"Yes, I've already said that. I don't have much ability. I can only arrange a job of cleaning the toilet." Hao Jing also said: "of course, the job of cleaning toilets is not easy to find. After more than a month, there are still 3000 yuan. Well done, there will be a future in the future. "


When we heard this, we laughed again. What's the future of cleaning the toilet? The future of eating shit?

"You are really good friends and classmates of Xiaoqing. You have arranged such a good job for me. Thank you, thank you." Zhao Chengfeng pretended that he didn't hear anything. He gave everyone a giggle and expressed his thanks.


Ye Zhuqing trembles with anger and has an impulse to strangle people. Ye Zhuqing didn't expect that he would have such a group of classmates. If he had known that, he shouldn't have come to this bullshit classmate party. Is this a classmate party? No, they are uniting to humiliate themselves!

"Didi... Didi..."

However, at this time, Hao Jing's mobile phone suddenly rang. When Hao Jing saw the caller ID, she was very happy. She picked up the phone and said, "Oh, dear, why are you calling now? Are you finished? I'm attending a classmate party. Would you like to come over? What? You're in the hotel. Well, we're in the private room of "great distance". Come here as soon as possible. Oh, by the way, I arranged a job for my classmate's husband to clean the toilet. Come here for an interview. Oh, we're all old classmates. You can open up the company for others. "

"Boo, that's it. Hurry up!"

With that, Hao Jing kisses the phone and hangs up with a smile, but ignores ye Zhuqing's gloomy face.

Hao Jing does have arrogant capital. Far from it, this Haitian Hotel has only 30% shares, but 30% shares are at least 5.6 million. The other 70% shares belong to her boyfriend. Isn't his boyfriend's own? Although my boyfriend looks a little old.

It doesn't matter to be older these days, as long as you have money and status.

"Oh, Hao Jing, your efficiency is too high, so you've arranged your work." Wu Shuangshuang followed suit.

"That's not true."

Looking at ye Zhuqing, Hao Jing said solemnly, "it's for our classmates. We have to be quick. We have to help each other."

Ye Zhuqing sneered and said nothing.

"That's true." Wu Shuangshuang nodded, and then asked: "but is it a little redundant, just to sweep the toilet? As long as you have hands and feet, do you still need an interview? That's exaggerating. "

"You have to have an interview!" Hao Jing said: "our Haitian Hotel is a three-star hotel. The quality of the staff is required. What should we do in case of foreign guests?"

"That's bad."

Wu Shuangshuang shook her head and said, "some people don't know one big word. When they meet foreign guests, they can..."

"Yes, it's also a problem." Hao Jing patted her forehead and suddenly said, "ah, well, Xiaoqing, you let your husband pretend to be dumb. He just can't talk. What do you think?"


Ye Zhuqing's fist clenched, as if to the edge of anger eruption. No matter how calm ye Zhuqing is, he can't stand such ridicule. Unfortunately, ye Zhuqing was pulled down by Zhao Chengfeng.

Ye Zhuqing looked at the man, really don't understand, Zhao Chengfeng why to bear humiliation, with these scum scum scum scum what to talk about?

"Pretend to be dumb, that's OK, no problem..." Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished speaking, the door of the private room was pushed open, and a middle-aged fat man came in, followed by a waiter with foreign wine in his hand.

"Honey, why are you here? People are waiting so hard... "Seeing the visitor, Hao Jing quickly leaned up and leaned in the man's arms like a bird.

"Oh, don't I have something to do?" The visitor felt his big belly and looked like he was rich.

"Forget it. I'll punish you at night. Let me introduce you first." Hao Jing took the man's hand, went to the table, and introduced him next to each other. "This is Wang Hao, this is Wu Shuangshuang, and this is..."

Hao Jing introduced ye Zhuqing and Zhao Chengfeng one after another, and said, "honey, this is wonderful. I can tell you that this beautiful woman's father used to be the boss of the underworld. Her name is ye Zhuqing..."

However, the man next to Hao Jing doesn't respond. He stares at Zhao Chengfeng next to ye Zhuqing. He stares at Zhao Chengfeng as if he is eating food. How can he be here?

"Oh, dear, I'm talking to you. What are you doing? I..." Hao Jing was a little angry.

"Go away!"

But the man pushed away Hao Jing and strode to Zhao Chengfeng, "Mr. Zhao, how are you here? You, why don't you tell me when you come here? "

"..." Zhao Chengfeng looked up at Wang Chenglin and said nothing.

Wang Chenglin looks confused.

"Mr. Zhao, you are..." Wang Chenglin was confused, but he was more afraid. God knows why Zhao Chengfeng ignored himself and just looked at himself.


Zhao Chengfeng looks back at ye Zhuqing and says, "Chengfeng is not unable to speak, but your woman just said, let Chengfeng stay and sweep the toilet for you. When you sweep the toilet, you should be dumb. Don't offend the foreign guests!"


On hearing this, Wang Chenglin's eyes were dark, and he almost didn't get angry.

"Dear, do you know each other? I... "At this time, Hao Jing seems to realize that something is wrong.


However, without saying a word, Wang Chenglin slapped him in the past. This slap completely awakened everyone, and also awakened Hao Jing's dream. He felt no pain, only doubts!

Why did Wang Chenglin beat himself? Hao Jing couldn't figure it out.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I..." Wang Chenglin rushed to Zhao Chengfeng and lowered his head in shame. His legs trembled faintly, and there was a cold sweat on his back, even his shirt was wet through.

Others don't know Zhao Chengfeng, but Wang Chenglin knows Zhao Chengfeng very well. He is a fierce man who can't be provoked. If anyone provokes him, there will be no good end. Just like Gao Wanda and Li Gongzi in the past, they are so powerful, but now they are afraid to be reincarnated.

"Sorry? Ha ha. " Zhao Chengfeng finally spoke with a smile on his face, but the smile made Wang Chenglin feel that the end of the world was coming.

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