"I'm sorry, Xiaoqing, for making you suffer."

Out of the Haitian Hotel, Zhao Chengfeng sees ye Zhuqing standing beside the car. Under the night sky, women are graceful and beautiful. The night wind lifts women's hair, which is very beautiful.

Just, the woman's face with a bit sad. Zhao Chengfeng is very distressed, Zhao Chengfeng also understand that her classmates make her unhappy.


Ye Zhuqing shook her head, forced out a bitter smile and sighed: "I didn't expect that they would be so realistic and mean. However, so good, let me see their true colors, classmates will not exist

"I wish I could see the truth."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said: "society tells us time and again that we must distinguish between man and dog."

"Yes, I don't hate Wu Shuangshuang, because we have nothing to do with each other. But Hao Jing really surprised me. I was really good to her in those years. I could treat her as my own sister, but now..."

Ye Zhuqing shakes her head. Her pretty face is a bit sad and depressed. Ye Zhuqing doesn't feel very happy about Zhao Chengfeng's revenge, because ye Zhuqing never likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Today, I come to the high school reunion. To put it bluntly, I just want you to get together, have a chat and recall the green years.

Because time can not go back, can only recall. It's a pity that they didn't intend to recall this time. The theme of this meal seems to be to find trouble for themselves. This makes ye Zhuqing extremely depressed. What did you do wrong? Are you born into a triad family, you can't have friends, you can't study well?

In the final analysis, society is too realistic and reality distorts many people's psychology.

"She's not much better now. Don't think about the useless ones." Zhao Chengfeng held the woman in his arms and said in a soft voice: "there are some people and things that are not worth it. Don't worry about them, because they are not worth it."

"It's me."

Ye Zhuqing was dumbfounded and laughed at himself.

"Let's go and get in the car. It's very late now." Zhao Chengfeng gets into the cab and drives ye Zhuqing's car directly.

Ye Zhuqing is not a flamboyant woman. Although he has an Audi pike peak at home, he seldom drives it. In ye Zhuqing's opinion, that car brings more memories to him. Whenever he wants to make any investment, ye Zhuqing will go to the garage to have a look at that pike peak, because this Pike peak gives ye Zhuqing too much feeling.

It was sent by Zhao Chengfeng, bought by Zhao Chengfeng, and sent back to himself.

Now ye Zhuqing is driving a Volkswagen Passat. It's not a luxury car, but it's enough as a substitute. Black is more reserved and stable. Ye Zhuqing is not the crazy girl with a lot of women's clothes at the beginning.

"By the way, Chengfeng, why did you call me suddenly? Did something happen to you?" After sitting in the car for a while, ye Zhuqing suddenly asked, his face turned red unnaturally.

At that time, ye Zhuqing was really bold, but that was not ye Zhuqing's original intention. In fact, ye Zhuqing was a very reserved girl. But Zhao Chengfeng clearly said on the phone, "I miss you.".

This sentence is better than all sweet words.

"I went to your father's graveyard before I came here. There's something I want to tell you." Zhao Chengfeng slowed down and looked back at ye Zhuqing.

Sure enough, when ye Zhuqing's father was mentioned, ye Zhuqing's look suddenly dimmed. No matter what kind of career ye Zhuqing's father was and how many immoral things he did, there is still one thing he can't deny. It is ye Zhuqing's father and he has always been very good to ye Zhuqing. Otherwise, ye Zhuqing would not have been allowed to act like that.

"You, you see... Thank you." What ye Zhuqing wants to say finally becomes the word "thank you". His face is filled with sadness, which makes people feel sad.

"Yes, I looked at him and chatted with him for a while."

Zhao Chengfeng then said: "I caught Raymond, the leader of the holy religion. He was the murderer who indirectly killed your father. I asked him to kowtow and apologize, but I'm sorry, I didn't kill him!"

"If you didn't kill him, that means he's not guilty enough." Ye Zhuqing a little Leng, immediately understand why Zhao Chengfeng to say sorry to himself.

In terms of seniority, Zhao Chengfeng is the son-in-law of the Ye family. It's OK to avenge the master. But Zhao Chengfeng didn't work hard, and ye Zhuqing speculated something.

"Don't you blame me?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He thought ye Zhuqing would be angry. But the woman was just a little stunned, and everything went back to normal. It seemed that she was talking about a trivial matter.

"Why should I blame you?"

However, ye Zhuqing smiles faintly, and immediately says with emotion: "in this world, there is no absolute right or wrong. The holy religion killed my father, which is really damned. But my father did a lot of wrong things in those years. Maybe, this is the retribution in the legend. When is it going to be? Why should I tangle and hate? I don't want me to live in hatred, even if my father is under his feet. "

"If I wanted revenge, I would not disband the Ye family. Just let him go. Just ask the old general of the holy religion to come and not do evil

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman and suddenly took a deep breath, "Xiaoqing, you have grown up. I think your father will be very pleased to see you like this now."

"Life is always wandering in the time of bus, but it only takes a few moments to grow up. Some of the hardships in life make people have to grow up." Ye Zhuqing said something profound.

"Like my grandfather, like my classmates just now, although they are hateful, they let me see more things. I'm used to them."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know why. When he hears this, he suddenly feels very sad. Now ye Zhuqing is too lonely. She has no relatives. Even if she has relatives, it's the same as having no relatives. She has neither relatives nor friends, and her days are as plain as water.

"It seems that I need to spend more time with Xiaoqing, otherwise my husband will be a failure." With this in mind, Zhao Chengfeng plans to stay in Beihai City for a few days to accompany ye Zhuqing.

"Don't worry, there's me."

Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "even if the whole world leaves you, there is at least one me. I will always be with you. Although I am very busy, where is my heart?"

"Poor mouth

The leaf bamboo is blue and white, Zhao Chengfeng one eye, pretty face is a flash of red cloud, looks very beautiful.

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