"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

When the door is knocked sharply, Zhao Chengfeng tries to open his sleepy eyes, and a strong sunlight comes in outside the window.

"Damn, it's eleven o'clock in the morning. Time flies." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the time, scolded a, slowly got up from the bed, while walking, while shouting: "don't knock."

Last night, Zhao Chengfeng didn't sleep with Shangguan Yan'er. He didn't have sex. Instead, he didn't feel sleepy. His mind was full of thinking about MIBI. After thinking about it for most of the night, he didn't have a clue. Finally, he fell asleep and now he is.

"Boss, you're awake. I've called you eight times." Outside the door stood Raymond, with a bitter smile and helplessness on his face.

At the beginning, Raymond was also the supreme existence of the holy religion. In musili Island, his life was just like that of the native emperor. Now he becomes a younger brother in front of Zhao Chengfeng. It's really Wang Xiaoer's new year's day. It's worse every year. I'll pay you back when I get back.

However, Raymond has no complaints. After all, no matter how the times progress or change, there is no escape from a truth: the law of the jungle, who has a hard fist, is the master.

Moreover, Raymond and Zhao Chengfeng are brothers. In fact, they don't suffer any losses. They still have a lot to say in musili island. As long as they don't violate the law and discipline, Hua Xiaobao won't interfere and even don't bother to interfere. If you really want to encounter any trouble, the boss also helps to solve it, which is equivalent to finding a thick and strong thigh. Why not?

"Well, I went to bed late last night. What's the matter with you looking for me in such a hurry?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbled and asked, habitually lighting a cigarette.

This is Zhao Chengfeng's habit. Whenever he meets with any difficult things, the amount of smoke increases greatly. And miss than things let Zhao Chengfeng all night inevitable, wake up, the brain and naturally thinking about Miss than things.

"It's like this."

Raymond quickly said: "sister-in-law, they have set out to return to China. Originally, I came here to wake you up, but sister-in-law said, let you have a rest. I'll tell you when I wake up."


Zhao Chengfeng nodded quietly, but a warm current suddenly surged up from the bottom of his heart. There was an impulse to cry.

Shangguan Yan'er said last night: "wait for me on the way to huangquan". It's very tragic, but it also shows the woman's mind. This love is too heavy. And this morning's "let him have a rest" is tender.

"Another thing is that Luo Neng told me that he bought this amulet from an old monk, but the old monk lived a little far away." Raymond showed a look of embarrassment.

"If you have something to say, it doesn't matter." Aware of the unusual expression of Raymond, Zhao Chengfeng said directly.

This old monk is very powerful!

Last night's strange scene, Zhao Chengfeng thought up to now, his heart is still palpitating. At the moment of the attack on Zhao Chengfeng's mental power, Zhao Chengfeng can clearly feel that the whole person is out of control, and his inner subconscious wants to resist, but he can't resist.

It's just like a person suffering from the wind and cold, the cold and hot war in his body.

But it was such a powerful and strange force that Shengsheng was repelled by an amulet. Zhao Chengfeng knew at that moment that the old monk was unusual. I have a heart of visiting, and I plan to know something about ghosts. Before that, Zhao Chengfeng thought that the theory of ghosts was too absurd, but after last night, Zhao Chengfeng changed his mind.

I feel that I know too little about the world.

"Boss, the old monk is in China. Can I not go to China?" Raymond said, a little resistant.

Because Zhao Chengfeng said before that he would go to China with Raymond to find the old monk. Other places are OK, but Ramon is not particularly willing to go to China.

"In China?" Zhao Chengfeng is very surprised, "he's in China, so why don't you say it earlier, I can go back to China with Yan'er."

Raymond said bitterly, "boss, it takes time for me to inquire about this. By the time I find out, my sister-in-law and I have already been on the plane."

"So it is."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized, and immediately said, "you can improve your efficiency a little bit. It's a little low."

"Yes, boss, what you said is that I won't go back to China with you? You see... "Lei Meng looked at Zhao Cheng Fengdao.

"Why not go back to China?" Zhao Chengfeng is a bit strange.


Raymond coughed: "boss, I have done many heinous things. I know in my heart that I have hurt China, so I have no face to go back..."

"I Pooh!"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "don't tell me such bullshit. You have no face to go back. You dare not go back. Are you afraid that you will be found by the Chinese nation and will be dragged to shoot you? "

"The boss is the boss. It's really dazzling." Raymond laughed more awkwardly.

"Don't flatter me, I won't do it!"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said, "you have done a lot of immoral things. I know that I have been angry with the people above. You can rest assured that no one will kill you if you have me. But you have to promise that you will not do anything harmful to the Chinese nation or bully the Chinese people. That's our compatriots and our motherland. Do you understand?"

"Boss, you have said that. Do I dare to do something sorry for my motherland? Actually, I feel very guilty... "


Zhao Chengfeng once again called to stop, said: "don't give me the whole those useless, hypocritical no power."

"Hey, hey." Raymond touched his bald head and gave a simple and honest smile.

"I ask you, where is the monk? What's your name? " Zhao Chengfeng asked with great interest, thinking that he should have heard of such a powerful monk. How could he not have any impression at all.

"Oh, that's it."

Raymond said: "the old monk's name is master Yideng. He lives in Mingjiang city in Southeast China. Oh, yes, it's called caomushan. There's a temple on the mountain. Master Yideng lives in it."

"Vegetation mountain? Ha ha, this name is a bit interesting. " Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is to smile, already some can't wait to see a lamp master, also don't know this so-called a lamp master is a lamp master inside the eagle knight.

If so, the old man's life is too long.

"Get ready, get ready to order food right away. After dinner, set off for China. Let's put aside the omelette country. Just send your men to keep an eye on Katla mountain forest. Let me know if you have any news."

"All right, boss!"

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