to give up.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with Alice."

Zhao Chengfeng some speechless, "I have an agreement with her, her identity is more complex, so temporarily under house arrest, don't let her run away, Alice may be of great help to our country."

"Well, I'll trust you once. I'll take Alice and Phil back to China tomorrow morning." Shangguan Yan'er said: "you should keep in touch with me at any time. You should dare to mess with me and have your good looks."

With that, Shangguan Yan'er's Willow eyebrows stood up, showing a bit of fierce color.


Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and says nothing. He naturally adds a cigarette. His mind is full of things about MIBI. For a moment, his brows are even tighter.

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