"Xiaoqing, since it's a classmate party today, let's talk freely. If I say something unpleasant, you were very powerful in school. I still remember that you made me clean the blackboard for half a month because you said something to the teacher." Wu Shuangshuang said at this time, holding chopsticks to poke the bottom of the bowl, with a smile on her face, obviously gloating.

Wu Shuangshuang is totally different from Hao Jing. Wu Shuangshuang was not a good friend of Ye Zhuqing when she was a high school classmate. On the contrary, she was the opposite. Because Wu Shuangshuang's academic performance is better, so every time after the exam, it seems very open, to put it bluntly, it is showy. Ye Zhuqing's academic performance is a little worse, so he can't stand Wu Shuangshuang's attitude.

The contradiction also comes from this, the hatred in the heart has been brought to now, hearing that ye Zhuqing's father has died, Wu Shuangshuang can't wait to laugh three times. He really wants to point to ye Zhuqing's nose and say: "you have today, you deserve it!"

"Is that so?" Ye Zhuqing is a little confused. He only remembers that the relationship between them is not very good, but he really can't remember this one.

Moreover, although ye Zhuqing is a underworld princess, she never takes the initiative to provoke others. Ye Zhuqing can't remember.

"Oh, you're so precious and forgetful." When Wu Shuangshuang heard this, he seemed to hit cotton with his fist.

If ye Zhuqing is another answer, even if he says "I'm sorry", Wu Shuangshuang can continue to lose. But when ye Zhuqing says "I don't remember", Wu Shuangshuang doesn't know how to attack.

"Well, frost, it's been so many years. How can you remember?" Hao Jing said with a smile: "come on, today is a gathering of classmates. It's happy and happy. Don't mention the unhappy things in the past."

Hao Jing is really happy, because after telling the story of Ye Zhuqing's father's death, everyone's attitude towards ye Zhuqing is obviously colder.

"Hum, my mother is more beautiful than you, and her academic performance is better than you. Why should I be your Valet?" Hao Jing thought so in her heart. She picked up her glasses and touched them.

Dinner continued, and we chatted, but the focus of our eyes moved away from ye Zhuqing.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoqing, I haven't seen you for so many years. I haven't asked you. Where do you work now?" Hao Jing won't forget ye Zhuqing. Today's party is to fight against ye Zhuqing.

"I work in a small company. I'm ok." Ye Zhuqing light should be a, continue to eat.

Ye Zhuqing is not a high-profile person. That is to say, when she was in college, she was abandoned by her fake boyfriend, so she indulged herself and declared that she was lace and liked women.

But now ye Zhuqing just wants to live quietly, take care of the company and enjoy life. After all, life is short! Naturally, he doesn't want to tell others about his recent situation. Ye Zhuqing is not stupid either. He has already felt everyone's hostility. If you want to put ye Zhuqing's temper in the past, you won't give these guys a good look. You can't say a word and start directly!

Now it won't be. The dog bit you. Do you want to bite back? It's not necessary at all!

"Small company?"

One side of Wu Shuangshuang took over, yin and Yang strange way: "can't, even if your father is dead, also have to leave you some property.". Why, is it difficult that your father was arrested by the police, and then your family was copied? "

As soon as the words came out, the others stopped and looked at ye Zhuqing.

Ye Zhuqing's face was cold and overcast. He stared at Wu Shuangshuang, and his fists were pinched. Ye Zhuqing has a good temper now, but it doesn't mean he has no temper. He said he didn't care, but his father had passed away and died miserably. Is it necessary to care about it again?

This is a blatant way to sprinkle salt on ye Zhuqing's wound!

"Wu Shuangshuang, please show some respect to my dead father!" Ye Zhuqing stares at Wu Shuangshuang, his voice is not loud, but his voice is cold.

"Oh, Xiaoqing, what do you mean? Why don't I respect your father? "

Wu Shuangshuang sneered: "we are all classmates. We have been classmates for several years. Don't we know what we do at home? Your father is the leader of the underworld. You can't count how many things he has done. I said the police took him. Is that too much? Not too much. You all say, "isn't it?"

Everyone was silent, but those expressions had already said everything.

At this moment, ye Zhuqing suddenly had a feeling that the wall fell down and everyone pushed.

"Frost frost, can you say less? Xiaoqing's father has passed away. Why do you say so much? " Hao Jing stood up and scolded: "no matter in the past or in the future, we are all classmates. We should help each other."

"Hum!" Wu Shuangshuang snorted without saying a word.

Hao Jing turned to ye Zhuqing and asked, "Xiaoqing, what do you do now? Let's hear it. Maybe I can help you. I think it's OK to support myself with your ability. "

"Thank you. No, I'm fine now." Ye Zhuqing waved her hand, picked up the bag and said, "you can eat. I'm sorry. I have something else to do. I'll go first."

"Don't go, Xiaoqing. We haven't had a good chat yet. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Don't..." Hao Jing grabs ye Zhuqing and says that he can't just let him go.

Damn, it's not easy to get the news of Ye Zhuqing. After doing a lot of work, I just made an appointment with ye Zhuqing. I just let her go. Isn't my plan in vain?

You know, he but in advance with Wu frost private contact good, two people a black and a white singing Oboe, to give ye Zhuqing an embarrassment. Who let her have a powerful Laozi in those years?

"I'm sorry, I said. I have something to do. I'll go first." Ye Zhuqing interrupts and pushes away Hao Jing's hand.

One side of Wu Shuangshuang Yin and Yang strange way: "to leave, let her go, why stay? Want to continue to play in front of our classmates? Well, I don't want that. "

Ye Zhuqing was angry in his heart, but he didn't say anything. After a pause, he continued to go out.


However, at this time, the door of the private room suddenly opened.

"Who are you? Who let you in? " Wu Shuangshuang stares at the visitor and has no good way.

Everyone looked back. One or two of them all frowned. In the door came a loser like young man. He looked very familiar and was definitely not a high school classmate.

"Chengfeng, here you are."

However, see the man rushed over, ye Zhuqing nose a sour, almost cry out.

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