"You can be a bad boy. I'm going to be a grandfather again." In the study on the second floor of the Zhao family's old house in Beijing, Zhao Feilong glanced downstairs and turned back to Zhao Chengfeng and said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng is not without complacency: "that is, you think you are the same as you, coward, gave birth to me such a, no brothers and sisters take care of each other. In the future, my son and daughter will not be bullied in school, because there are so many brothers and sisters. Who are their opponents

"What do you think, boy?" Zhao Feilong shook his head, lit a cigarette, and puffed happily.

Zhao Feilong is very happy. His son is very capable. He will take a daughter-in-law home in a few days, and one of them will come back in a few days. And now another one is pregnant. Doesn't that mean that the Zhao family will grow up? What a good thing!

No matter how much money you have, no matter how much influence you have, but if there are no descendants, who will remember you in a hundred years?

"Isn't that what I think?"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and glanced at the moonlight outside. He pointed out his head and cried downstairs: "Mom, don't talk to Shiyun too late at night. She is a little tired today. Besides, how can Siyuan rest when you are so loud? Hurry up, we'll all go back to the house and have a rest! "

"Hey, you son of a bitch, dare to take care of my mother's business. Do you believe I'll beat you?" Murong Frost said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "it's OK to beat me. Aren't you afraid that I'll let you go out and find a little girl to give you a green hat?"

"Hey, you owe me a call, don't you?" Murong frost gas does not hit a place, just want to take what throw Zhao Chengfeng, but Zhao Chengfeng quickly shut the window, easy to hide in the past.

Zhao Feilong had no choice but to shake his head. He was a little depressed and said, "you are angry with your mother. Can you not drag me up? It's like I've really raised fox spirits outside. Don't you understand the truth that three people become tigers? "

"So you didn't raise a third child outside?"

"Certainly not!"

Zhao Feilong raised his hand and swore!

"No promise. Who hasn't been a junior these days? It seems that you've got a wife."


On hearing this, Zhao Feilong almost didn't live to death. He was so angry. How could he always stab himself in his heart?

"Don't worry about me. I have something to tell you when I come back this time."

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and continued: "the first thing is Shiyun. She's three or four months pregnant. I'm not sure she's alone in Beihai City, so I'll send her to the capital. You should take good care of her. Don't hurt her. Otherwise, after you die, I won't send you to the end and leave your ashes in the septic tank."

"You, you..."

Zhao Feilong was so angry that he almost couldn't speak. He finally scolded: "how did I give birth to such a shriveled thing like you? I'm so angry."

Zhao Chengfeng pretended to hear nothing, and then said: "the second thing is about MIBI, the spiritual wizard MIBI, the boss of the Mafia."

"What's wrong with missisby? Conflict with you again? " Zhao Feilong is still sulking, and his tone is not very good.


Zhao Chengfeng took a long breath and seemed to think of the terrible scene that night. He looked solemn and said, "I killed in mississibi's nest and heard his voice, but I can't see his people. It's said that he still has a separate body. Moreover, he said a strange word, what do you want to take my body? Who is he?"

"Take your body, that is to take a fancy to you. It shows that you have great charm. Men, women, old and young take all." Zhao Feilong: Yin Yang strange airway.

"Can you stop the bullshit?"

Zhao Chengfeng stares straight and threatens: "nonsense again, believe me to tell mom about you and my mother-in-law?"

"I have nothing to do with you Qiuxiang. We are innocent. We..."

"Then I'll tell mom to go!"

"No, no!"

Zhao Feilong was so anxious that he caught Zhao Chengfeng and said with a smile, "well, I don't think it's OK? Don't tell your mother. We didn't have anything before. In fact... "

"Nothing. What are you afraid of? Isn't that a sign of guilty conscience? " Zhao Chengfeng a word blocked Zhao Feilong.

They may not have happened, but it's absolutely bullshit to say that the old man has no idea about his mother-in-law! Kill Zhao Chengfeng do not believe!

"You son of a bitch, I'm afraid your mother will think too much."

Zhao Feilong was a little depressed and explained: "besides, your mother-in-law has been alone for so many years. What's wrong with giving more attention? You have abducted other people's daughters, and you don't often go home to have a look. Can the old man not be lonely? "

"Come on, come on, don't make yourself so great." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "don't get involved in my mother-in-law's affairs. Do you have half a cent to do with other people's loneliness? Don't worry. I'll introduce an object to my mother-in-law. A few days ago, in Beihai Yida square, I saw a group of elders and aunts dancing square dance. One of them is a little old man who is very good. Maybe my mother-in-law can enjoy the couple's life and give birth to a sister-in-law. "

"I Pooh!"

When Zhao Feilong heard this, he said, "little son of a bitch, how old is your mother-in-law? How old are you? Don't introduce her to someone. She really wants to find someone for the rest of her life. Can she wait until now? He is very affectionate to your father-in-law, do you understand? "

"I don't know you, and I don't know my mother-in-law." Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips and said something depressing.

Grandma, you know your mother-in-law so well, and you don't think much about her? Hum, I don't believe it!

"Don't pull the calf!"

Zhao Feilong digs off the topic and says, "did you just say that missisby has a separate body? Have you seen his part? "

"I killed his part!"

Zhao Chengfeng is not joking. He talks about the elimination of mississibi Fenfen in Europe last year and what happened that night in the castle of catari mountain forest. Finally, he emphasizes: "his mental attack ability is really strong, at least I'm not his opponent, or I haven't found a way to restrain him! If it wasn't for that amulet, I'd be dead. "

"Amulet?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Feilong immediately frowned and said in surprise, "is there such a powerful amulet?"

"As for whether it is powerful or not, I don't know. Anyway, the amulet is very effective. Later, I went to the old monk who made the amulet." Immediately, Zhao Chengfeng talked about master Yideng again, and then said, "anyway, I feel cheated by the old monk."

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