"I don't know that much more." Master Yideng shook his head and said with a smile.

"You don't know?"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand. Master Yideng's smile clearly shows a bit of banter. Is he saying that he is beyond his ability? Or missisby can't be killed.


Master Yideng nodded and said, "because I don't know how powerful you are. If you are strong enough, you can kill him. If you are not strong enough, you can't kill him. If you order more, you will be killed by him."

"Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng forehead covered with black lines, this is not bullshit?

Brother Feng, what can I do? Do I need to come to Caopu mountain to find you?

"Old monk, isn't that nonsense? If we can find a way, do we need to ask you? " Raymond's temper is not very good. He feels that he has been teased by master Yideng. He has no good way: "your amulet has effect on those things. You can certainly deal with him?"

Zhao Chengfeng originally wanted to stop Raymond, but when he heard Raymond's words, he suddenly felt that Raymond's words were very reasonable. The amulet made by master Yideng had a magical effect on him. It was reasonable to say that master Yideng would go out in person and it would be no problem to deal with MIBI. At least, he should know how to deal with it.

"The amulet does work for him, but it doesn't mean I can do anything about him." Master Yideng was not angry, but still said with a smile: "just like water can put out a fire, it is understood that there is too much water in the world, but many volcanic eruptions come up from the bottom of the water?"

Zhao Chengfeng has some insight, but he seems more confused.

"Some things are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining, but they are relatively restrained and can not be killed or completely eliminated." Master Yideng then said, "it's like cats and mice are natural enemies, but are mice dead? No, It's the same with the police and criminals. The police are very powerful, but criminals are still emerging. "

"I seem to understand something."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and then asked, "well, ask the master, what method do you have, or do you have any suggestions when dealing with this thing?"

"Stronger than him."

A lamp Master said seriously, immediately showed a simple and honest incomparable smile.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but utter a rude sentence in his heart. He was suddenly in a cool mood, and suddenly had an impulse to strangle the old monk in front of him. How can he play with me?

What is called "stronger than him"? It's like a basketball game. The head coach of the Spurs in the U.S. NBA League said when he was interviewed by reporters that he almost didn't blow up his urine.

"How can you defeat your opponents?" the reporter asked

The coach thought for a long time, his face was as heavy as water, he was as serious as a son of a bitch, and said: "more points than the opponent!"

The reporter's face was muddled. When he came back, he had thousands of alpacas in his heart. I want to curse my mother, but it's all right. If I get more points than my opponent, won't I?

It is said that there was another reporter who interviewed like this.

The reporter asked: "you only got 17 points in the first quarter, but your opponent got more than 30 points. What do you think of such a game?"

The head coach seriously touched his nose, said: "sit on the stool to see."


Now Zhao Chengfeng looks at the master of Yideng in front of him, and his mood is the same as that of a reporter.

"Forget it, boss. Let's go. The old man is teasing us." Raymond was so angry that he wanted to hit people. On the one hand, he was afraid that he would be killed; Second, he was afraid that the old monk would not reveal himself and would kill himself. I can only bite my teeth, but there is nothing I can do.

Zhao Chengfeng thought, since there is no result, or the old monk is not willing to confess, it is useless to ask more. Then he got up and said, "since the master is conservative, I don't want to ask for it. I'm sorry to disturb you so much."

"Slow down, no delivery." Master Yideng still has a smile on his face, not angry.

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was even more depressed. He wanted to stimulate the old monk, but he didn't mean to let himself stay. He was not embarrassed.

"I can't clean up a Mississippi without you, can I?" Zhao Chengfeng thinks so in the heart, the footstep is faster a few minutes.

And until Zhao Chengfeng down the mountain, master Yideng didn't mean to stay.

"Young man, you have a long way to go." Glancing back at Zhao Chengfeng's back, master Yideng mumbled inexplicably, with a faint smile on his face.

It's much faster to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain. Because he's not in a very good mood, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't speak. This trip is basically in vain. He didn't ask for anything substantial.

"Boss, don't think too much about it. I think the old monk is a liar who runs around the world and has no real ability." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was not happy, Leimeng comforted him and said, "I'll let my people look for the highly respected eminent monks everywhere and kill all the ghosts in the castle."

Zhao Chengfeng is still silent.

"Cough, boss, can I ask you something?" Raymond is very brave. In fact, when he was in the temple, Raymond wanted to ask, but in front of master Yideng, Raymond held back.

"Go ahead."

Zhao Chengfeng is not careful, but he is thinking about how to deal with MIBI next? No matter whether missisby is a human or a ghost, he can't be allowed to do evil any more.

"Boss, what did you meet in the castle that night? Is missisby really a ghost? " Ramon was curious and always thought it was impossible.

Death is death. What's the ghost saying?

"I don't know!"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, his face was as deep as water, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't see MIBI himself, I only heard his voice, and I didn't even feel his existence, but his attack on me was real, which made me very confused. Therefore, I once doubted whether I had hit a ghost? But... "

"Did missisby do it on purpose by pretending to be a devil?" Raymond felt creepy after hearing this, but he still didn't believe that there were ghosts in the world. If there were ghosts, why didn't the people he killed come to avenge himself?

But it turns out, don't you live well now? It's OK.

"I don't know."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said: "to find out this matter, you have to first understand the origin of missisby, or go into the castle again. Forget it. This matter is shelved for the time being. Anyway, I have been rescued. When I have a chance, I will kill him out of time."

"So good." Raymond is a little disappointed. He thinks that Zhao Chengfeng wants to strike while the iron is hot and destroy the Mafia. He doesn't know when he can annex the Mafia.

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