"Xiaoqing, I'm sorry I'm late." Looking at the woman in front of him, Zhao Chengfeng smiles.

Emotion is a very mysterious thing. In the past, Zhao Chengfeng felt that only in bed can he express his love for a woman. But now, he doesn't need to do anything, just look at her.

"It's OK, I'm just ready to leave..." ye Zhuqing shakes her head and looks at the man.

Strange to say, as soon as the man arrived, the anger and unhappiness in ye Zhuqing's heart completely disappeared, as if it had never happened before.

"Oh, don't go."

Hao Jing said: "Xiaoqing, it's not easy for us to have a classmate party. Why do you leave in such a hurry? Besides, isn't your husband here? We haven't had your wedding wine. Would you like to introduce it to us? "

Hao Jing said politely, but she was happy in her heart. It seems that ye Zhuqing is really down. The Ye family must have no money and no power. Otherwise, how could ye Zhuqing find such a poor loser to be her husband?

In front of him, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't look ugly. His face looks very masculine. Just wearing too shabby, T-shirt with jeans, a pair of canvas shoes, looks like migrant workers.

"Yes, Xiaoqing. You're leaving as soon as I'm here. Let's get to know each other." Zhao Chengfeng hasn't noticed anything strange yet. He says with a faint smile.

Leaf bamboo green Xiu eyebrow slightly Cu, really don't want to sit with this group of snobbish guy to eat together, always feel too disgusting. However, it's not good for ye Zhuqing to disobey Zhao Chengfeng's last wish. After all, it's already 7:30 p.m. at this time. Most men have not eaten yet.

"All right, but we'll go back early later. I have work to deal with." Ye Zhuqing can only nod his head.

"Oh, I can't finish my work. Come on, sit down." Hao Jing seems very enthusiastic and pulls ye Zhuqing back, while Zhao Chengfeng sits next to ye Zhuqing.

"Waiter, add a pair of bowls and chopsticks..." Hao Jing shouts.

Who knows, Wu Shuangshuang on one side covered his nose with disgust, and didn't have a good way: "what kind of chopsticks to add? Just eat them casually. A pair of chopsticks has to add ten yuan. Oh, what's the smell? It's really bad. How can I smell the smell of migrant workers..."

Hearing the speech, they laughed, and their eyes fell on Zhao Chengfeng. Isn't he a migrant worker? It is estimated that the construction site has just finished work and the bricks have just come back.


However, to everyone's surprise, ye Zhuqing, who had been very calm all night, suddenly stood up, threw up a big mouth, and drew Wu shuangshuangshuang.

After a crisp sound, Wu Shuangshuang's face had five more blood red fingerprints!

"You, you dare to hit me..."


Ye Zhuqing's backhand is a big mouth to draw again in the past, cold hum a way: "hit is you!"

"You Wu Shuangshuang was so angry that he trembled, and the two groups of white and tender in his neckline kept shaking.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Zhuqing interrupted: "Wu Shuangshuang, I've tolerated you for a long time this evening. You insulted my dead father. I've tolerated my classmates in those years. I don't have the same opinion with you. Now you humiliate my husband again. I'm sorry, I can only give you some color to see! "

"Good, you dare to hit me, good good, you wait for me." Wu Shuangshuang picked up the mobile phone and dialed a call.

Everyone was surprised. No one expected that ye Zhuqing would start suddenly. He said that he would start all the time. He didn't give any face at all.

"Xiaoqing, you are also true. We are all classmates. How can you beat people with your hands?" Hao Jing was also slightly stunned, and immediately frowned and criticized, "Xiaoqing, you have to apologize to Shuangshuang. It's wrong to hit someone after all..."

"You mean to humiliate me?" Ye Zhuqing asked with a sneer on her face.

"This..." Hao Jing choked.

"I don't object to the student union, but it's not a competition meeting or a criticism meeting." Ye Zhuqing ignored Hao Jing, looked around at the crowd and said coldly, "my father was really the leader of the gang, but what about that? Did he dig your ancestral grave or bully you? I don't seem to be making trouble for you. Now that my father is dead, do you need to go down the drain? I would like to advise you that everyone will live, grow old and die. You also have parents and relatives! "

On hearing this, everyone's face became more ugly, especially Hao Jing's.

"Xiaoqing, it's meaningless for you to say this. No one looks down on you. Besides, you're really not doing well now. People have found a good partner, and there is a gap between us. This..." although Hao Jing said this politely, the irony in her eyes still can't escape Ye Zhuqing's eyes.

Ye Zhuqing stares at Hao Jing in front of her, feeling very sad. Ye Zhuqing can understand that others want to humiliate themselves. After all, they were afraid of themselves at that time, but Hao Jing also said this, which undoubtedly broke ye Zhuqing's heart. You know, ye Zhuqing helped Hao Jing a lot at the beginning.

Hao Jing's family is poor, not to mention paying tuition fees. Most of the time, she doesn't even have money for meals, so she follows ye Zhuqing to drink spicy food and live like a young lady. But now, instead of being grateful at all, I have to work with others to humiliate myself. It's too heartless.

"So you look down on our husband and wife?" Ye Zhuqing stares at Hao Jing, and his heart aches.

Hao Jing said, "I don't look down on you. Didn't you help me a lot in those years? So, I see that you are living in an ordinary way now, so I also want to help you. Why don't I introduce you to a job? "

Hao Jing also knows that ye Zhuqing must have found it, but what can he do if he finds it? Can she turn the world around? If ye Zhuqing's Laozi is still there, even if he gives Hao Jing a hundred courage, Hao Jing will not dare. But now that ye Zhuqing's Laozi is dead, Hao Jing has nothing to fear. It's time to take back everything that belongs to you.


"You can introduce us to the work, OK." Zhao Chengfeng grabs ye Zhuqing and eats with his chopsticks. He says, "I've moved all the bricks on the construction site recently. I really have to find my next job. Otherwise, I won't be able to get the rent, water and electricity this month."

"Chengfeng, you..." ye Zhuqing frowned slightly and didn't understand the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's words.

Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman's hand, indicating that the woman should not worry. Zhao Chengfeng is not stupid either. After listening to this for a while, he can understand what's going on. What kind of bullshit classmate party? To put it bluntly, it's the Hongmen banquet.

We all know that ye Zhuqing has no support, so it's so simple to bully and humiliate him. But brother Feng doesn't agree!

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