"Raymond, do you think I'm guilty?" When climbing caomushan, Zhao Chengfeng and Leimeng don't have a fast foot journey. They chat while walking, and they can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, which is also a great thing in life.

Caomushan looks bigger than the other two mountains, with vigorous vegetation and clear air. The emerald green of the mountain is quite a bit of a paradise.

"This ah..." smell speech, Ramon suddenly embarrassed up, don't know how to answer.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Just tell the truth." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, signal Raymond don't too nervous.

"Boss, in fact, I don't know what kind of person you are. I feel confused a lot of times."

Raymond thought about it, shook his head and said: "anyway, I've killed Raymond too much in my life. I know that. I don't want any good end, but I want to die happily."

"It's you, boss. I really don't understand." After a pause, Raymond continued: "I have read countless people in my life. I dare not say that I am 100% accurate, but I can't see through you."

"What can't I see through? I'm human, too?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles when he hears the speech. Raymond is still a little interesting.

"Not the same."

Raymond shook his head, for example: "just like when you killed Zuo Yiming and abolished Hao HUFA, at that time I thought you were too cruel and violent, just like a devil from hell. At that time, I really hated you, but I was more afraid of you; Later, on the isolated island of borodor, you completely shocked me. In my opinion, it was not the power that human beings should have. At that time, I realized that you really meant to spare my life, because you could stab me with a finger at any time; Just before, you showed me the other side of you, the kind side, the understanding side. Even I feel that you understand the difficulties of being a subordinate better than I do. "

"Ha ha, is that what you think of me?"

"Yes, so I can't see you through any more." Raymond shrugged and laughed when he saw that Zhao Chengfeng was not angry. For the first time, Raymond thought that Zhao Chengfeng had no airs.

"I killed no less people than you, even more than ten times more than you." Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and slowly said, "but I think the people I killed are all damned people. According to my past judgment, your name has actually been written in my life and death book. However, you also have a good side, at least, in the treatment of subordinates this is not ambiguous

"Thank you for not killing me." Raymond said quickly, a chill rising from the back of his neck.

"Don't thank me either. I don't ask much of you. You are not allowed to do anything harmful to the Chinese nation from now on. Second, be loyal to me. Third, go to the cemetery with me after the matter is done. You have to kneel down to a grave and kowtow to admit your mistake. Can it be done? " With that, Zhao Chengfeng looks directly at Raymond, with a bit of ferocity.

"Give me a grave, that's..." Raymond didn't understand.

"It's my father-in-law, ye Qingtian, who was killed by your people. At that time, I wanted to take your head. It's not too much for you to kowtow and admit your mistake?"

"No, not too much. I'll go, I'll go!" Raymond's back was cold. My God, how could he kill Zhao Chengfeng's father-in-law

And ye Qingtian is ye Zhuqing's father. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to break his appointment, but Raymond is not hopeless, just a little punishment. Maybe it will be helpful in the future. For example, this time that amulet has made a great contribution?

"Well, let's go."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and continued to climb up the mountain. Raymond followed carefully, trembling. At this moment, Raymond seems to understand why Zhao Chengfeng asked "am I sinful?" this is to forgive himself.

Don't mention Zhao Chengfeng. If you want to be Raymond's own father-in-law, you'll be killed. You'll be forced to take revenge, tooth for tooth and blood for blood.

"In the future, we have to be down-to-earth." That's what Raymond thought.

The height of the mountain is man-made.what makes Zhao Chengfeng feel very much is that this vegetation mountain is only about 2500 meters above sea level. Zhao Chengfeng and Raymond have climbed for three and a half hours. Rao Shi, Zhao Chengfeng and Raymond both have kung fu, but they are also a little tired.

"Boss, you see, the temple is over there, but it seems a little old and not very big." Raymond glanced around, surprised at not far away.

"Come on, go and have a look." Without much time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, Zhao Chengfeng walked over with an excited mood.

The temple is really small. It's more like a ancestral hall, where Bodhisattvas are worshipped. The lights are shining brightly, and it's obviously taken care of.

"Anybody? We are... "

Raymond called out.

"In front of Bodhisattvas, don't make any noise!" Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look and put his hands together for the Bodhisattva.

Zhao Chengfeng is a Chinese and naturally believes in Bodhisattva.

"You are here, benefactor."

However, Zhao Chengfeng's voice had just dropped for a while, but suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Old monk, do you know we are coming?" Raymond was surprised. This, this NIMA is really good at calculating.

"Ramon, don't be rude!"

Zhao Chengfeng yelled in a low voice, and immediately looked at the old monk. He was not tall, not fat or thin. Although his hair was gray, his back was straight, and he looked very energetic. In particular, the smile on his face gave people a kind feeling, which was very comfortable. Although wearing a long white washed shirt, it seems to have a taste of immortality.

The most important thing is that Zhao Chengfeng can't feel the breath fluctuation of the old monk, that is to say, Zhao Chengfeng can't feel the existence of the latter, let alone see the strength of the latter!

The master, the hermit, the master!

"Master Yideng, I'm sorry to disturb you." Zhao Chengfeng bowed slightly and said hello.

A light is a smile, a wave of hands, "do not disturb, do not disturb, I know you will come."

"Master Yideng really has great powers. I didn't expect you to know how to do divination. I admire you." Zhao Chengfeng flattered.

"If you think too much, I can't count." Master Yideng shook his head and said, "it's because one of the amulets I made is broken, so I guess you will come to me. Is there any trouble? Or is there a solution? "

With that, master Yideng looks at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile, but Leimeng is ignored by master Yideng.

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