"Elder brother, I think it's reasonable to be popular, or you'd better give up." Although Liu Shiyun felt embarrassed, he still persuaded him. In fact, Liu Shiyun does not want his elder brother to go this way.

Why was the relationship between Liu Shiyun and his father so tense? It's because my father has always been violent. He always abandoned this and destroyed that. But what happened in the end? He died miserably.

Liu Qinglong's face is uncertain, and his heart is very tangled. Liu Qinglong really can't let go of his family business. Is it so easy to let go of so many brothers, too much money and power?

"Boss Liu, you can figure it out for yourself. How many people have you killed over the years, or how many people have you killed, and how do you think your head fell off in the end? Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever thought about your father? " Zhao Chengfeng continued.

Sure enough, after mentioning his dead father, Liu Qinglong's face became ugly again, and his body was separated, which was undoubtedly a very tragic end!

"I see."

Liu Qinglong took a deep breath. After a long time, he said, "I will gradually bleach, throw out all the things at hand, and no longer interfere in these things."

"I hope you do what you say."

Zhao Chengfeng then said: "today, you brother and sister are both here. I just have something to tell you. Your father's murderer has been found. I didn't kill him. Of course, if you have to kill him, I can bring you to him."

"Where is he?" On hearing this, Liu Qinglong stood up and burst out a strong sense of killing in his eyes!

I have to avenge my father's death!

"On the island of borodomusri." Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide it, but he asked in turn, "do you really want to kill him and avenge your father?"

"Of course, there is no common hatred for killing my father. If I don't kill him, how can I go to see my dead father?" Liu Qinglong clenched his teeth and his eyes turned red.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said nothing.

"Big brother, when is the time to avenge each other? He killed his father, you killed him for revenge, but his son killed you for revenge, and then you asked your brother to avenge you?" However, Liu Shiyun shook his head and said, "just let it go. In those days, my father did too many wrongs, which he should atone for. "

"But..." although Liu Qinglong thinks Liu Shiyun's words are reasonable, he doesn't even take revenge on his father. Is that still a man?

"Brother, anyway, I don't agree with you to take revenge. Even if you kill him, what can you do? Can father survive? You killed him, not for your father's revenge, but deepened yourself, deepened your father's sin, anyway, you can do it yourself. "


Liu Qinglong was stunned again.

"Chengfeng, let's go. I think big brother needs to calm down. Let's give him some time." Liu Shiyun suddenly felt a little upset and didn't want to talk about these grievances.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Liu Qinglong and leaves with Liu Shiyun. Liu Qinglong is left alone in the private room. This meal is very smoldering.

"Shiyun, I'm sorry, I didn't take revenge for you, and I broke my original oath. Don't you blame me?"

Out of Longteng Hotel, Zhao Chengfeng apologizes to Liu Shiyun. He is really sorry. At the beginning, they agreed, but now Zhao Chengfeng has broken his promise again.

"How can I blame you? I'm telling my elder brother the truth. There's no good end to the underworld. " Liu Shiyun shakes his head and sighs bitterly. He is worried about Liu Qinglong.

Nowadays, China is peaceful and the people are in peace, and the underworld has no place to hide for a long time. Although there is still a little space to survive, as long as the government's policies are issued, no matter how powerful the underworld is, it will be finished! At that time, how does Liu Qinglong get along with himself?

"As for my father's revenge, you took it back then. I'm very grateful to you. As for other people, let them go. Sometimes they can't help themselves. " Liu Shiyun sighed, touched his slightly raised belly and said, "when is the time to repay each other's grievances? We should put down some things. Now I just want the baby to be born, but I can't manage anything else, and I don't want to

"I'm glad you think so."

Zhao Chengfeng was very moved. He hugged the woman and said, "now the most important thing for you is to protect the fetus. Don't think about anything else. You can eat and sleep every day and eat again when you wake up."

"Do you think I'm a pig?" Liu Shiyun's eyes are white and he has no good airway.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Chengfeng laughed, suddenly thought of a thing, and said: "Oh, by the way, Shiyun, I just went to the welfare home. The boy in Liucheng is very good. Now he is not as naughty as he used to be, and he knows how to help others. Even the teacher said that his academic performance is much better."

"Really? That would be great. "

On hearing this, Liu Shiyun was more happy and said: "after my father left, what I worried about most was the child Liucheng. Growing up in Jiangcheng Avenue villa, I saw too much about underworld. I'm really afraid that he will learn bad. I don't want him to be like his father. It's no good end."

"Don't worry, it won't be."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a relieved smile: "the welfare home is owned by our own people. I'll tell you what happens. Now it's you. The month is getting bigger and bigger. I think you look a little pale. I'm going to the capital. You can go directly to the capital with me. Someone in the old house in the capital can cook every day and take care of the children with Shanshan. "

"Go to the capital, this..." Liu Shiyun's face is slightly red, a little embarrassed, which is equivalent to living in the Zhao family.

"You don't have to worry about work. Phil has come back, and Bingbing will visit the company from time to time. OK, it's settled. Let's go to Beijing!" Zhao Chengfeng can't help but put the woman into the car. Then he goes back to Liu Shiyun's house, picks up the daily necessities, and goes to the airport in a hurry.

Along the way, Liu Shiyun was quite nervous and rubbed the corners of his clothes and said, "Chengfeng, I'm going to live in this way. Will it be too abrupt? If Bingbing knows, will she be angry with me? If your parents don't like me, what can I do? I..."

"Don't worry about it."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly feels a little funny. Liu Shiyun was a strong woman in the past. It seems that there is no difficulty to knock her down. But now Liu Shiyun looks like a shy little daughter-in-law.

Love, as expected, is a magic thing, can change a lot of things!

"Don't worry, you are the daughter-in-law of our Laozhao family. As long as you are the person I believe, they will like you. Let's go!"

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