After a long night of love, the next morning, at dawn, ye Zhuqing regained her vitality just like Xiaoqiang. In the early morning, she made breakfast for Zhao Chengfeng and changed into a vigorous professional suit.

White shirt with little daughter-in-law, wide leg pants with white high heels, black bright long hair high up, just like a strong woman's posture.

"You can play by yourself after dinner. If I have something to do today, I won't accompany you." As ye Zhuqing tidies up her handbag, she rushes into Zhao Cheng's fashion channel.

"Where are you going? Take me with you. "

Zhao Chengfeng looks at ye Zhuqing and thinks how boring it is to be at home alone. Do you watch adult action movies?

"What are you doing? Didn't you just come back from the mission outside? Now you need a good rest. " Ye Zhuqing is clear about the details of men.

There are many reasons why a man seldom accompanies himself. One is that he has too many women and too many flowers to accompany him. It's just like the emperor in the ancient court. Every night, he turns over a sign. There are so many palaces and six courtyards. Can he sleep? It's not nice to say that some concubines have never seen the emperor since they entered the palace.

When Zhao Chengfeng can spare some time to accompany him, ye Zhuqing is satisfied.

On the other hand, because of Zhao Chengfeng's special identity, he needs to do too many things, and all of them are particularly dangerous. Ye Zhuqing also wants men to accompany him all the time, but women know that the overall situation is the most important.

"It's all right. I'm fine? Didn't you find me strong last night? " Zhao Chengfeng said with a bad smile, and his eyes fell on the woman's cocked buttocks, grabbing hard.

"Bad guy!"

Leaf bamboo green white the latter one eye, on the face is rippling a spring wave.

"That's OK. You can eat quickly. We'll go directly to Beihai welfare home later." Ye Zhuqing looked at her wrist and said, "this point should not be late."

"Beihai welfare home?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is very puzzled, ask a way: "you go there to do what?"? You're going to adopt a child. Don't worry. Brother Feng is in good health. We just need to stay at home for three or four days. Brother Feng will let you have a baby. You can have a baby if you want... "


Ye Zhuqing's pretty face turned red again, and he didn't have a good way: "sex wolf, what are you thinking all day long?"

"Isn't that right?"

Zhao Chengfeng asked: "the children in the welfare home are really poor, but we can't have them, right? If we want to have children, we can have them ourselves. I'm in good health. I..."

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like children in welfare homes. He's just a person. He has that kind of idea. Who doesn't want his own children? What's more, it's nothing to adopt a obedient child to go home; But if you want to meet a girl like Beibei again, you can't make people angry?

"Can't I do something good?"

Ye Zhuqing shook his head straight and said: "Chengfeng, I know my father did some bad things in those years, and I have no other ability now. The company has good benefits now, so I want to donate a little money to the welfare home every year. Today I want to go to the welfare home to see what needs to be donated, such as books, office buildings and classrooms."

"So it is. Then I support you." Zhao Chengfeng promised to be happy, but he was a little depressed.

Granny, brother Feng doesn't object to charity, but her own women have gone to charity, but they spend all their own money. This

"Just, just, do good!"

Zhao Chengfeng comforted himself with this. In fact, he was quite surprised at ye Zhuqing's change. When he saw ye Zhuqing for the first time, he was a young woman who killed Matt. Now he has become mature, steady and full of connotation.

"I don't want anything else. I think it's to atone for my father's mistakes, so that I can feel better. Let my father invest in a good family next life. " Ye Zhuqing said again.

"Whatever you say is what you do, no matter what you do, I will support you!" Zhao Chengfeng hugs the woman and kisses her on the forehead.

Ye Zhuqing's heart is as sweet as honey, her pretty face is bright red, and she is very shy. "Oh, come on, let's go. We can't let President Chen wait too long."

"Don't worry, Shuxian won't say anything."

With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of the past and said with a smile, "Oh, by the way, when you said you liked Shuxian, would it be embarrassing for you to go to see her now?"


Ye Zhuqing's pretty face turned red again. "Oh, don't talk about it. People are almost embarrassed..."

"Oh, you still have time to be embarrassed." Zhao Chengfeng smiles.


Ye Zhuqing's nose was straight, but he didn't have a good way: "you're not so bad as to say that you're not a big villain. You've put Dean Chen to sleep, and now you've put me to sleep again..."

"Cough, didn't I tell you all about it? I'm Shuxian's man. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about Tao.

"Oh, yes."

Ye Zhuqing suddenly thought of something and said, "you said that Wu Shuangshuang's chest was fake last night. Why do you think so? Did you touch her chest? Do you have an affair with her? "

"Come on, I still have an affair with her. I look like a rotten end of a building. Am I me?"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly denied it and said, "it's not difficult. It's easy to tell."

"Oh? Can you tell if a woman's breasts are real or not? " Ye Zhuqing suddenly came to interest, with a bad smile on his face.

What a big sex wolf! It's really the best one!


Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat and said: "that Wu Shuangshuang has been showing off her chest all night, deliberately stamping her feet to attract people's eyes. Unfortunately, because the silica gel is too hard, she doesn't have that kind of rough feeling. A shake a shake, feel a whole lump will fall down, this is not obvious is false? It's too easy to tell

"Well, I'm standing beside you. You've been staring at other people's breasts. You're obviously cheating." Ye Zhuqing is very angry. This guy observes very carefully.

"Can I be to blame?"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said, "your classmate is too showy. It's hard not to be discovered. Besides, I cheated on her? Don't you think she looks like the scene of a car accident? I don't have that bad taste


Ye Zhuqing laughs, "you, this mouth is really poisonous."

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