"He cheated you of the money?" Zhao Feilong light smile, ask a way back.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, "that's not true."

"Then he asked you for other treasures?"


"What did he fool you about?" Zhao Feilong asked again.


Zhao Chengfeng stopped his speech and hesitated for a long time without saying why.

"Old monk Yideng didn't cheat you. He really didn't do anything about it. In other words, basically no one can do anything about it, because MIBI is really powerful, especially his spiritual strength is amazing. Let alone drive people crazy, he can even directly invade the soul of his opponent. What's the feeling of soul being invaded?"

Zhao Feilong then said: "I know something about missisby, but I don't know much about it. Anyway, you are not his opponent at present. He wants to deal with you, which can be done every minute. If it's OK, you'd better not provoke him. "

"I'll go. Am I the kind of person who makes trouble?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was so depressed that he didn't want it. He argued: "I'm a good speaker. I never fight with others. It's the Mafia that's been bothering me all the time. This time, I couldn't help but go to the omelet country. I don't know that old bastard is so powerful. I'm not his opponent at all! "

Zhao Chengfeng still has a lingering fear when he thinks of the overwhelming spiritual power of mishibi. There is no doubt that mishibi is powerful.

"Besides, I don't want to trouble him. He wants to trouble me. Can I be reconciled if I don't kill him?" Zhao Chengfeng is even more depressed. It sounds like he is old and has no good idea.

"If he really wanted to kill you, you might not be standing here." Zhao Feilong said in a deep voice: "besides, don't you find a problem?"

"What's the problem?"

"You all admit that mississibi is very strong, but the Mafia is not strong. You killed so many Mafia people, and he didn't come to you for revenge. Don't you think about why?"

Zhao Chengfeng still shook his head and muttered, "maybe he doesn't know where I am."

"He can't get out of that damn place!"

Zhao Feilong glanced at his son and said, "you're right. Mibibi is no longer a human being. He only has a soul on this earth. Unlike ordinary people, oh no, ordinary ghosts, mibibi's ghost power is extremely powerful, that is, the mental power in your mouth. He can use his mental power to attack the enemy, or even separate his own mental power, So it's the "separation" in your mouth. It's just that a body is more powerful than mississibi. "

"Damn, it's so amazing. How can I feel like listening to a fantasy story? When people die, they leave the world? How can you still exist in a state of soul? " Zhao Chengfeng feels very magical, even a little scary.

Grandma, brother Feng has killed so many people. What if they all come to revenge themselves? Is brother Feng running away or going back to work with them? Brother Feng is worried!

"It's not a fantasy, it's true."

Zhao Feilong said: "I think the hiding place of missisby should be a place full of ghosts. There's a kind of feeling that it's dark and can't see the sun, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded repeatedly, "the place where the old man lived was dark and humid. I didn't know where he was hiding, so I couldn't attack him. But this old man suddenly attacked me. He almost killed me, and he still wanted to take my body. I'm a immortal

"Don't say it's useless."

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at his son, and then said, "that's right. According to the book of mountains and seas, these ghosts are most afraid of the sun and the masculine place. Therefore, miibi can only survive in the ghost place. It's no surprise. In short, he can't leave the castle for the time being, so you don't have to worry about him running around against you. "

"I can't leave for a while. What do you mean?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"Because he is very likely to find a body attached to him, and then come out to you." Zhao Feilong said.

"Damn, then why does he want my body?"

"Because your physical condition is good enough!"


Zhao Chengfeng doesn't speak any more. If a woman takes a fancy to her body, it's a man's honor. It can increase a man's sense of self-confidence, but her body is taken a fancy by a ghost. It's embarrassing. Is it going to be the ghost sun? It's a shame to talk about it. People who don't know think they play Liaozhai.

"This method of occupying other people's bodies is also called taking away. To put it simply, it is to take other people's bodies and use other people's faces to survive. This method is very biased, but it is quite common, especially some ancient martial arts masters use it more often. That's why it's not easy to kill the ancient martial arts masters, because their souls can escape, and you can't catch them. "

Zhao Feilong then said: "however, if you take other people's bodies, you may not get used to it for a while. You can only say that you can survive in another way."

"Take other people's bodies? The person who has been captured is... "


Zhao Feilong said: "in other words, his body is not dead, his soul is wiped out, and his own memory will be deleted. Of course, there is no need to delete it."

"Damn, it's so horrible!"

Zhao Chengfeng is really shocked this time. Think about it. If she is really defeated by MIBI, then women like Liu Shiyun and song Sisi don't know anything, and then she is taken advantage of by MIBI. NIMA, isn't brother Feng going to be green headed when he dies?

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Zhao Chengfeng secretly swears in his heart that the more he thinks about it, the more scared he is.

"There are many strange things in the world. You haven't seen so many things. In a word, if you are wandering outside, you should stay behind. Although the world is very stable on the surface, it's actually full of undercurrent." Zhao Feilong sighed, saying something that Zhao Chengfeng couldn't understand.

It's true that the Japanese and the Americans are dishonest, but they don't dare to act rashly. To put it bluntly, it's an economic tug of war, and no one can do anything about it. If we really want to do it, we in China are not afraid of them.

"Then what, do you have any way to kill missisby?" Zhao Chengfeng is more concerned with this issue.


"What can I do?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he suddenly brightened his eyes.

"Stronger than him!"


"What do you mean?"

"The literary theory of rolling!"


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