"I'm stupid. It seems that master Yideng can really solve my doubts today." Zhao Chengfeng had a little thought in his mind, but he was dumbfounded.

At first glance, master Yideng may be able to figure out. He is a bull by his hand alone. But when you think about it carefully, it is not as powerful as you think. It's just a matter of careful deliberation.

The amulet is made by master Yideng himself. If it is destroyed, it is naturally inductive. Maybe many people will say that induction is too mysterious. In fact, it's not mysterious at all, it's real.

Just like twins, they all have feelings for each other. Even if they are thousands of miles away, one of them has a headache and the other has feelings. It's mysterious, but it really exists.

Now Zhao Chengfeng has to try to understand things. For example, Zhao Chengfeng didn't believe in ghosts before. When people die, they die, just like trees and plants. When they dry up and die, they gradually decay.

But now Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so, because the existence of MIBI makes Zhao Chengfeng have to believe, which is why Zhao Chengfeng came to find Yideng master.

"I dare not."

Master Yideng looks at Zhao Chengfeng. His face doesn't change, but he mumbles in his heart, because he can't see the life style of the man in front of him. To put it simply, I can't see through and understand!

"This way, please. I have tea ready." Master Yideng invited Zhao Chengfeng and Raymond into the small room beside the temple.

The room is not big, but it is clean and tidy. Although the outside is a bit shabby, there are no complicated furnishings inside. There is a huge tea table polished by the roots of an old tree. There is no stool, only four cushions made of straw. There is a desk and a bookshelf next to it, on which there are various thread bound versions of Buddhist scriptures, and on the wall in the middle is a big word Buddha!

There is no such level without decades of hard work!

"Come on, please have tea. It's not bad. Just moisten your throat." Master Yideng made tea for them. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was interested in the words on the wall, he asked: "does this little brother study the words?"

"I know something about calligraphy. I just think it looks very comfortable. I can't help looking at it more." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, is modest, but did not say lies.

Zhao Chengfeng's handwriting is really good, but it's only for the beginners. But compared with the words on the wall, there is more than a big difference. Because the characters of Huaxia state are not words, but verve.

In short, some people look at the face is not particularly beautiful, is not the kind of chest big buttocks up, but he is attractive, to put it bluntly, is temperament. Temperament comes out naturally from the inside out.

To put it more simply, the words on Qiang have temperament.

"Looking at this word, people's heart will be quiet a lot, no past fickleness." Zhao Chengfeng said faintly, took a deep breath, turned back and sat on the futon, looking at the master in front of him.

The kind-hearted master Yideng looks at him and laughs. He feels like Maitreya Buddha.

"Ha ha, it's good to be quiet, as long as you don't feel miserable." One lamp Master said with a smile, and took a sip of the teacup.

Zhao Chengfeng also took a sip and raised his eyebrows. "Good tea, its fragrance is light, but its aftertaste is endless. It's sweet. It's made of excellent mountain spring water."

"Young man is an expert. In fact, this tea is a kind of wild camellia. It's all over the mountain. After serving the Buddha and reading the Sutra, I go to the mountain to pick some tea, stir fry it and drink it." Master Yideng smiles faintly, as if chatting with old friends for many years.

"The master is still a master of tea ceremony. I admire him." Hearing that the tea was fried by master Yideng himself, Zhao Chengfeng was even more impressed.

Nowadays, in big cities, all kinds of tea are sold in shopping malls. The variety of tea is very important, but the most important thing is the method of tea speculation. If the method is faster and slower, the taste of tea will vary greatly. To put it bluntly, it is the control of the fire.

Secondly, tea picking is also fastidious. The taste of tea picked one day later is different from that picked one day earlier. The taste of tea picked in the morning is different from that in the evening, especially before and after the rain.

Finally, the processing method of tea, as well as the choice of water. Some people collect dew in order to have a good cup of tea, while others hoard snow water and so on. In fact, the flame is also fastidious.

Anyway, the tea ceremony is too esoteric. I really want to talk about it in detail. I can't finish it in three days and three nights. Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to teach in front of Yideng master. Until now, Zhao Chengfeng does not know the details of Yideng master. What an embarrassment it would be if it was over forced and exposed?

"Ah, what kind of tea ceremony master is not a master." Master Yideng waved his hand and said, "just add some seasoning to the boiled water. You can drink it comfortably and happily."

"What the master said is very true. What life pursues is not to live comfortably?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but he didn't know what to do. Talking with master Yideng, Zhao Chengfeng felt very comfortable and couldn't say what he felt.

It's like the freezing winter, suddenly more than a touch of warm sun, warm light on the body, a painful sleep, that is called a comfortable, comfortable.

"Yes, as long as people feel comfortable, why care so much? Look at me, old monk. I've been alone for many years. I don't worry about food and clothing. It's nothing. " Master Yideng said with a smile, "Hey, look at me. You two came all the way here. I've been chatting with you. I didn't ask you if there's something wrong with me when you came to find the old monk? What's the meaning of the young man's explanation? "

"Since the master has said that, the boy won't beat around the bush. He really has some doubts to answer when he comes to the master. I hope the master can help us solve them." Zhao Chengfeng was very polite. He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he finally held back.

"But it doesn't hurt to say so."

"Master, the amulet you gave is broken. Before, I didn't believe that amulet really works. At most, it plays a psychological role. But this time, I did encounter a phenomenon that is difficult to explain." At the thought of what happened in the castle of Katla mountain forest, Zhao Chengfeng's brows twisted again at the thought of MIBI.

"So that's it. Come on, let me see the amulet."

Master Yideng took the amulet that had been destroyed from Zhao Chengfeng's hand, frowning slightly, "what a powerful ghost thing, are you here to ask me to catch the ghost? I'm sorry I can't help it! "

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