"Brother Zhao, are you satisfied with this? Why don't I take him... "Liu Qinglong gives Zhao Chengfeng a wink, which means to kill Huang Xing.

It's not that Liu Qinglong treats his subordinates badly. It's just that his subordinates have offended the wrong people. Perhaps Huang Xing has made a contribution to Liu's trade union, but can his contribution be compared with that of Zhao Chengfeng? Stop bullshit, everyone is busy!

As the leader of Liu's trade union, Liu Qinglong has experienced many things over the years and knows how to choose.

"Come on, he's got what he's got." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, but he looked at Wu Shuangshuang.

Although Wu Shuangshuang didn't drink toilet water, at the moment, Wu Shuangshuang didn't feel good either. Even the whole people in the private room didn't feel good. No matter they drank or didn't drink, they were scared by Zhao Chengfeng.

The whole room was full of urine and vomit, as dirty as it was. In particular, Wu Shuangshuang's face, chest and clothes were all covered.

Perhaps, before Wu Shuangshuang is very sexy, very coquettish, but now Wu Shuangshuang even if take off a light stand in front of you, are not necessarily able to mention the man's "interest".

All these are brought by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Before you said you worked in the marketing department of perfume lily, how did I not see you?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at Wu Shuangshuang who is in a mess. Wu Shuangshuang is not punished tonight. How can Zhao Chengfeng let her go?

"I, I just joined the company." Wu Shuangshuang was surprised, and immediately asked in a low voice, "are you also an employee of the perfume lily company?"

"Xia Bingbing is my wife."

Zhao Chengfeng took a sip of his cigarette and left behind a strange sentence. Xia Bingbing is his wife. What's the matter with ye Zhuqing? Is it his junior?

No, no matter what their relationship is, there is only one voice in Wu Shuangshuang's heart - it's over. His future is ruined.

"Our company doesn't need an employee who needs silicone breasts." Zhao Chengfeng then took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to song Sisi, pressing the hands-free button directly.

"Sisi, do you have an employee named Wu Shuangshuang?" Zhao Chengfeng preempted the way, for fear that song Sisi would say, "dear, how did you remember to call me?"

Song Sisi was a little stunned and said, "yes, what's the matter? For the staff I just recruited, I plan to cultivate "I ah, she..."

"No, just get fired."

"Our company doesn't need such rubbish," Zhao Chengfeng said


Wu Shuangshuang's face turned white and her body faltered. She almost sat on the ground. In his eyes, is she just a garbage?

"OK, I'll call and fire her right away!" Song Sisi didn't ask more questions. If a man doesn't like it, he will be fired directly.

Sure enough, in the expectation of everyone, less than a minute, Wu Shuangshuang's phone rang, the mobile phone screen showed "manager song", Wu Shuangshuang picked up.

"Wu Shuangshuang, you have been fired. Goodbye!"

The words were very short and the voice was not loud, but it seemed that Wu Shuangshuang's illusions and dreams were shattered in an instant. At today's classmate party, Wu Shuangshuang and Hao Jing had a good discussion. They were ready to make a big splash. They took a bad breath in front of Ye Zhuqing's face. But they lost all their jobs.

No, I lost face. Don't mention meeting people. It's estimated that in the future, both of them will have no face in Beihai city. This life also dare not organize what classmate gathering, because in the heart already had the shadow, all one's life all lingering shadow.

"The smell here is really strong. I'll go first. Bye, everyone."

After two steps, Zhao Chengfeng turned back and said, "you guys, oh no, you Xiaoqing's classmates, forget it, you don't deserve to be her classmates. Anyway, if you want to bully Xiaoqing in the future, I won't let you drink toilet water. I'll get you something dry to eat!"

People's faces changed when they heard the words. What did they do? What is dry? Isn't stool dry?

Zhao Chengfeng also no matter what reaction, strode away, there are beautiful beauties outside waiting for himself.

"Boss Liu, take your people and leave. Today we have completely offended Mr. Zhao. Ah!" With a long sigh, Wang Chenglin turned back and glared at Hao Jing squatting at the corner of the wall.

Beauty is a disaster. This girl really makes her feel good, but it's also because she has lost the space to rise.

"Drag the yellow star and the son of a bitch away, damn it!" Liu Qinglong doesn't want to call. He is depressed. Fortunately, he came here today. If Huang Xing calls other brothers to come here, doesn't it mean that he has offended Zhao Chengfeng to death?

Those who can't hurt Zhao Chengfeng will hurt his heart. Once Zhao Chengfeng's heart is cold, Liu's trade union will have no future in Beihai.

"Yes, boss!"

In this way, Huang Xing was dragged away like a dead dog. People with a clear eye can see that Zhao Chengfeng has calmed down, but Liu Qinglong hasn't calmed down. It's inevitable for him to be beaten. If he can't get it right, he won't know how to die.

"Let's go too. Today's party, ah..."

Wang Hao and others are also ready to leave. Today's meal is too scary and disgusting. It also shows Wang Hao and others what a real big man is like, such as Zhao Chengfeng.

Be looked down upon by all people, but others are the most powerful existence. What triad boss, what hotel owner, all don't take a look, even if Wu Shuangshuang is the deputy manager of perfume lily Sales Department, can also say that expelled from the expulsion.

What is a Cowman? This is the bull man!

Now Wang Hao and others are green with regret. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. Everything is useless.

"Go? Where are you going? "

However, Wang Chenglin refused, gritting his teeth and saying, "look what I've done here? Did you pay? Have you paid for it? I want to go now. There's no way! "

Wang Chenglin is also angry. He can't find Liu Qinglong or Zhao Chengfeng, but with Wang Chenglin's energy, it's easy to deal with Wang Hao and others. We have to recover some losses from the trouble tonight.

"What do you mean? You... "Wang Hao's face changed.

"What do you mean? Hum

When Wang Chenglin waved, seven or eight hotel security guards came in, one by one with guys in their hands. They were so fierce that people trembled.

"Lock up all these guys and pay 20000 yuan each, or no one is allowed to leave!" Wang Chenglin finished and left with a brush of his sleeve. Wang Chenglin also had some urine on his body, so he had to clean it up.

In addition, Wang Chenglin also has to think of ways to retrieve some images from Zhao Chengfeng.

"What are you doing? You want to be beaten, don't you? "

"Give me the money quickly!"

There was another scream in the private room. Wang Hao and others had no money, so they had to pay off their debts with beating.

"If you don't have any money, just sweep the toilet for me, damn it!"

"A group of poor people dare to come to our hotel for a party if they have no money, and pretend to have a classmate meeting if they have no money..."

Wang Hao and his entourage were as pale as death.

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