"Can you stop talking nonsense? If I want to be stronger than him, what else can I tell you? I want to be stronger than you. I can't beat you three times a day. I'll go there! " Is Zhao Chengfeng as like as two peas in the same lamp? Playing with yourself as a child? Is it exciting?

Damn it, brother Feng is very worried now, but he is too calm to want it.

"I'm too lazy to take care of you with your attitude. I deserve to be killed!" Zhao Feilong is also angry. What a disobedient smelly boy. It's too shameful.

"I'm dead, no one will die for you!"


Zhao Feilong was not threatened by Zhao Chengfeng this time. He sneered: "I have a grandson now. My grandson knows how to love me and how to feed me to death!"

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly lost his temper.

"Cough, OK."

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng eased his voice: "well, we'd better talk about it and discuss it. We're all from our own family. Why are we not happy? Our goal is to be consistent with the outside world, don't you think so? "

"Now you know how to talk? What happened to the arrogance and arrogance just now? " Zhao Feilong showed a smug smile, little bastard, I can give birth to you, but I can't deal with you.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly got angry and yelled: "old man, don't be shameless. Can you believe me to tell my mother about your secret love for my mother-in-law? I... "


Zhao Feilong was startled and covered Zhao Chengfeng's mouth. He was so anxious that he was sweating. He was a little depressed and said, "Stinky boy, can you stop talking nonsense and deliberately make me uncomfortable, right?"

"If you make me uncomfortable, I'll make you uncomfortable, hum!" Zhao Chengfeng cocked up his legs and muttered in his heart, "little boy, I can't cure you!"

"You son of a bitch, don't make me quarrel with your mother, and then divorce you to be happy, don't you?" Zhao Feilong is so angry that he blushes and his neck is thick. There's no good way to take Zhao Chengfeng.

Anyway, it's all my own seed. It's just like some richest man didn't say a classic sentence? What a fool. What's depressing is that he is still his own son.

"Divorce happened, mother-in-law don't want that square dance little old man, I'll give our mother match." Zhao Chengfeng followed by another sentence, equivalent to a knife in Zhao Feilong's heart nest.

How can a son want his father to wear a green hat? What kind of world is this?

"You, you..."

Zhao Feilong is so angry that he can't say anything. Zhao Feilong finds out that as long as he chats with Zhao Chengfeng, it's not good. Most of the two father and son are conquered by the five elements, otherwise he won't be so upset.

"Forget it. Don't worry about it. Let's talk about it. If you don't talk about it, I'll shout again." Zhao Chengfeng threatened and sat on the chair with his legs up, dragging like a son of a bitch.

At this moment, Zhao Feilong suddenly felt that he was like a son. He was stunned and didn't dare to be rude.


Zhao Feilong snorted heavily, but he didn't have a good way: "if you encounter a problem, you know how to find a helper. Can't you work harder on your own? I'm good at it. No matter how evil the opponent's way is, don't you still crush him? "

"Don't I ask you the key? There is no way to improve my strength, you have no way. What can I do? I'm desperate, too. " Zhao Chengfeng put the blame on Zhao Feilong.


Zhao Feilong was speechless. He was so angry that he didn't want to. Finally, he choked his neck and said, "well, I'll tell you that every opponent and every enemy has weaknesses. As long as you find the weaknesses of the enemy, you can develop your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, and then defeat your enemy."

"So I should go back to the old monk and draw more amulets for me? Do you want to go to the market and buy two portraits of Zhong Kui with you, and then I'll let them go when that son of a bitch attacks me? "

Zhao Chengfeng turns his eyes around and thinks that Zhao Feilong is talking nonsense. Then mibibi doesn't know where to hide, or even where the ghost shadow is. How to attack it? It's not nice to say that missisby is a ghost. You can't see him at all, but he can see you, and then he shoots you behind your back. How can you drop him?

It's totally nonsense. To put it bluntly, Zhao Chengfeng's "dealing with" in tuyere is to kill directly and never suffer from it. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to have a relative or friend captured by Mafia next time. What's more, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want his body to be missed. If he lets MIBI win, he will

"Smelly boy, I'm serious with you. Can you listen to me?" Zhao Feilong has a straight face. He's very upset. He's not going to listen to you. He has to fight you, isn't he?

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and didn't talk back to Zhao Feilong.

"I know what you're thinking, and I want to kill all the potential enemies, but do you think it's possible?" Zhao Feilong was really a little angry this time. He didn't have a good way: "is the United States the most powerful country in the world today? The combat effectiveness of the air force and navy is the first, but are they dominating the world? Don't they hate our country to the bone? Do they dare to attack China? afraid to! The same is true of the ancient martial arts masters. You can defeat the enemy, but you may not be able to kill him, because the destructive power of a dying ancient martial arts strongman is amazing. If not, you will be killed by him. "

"That's the same with MIBI. Let's not say how hard it is to kill MIBI. Now I'll ask you, do you know where he is hiding? Do you know what he lives on? Do you know his weakness? "

Zhao Feilong repeatedly asked, and Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly shook his head, and his face became more and more embarrassed. Zhao Chengfeng really didn't know.

"You don't know anything. You don't even know your opponent's weaknesses, shortcomings and unique skills. Why do you kill others? Why do you kill people? It's reckless, don't you know? " The more Zhao Feilong said, the more angry he became.

To be sure, Zhao Chengfeng's current achievements are not low, but most of the time when he does things, he doesn't take care of everything. He only knows how to rush forward. Where can this go? We should pay attention to strategy in doing things. Especially for the strong, one mistake may lead to a total loss. Zhao Feilong is from the past. He has to remind his son that he has only one son?

"Remember, you must be good at finding the enemy's weakness! The enemy's weakness is your breakthrough

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