"Catch the ghost?"

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was even more surprised and said eagerly, "master, do you mean it's the ghost who destroys the amulet?"


Master Yideng hesitated and said, "I'm not sure if this is a ghost. Anyway, I haven't met a ghost since I lived so long... "

"Does that ghost really exist in this world?" Zhao Chengfeng can't wait to ask.

"Yes, they exist!"

Master Yideng can be sure that Zhao Chengfeng must have encountered something unclean, otherwise he would not have asked, and the amulet would not have been destroyed.

The amulet was originally golden, but now the amulet is directly broken, and even the color has changed into dark black, with a sense of gloom.

"Does it really exist?" Zhao Chengfeng was surprised and some of them were hard to accept.

On the one hand, Zhao Chengfeng is willing to believe in the existence of ghosts, because there is no way to explain what happened to mibibi; But on the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng is thinking, since ghosts really exist and he has killed so many people in his life, why don't the ghosts of those enemies come to him for revenge?

"Yes, there is."

Master Yideng put his hands together, put away his face and smile, and said: "as a Buddhist disciple, I shouldn't have said these words, but since I asked, I won't deceive you. Ghosts do exist... "

"Is there a ghost in the world? Why don't I believe that? " Raymond scoffed at him and despised him.

Since he entered the temple, Raymond always felt that the old monk was not serious at all. There are ghosts in one mouth. Who can be cheated? But for Zhao Chengfeng's silence, Raymond really wanted to get angry with the old monk.

"Ramon, don't be rude!" Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, low voice scold a way.

"I..." Raymond was a little depressed. He said, "what's wrong with the boss? How can you still believe this thing?"? Is there a ghost in the castle of Katla mountain forest?

Although Zhao Chengfeng said that MIBI is not a human being, Raymond thinks it's too mysterious. Subconsciously, he doesn't believe that MIBI is a ghost. If it is a ghost, why can he stay in the world? No, is there any black and white Impermanence in the legend? Why don't you take him?

If black and white impermanence takes missisby away, Ramon will immediately take the whole Mafia!

Even if black and white impermanence business is busy, is there not Zhongkui?

"Shut up Zhao Chengfeng stares back at Leimeng's words.

Raymond didn't believe it, but Zhao Chengfeng had to believe it, because missibiche's practical spiritual power hurt himself. If it wasn't for the amulet, that spiritual power could even kill himself.

Missisby can't stay!

"Don't be angry."

Master Yideng was not angry about Raymond's suspicion at all. Instead, he waved his hand with a smile and said, "it's human nature not to believe. It's just that ghosts usually live in another world, so many people can't see them. Or to use the current scientific explanation, they have entered another space, four-dimensional space, and the space we are in is three-dimensional space. Is it not normal that we can't see four-dimensional space in three-dimensional space? "

"What the master said is true. I just want to ask if some ghosts will not leave our three-dimensional space?" Zhao Chengfeng has a headache.

"There are many strange things in the world. How can we make some things clear?" This time, master Yideng shook his head and did not give a definite answer.

The theory of ghost is too mysterious, even absurd for many people. In science, ghosts certainly don't exist, but many things can't be explained by science.

"Does the ghost have a separate body?" Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and asked another question.

"Separation?" Master Yideng still shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I don't know. Have you ever seen the separation of ghosts, young man?"


Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "master Yideng, I'm not hiding from you. Just two days ago, I went abroad. I was attacked by the enemy without seeing the position of the enemy in an ancient castle. I was attacked by the enemy with mental strength. When I couldn't support myself, your amulet saved me, So I suspect that there are ghosts in the world, so I come back from a long way to consult you. "

"And the ghost said, I killed his part before, I really don't understand. So... "

"Spiritual power attack?"

Yideng master frowned and asked eagerly, "do you suddenly feel that your whole body is out of control, and there is a force trying to change your mind?"

"Yes, it's this kind of feeling, as if there is an invisible force pressing on me, making me breathless." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng asked: "master Yideng, is this the ghost in the legend?"

"Yes, it is not."

Master Yideng showed an expression of shock. In shock, he felt pathetic. He seemed to think of something. His face was very ugly.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand. He doesn't understand at all.

Yes is, no is not, how to come to a "yes, also not." Ambiguity.

"..." Raymond pouted, but he didn't do it. The old monk is too grinning. Is it necessary for the pretender? However, Raymond was more shocked by what Zhao Chengfeng said.

Isn't missisby really human?

"Actually, it's not hard to understand."

Master Yideng didn't hide it, but said: "the spiritual power you said is also the power of the ghost. The difference is that if you can exert this power, the physical body of the master is afraid to have reached the limit of life, that is to say, his body is dead, but his spiritual power is still there, and the spiritual power is still very strong!"

"He can control the human soul, possess a younger body and revive it."

"What else can I do?" Ramon was surprised again.

The body died, but also can go to possess other people's body, this is not too much bullshit some?

"I see. He should want to possess my body!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized, combined with master Yideng's explanation, and then associated with some strange words from Missibi in the castle that day, Zhao Chengfeng also understood. Missibi didn't want to kill himself, but wanted to occupy his body and swallow his soul!

Think about how serious the consequences would be if missisby were to succeed.

"What a vicious son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded, secretly clenched his fist, and asked: "can I kill him?"

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