Zhao Chengfeng does not allow anyone to bully his own woman!

What's more, just half an hour ago, Zhao Chengfeng expressed his attitude on the grave of a woman's father. Do you want to beat yourself in the face?

"Moving bricks? Hum, no wonder there is a smell of sweat on the body. " After calling, Wu Shuangshuang snorted and hid away.

Ye Zhuqing's face became ugly again, "do you want to be beaten?"

"Smelly girl, you wait for me. If you beat me, you won't come to a good end. I tell you, my boyfriend will be here soon, and you will feel better then! Hum

Wu Shuangshuang dodged a little and yelled at ye Zhuqing: "do you think you are still the daughter of the underworld boss? I'll tell you, my boyfriend is a serious underworld. How can I deal with you when he comes! "


Ye Zhuqing gnashes her teeth in hatred, but is held down by Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't pay attention to Wu Shuangshuang. He doesn't care when he hears the female dog barking. Don't say Wu Shuangshuang's boyfriend is a underworld, even the killer Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care.

"Well, I'll wait. I'll wait here!" Ye Zhuqing seems to understand the intention of Zhao Chengfeng, forced down the heart of anger.

Ye Zhuqing does feel a little dizzy. How can a man allow himself to be bullied? Not to mention the students who haven't seen each other for many years, even if they were their own grandfather, wouldn't those people still not give face?

"This beauty, what kind of job are you going to introduce me to? I'm looking forward to that. " Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Hao Jing with a smile, which means flattery and flattery.

Hao Jing smiles and thinks, ye Zhuqing, ye Zhuqing, how powerful you were then, but now your man actually asks for a job. How ridiculous.

If it's really 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, Fengshui turns in turn.

"What do you do now? Are there any bricks on the construction site? " Hao Jing asked with a smile. Her beautiful eyes reflected a touch of ridicule and banter.

"Yes, what else can we do without moving bricks?"

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and smiled bitterly. "I am a woodlouse, I don't know a word, I have no culture, and I have no background. I have two acres of land left in my house. What I want is what I do not have, but I have to live, so I can only move bricks to the site."

"It's blowing!"

Ye Zhuqing is a bit surprised. He only knows that Zhao Chengfeng is very good at pretending, but he doesn't find that men can boast so much. What's the matter with that? It's blowing like it's real.

Is he that sad? I don't know a big word. I'm a liar. Can the man who casually takes out tens of billions go to the construction site to move bricks? However, Zhao Chengfeng's dress is really like that.

"Ah, Xiaoqing, it seems that your life is not so good these years." Hao Jing pretended to be surprised and said, "if I didn't get in touch with you, I guess you would be miserable. Don't you even have to eat?"

Ye Zhuqing didn't say a word, and there was no change of expression on her face. Now ye Zhuqing understands. What kind of classmate Union? What kind of asshole? It's all cheating!

Don't be such a classmate. If you know such a friend, you should be blind.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed, his face full of bitter smile, heartache first way: "I'm not a good man, there's no way to give Xiaoqing rich life, can't let her popular drink spicy, Xiaoqing has suffered with me these years. It's not like all of you, each of you is well-dressed, you eat delicacies, you wear exquisite silk and you play high-end atmosphere. You can't compare with me. "

"It was."

Wang Hao said, "I'm afraid you don't know yet. Hao Jing is a shareholder of this hotel, with 30% shares. And frost big beauty is not, in our city the most cattle force a company to work

"What company?" Someone asked.


Wang Hao gave him a glimpse of the air: "not the perfume lily company?" Now it's the marketing manager of the marketing department. Although he's only a vice-president, he has to be righted sooner or later. Is that right? His annual salary is two million yuan. It is said that there is also a boy friend of the underworld. How powerful he is

Hearing this, Wu Shuangshuang and Hao Jing straightened their chests with pride. With a touch of pride on their faces, they glanced at ye Zhuqing and his wife, and their mouths were full of mockery.

"Oh, actually, I didn't have much. I studied well in those years, went to a good university, chose a good major, and then found a reliable boss." Wu Shuangshuang said politely, but his face was more manifesto.

Looking at ye Zhuqing's eyes, it seems to say - aren't you very strong? Isn't your father an old man in the underworld? Isn't your family rich? But now I find a migrant worker to be my husband. After today, I don't know if there is tomorrow.

"I didn't have much, mainly because I was lucky. I found a good boyfriend, that's all." Hao Jing also smiles, and immediately looks at Zhao Chengfeng and says, "you are Xiaoqing's husband. I had a good relationship with Xiaoqing in those years. Well, you're in bad condition now, and I don't have any great ability. I'll arrange a job for you in the hotel, OK?"

"That feeling is good, at least I will not worry about food and clothing in my life." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a face ecstatic color, "you don't worry, after I will thank you."


With a wave of her hand, Hao Jing interrupted: "thank you. We are all friends. Well, although Haitian Hotel has my share, it doesn't have much. It's only 30% and it doesn't have much authority. I'll arrange you to clean the toilet. I still have this authority. "


When Hao Jing's voice fell, someone began to laugh and arranged for her classmate's husband to clean the toilet. Where can NIMA help? It's like falling into the well and hitting ye Zhuqing's face.

"Hao Jing, it's very nice of you to arrange the work for my husband." Ye Zhuqing smiles instead of anger, but the smile is chilly to the bone marrow.

Ye Zhuqing did not expect that Hao Jing was so mean. It's OK not to help. Ye Zhuqing and Zhao Chengfeng don't need it at all, but why did she do it? What's in it for her? Did she forget what she had done to her?

"There's no way. I just have a little authority." Hao Jing shrugged and looked helpless, but he was very excited. After all these years, the evil spirit in his heart came to an end, and his days as a valet came to an end.

"It's good to have a job. I'm still picky. I really think I'm something, don't I? Farmers Wu Shuangshuang hums coldly with her arms in her arms. She doesn't want to see Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing.

For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng and ye Zhuqing seem to have become the butt of laughter.

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