Mingjiang is not a developed city in the whole southeast Province, because Mingjiang is different from other cities. It is a mountain city. In short, it has many mountains and high mountains. The reason why it is called Mingjiang city is that Mingjiang city is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the river on the other side, hence its name.

Also because of the geographical relationship, the tourism industry in Mingjiang city is quite good, the environmental protection is very good, green mountains and green waters, but the mountains are too high, there are not many tourists.

"I can't see that the aura of Mingjiang city is stronger than that of Beihai city. Is it because of the high mountains and many trees?" Zhao Chengfeng muttered and looked around.

"Luo Neng, tell the old monk where he is in caomushan? Oh, by the way, which mountain is on the grass? " Ramon asked Ronon.

Luo Neng is also a Chinese. In those years, because someone forced his girlfriend, Luo Neng killed him angrily. After killing someone, Luo Neng went to prison and stayed in the Bureau for nearly ten years before he was released. Then he followed Raymond all the time. Luo Neng also earned a lot of energy, and finally became a leader of the church in the omelette country. He was a good helper of Raymond.

"I vaguely remember that master Yideng told me that caomushan is a mountain to the east of Mingjiang City, with the meaning of" sunrise in the East ". But I don't know where the temple on the mountain is. I also met master Yideng on the street. " Luo Neng said.

"On the street?"

Raymond frowned and said, "didn't you tell me that you bought the amulet from him? How come I ran into them on the street again? Are you being honest with me

Raymond is a vigilant and smart guy. When he finds out that Ronon is not right, he has some doubts.

"Boss Raymond, this..."

Luo Neng sighed and said truthfully: "boss Lei, I don't cheat you either. That, that amulet, I really cheated a little money. I..."

"You son of a bitch!"

On hearing this, Raymond immediately yelled and said, "I'll just say it. It's just a few amulets. How can I get twenty or thirty thousand yuan? I dare you to report false accounts. I won't kill you..."

"All right!"

Zhao Chengfeng white Raymond a look, no good airway“ Isn't that tens of thousands of yuan? As for those who blow their beard and stare? What's more, do you dare to guarantee that you will be my younger brother and not report false accounts? "

"I dare..."

"Take an oath."

Smell speech, ramonton didn't have that arrogance, drooping head to how depressed, how depressed.

"Human nature is greedy. If you want to be corrupt, just don't go too far." Zhao Chengfeng said a word for Luo Neng. After all, if it wasn't for the amulet Luo Neng got by chance, what would have happened in the drum bag.

"By the way, Luo Neng, why do you want to make a false report? Is it Raymond who has deducted your wages?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

It's true that Luo Neng is a murderer. It's estimated that he has done a lot of killing and arson in the past few years as a church leader in the egg roll country. But Zhao Chengfeng can see that Luo Neng is still very good.

"In fact, I went back to China more than ten days ago, and my hometown is in Mingjiang city." Luo Neng looked at Raymond apologetically and explained: "I've been living well abroad these years, but I still miss my parents, so I came back to see them. My parents are both 60 or 70 years old. They have no labor force and no source of income. It's not easy for my parents to give birth to me and support me. I can't take care of them every day, It's not filial to accompany them, so I left almost all my money to my parents. I'm afraid it's not easy for me to make a job, so I just... "

Hearing this, Raymond's face looked better. Even Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help nodding and said, "filial son, it's right."

"Boss, don't make fun of me. Am I a filial son?" Luo Neng grinned bitterly and looked pathetic.

Luo Neng is also a hard-working man. No one can offend his girlfriend when she is insulted? Killing people is also an extreme act in a rage. The law has investigated Luo Neng's guilt, but it's open to the dead. Sometimes, the law is too rigid.

"Raymond, see? This is the man, this is the man!"

Zhao Chengfeng pointed to Luo Neng and said with appreciation: "in the country of egg rolls, you can take care of it by another person, and give Luo Neng another 10 million, so that Luo Neng can support his parents, marry and have children. Do you hear me

"Yes, boss. I'll do it right away." Raymond did not dare to neglect, and he felt very sorry for Luo Neng.

It's true that Luo Neng's work over the years is very reassuring. Unfortunately, he has ignored his brother's inner thoughts. On the one hand, he has not done enough.

"Boss Zhao, this..." Luo Neng's eyes were red and his voice was trembling. He was excited and moved.

"Don't say thank you."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted Luo Neng with a wave of his hand and said, "if you are interested, please come to me at any time. You are a talented person. I am very optimistic about you!"

"I will certainly come to you." Luo Neng patted his chest and assured.

"Go back to accompany your own parents. We'll go up to the vegetation mountain ourselves. Don't worry, Raymond won't lose you a cent." Zhao Chengfeng said, and glanced at Raymond.

Ramon choked his neck and said, "boss, don't look at me like this. Ramon is definitely not a miser to my brother, but I didn't know it before."

"Ten million must be paid tonight. You can do it yourself." Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much.

As soon as Raymond heard this, he called everywhere and arranged for someone to do the transfer.

"Thank you."

Luo Neng bows deeply to Zhao Chengfeng and turns to leave.

"Good man."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and felt a lot in his heart. Luo Neng, like most people, on the one hand has to fight for the future in this awkward age; On the other hand, they ignore their relatives and even have no time to accompany them.

Perhaps, when you are successful, you will have time to accompany your relatives. But the trees want to be quiet, but the wind is not enough. Zhao Chengfeng can't help everyone in the world, but he can help as many people as he can. Luo Neng's past experience is unfortunate, but now Luo Neng is undoubtedly extremely lucky, because he met Zhao Chengfeng.

"Boss, the money has been transferred. It will arrive in about two hours." Raymond moves very fast. Who let Zhao Chengfeng give a death order?

"Well, take a break and get ready to go up the mountain."

Zhao Chengfeng answered.

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