"Weakness?" Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin, if he realized, "by the way, he seems to be afraid of the sun, do I want to lead him to the place where the sun is intense to do with him?"

"Do you think he's a fool?" Zhao Feilong gave him a white eye. "Ah, how did I give birth to such a stupid son as you? Think, think. Do you understand? What do you have in mind?"

"I'll go. You have to fart. If I can think clearly, do I have to ask you?"

The old man said that he would sell the story, "and what's wrong with me? Isn't it his weakness to be afraid of sunshine?"

However, he seems to know that it's not easy to lead him out of such an obvious weakness, and I don't have to worry about it if I can easily lead him out.

What is his weakness?

This time, Zhao Feilong was not angry. Anyway, he was used to Zhao Chengfeng's attitude. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng frowned and couldn't understand, he said with a smile: "I'll ask you a question. What's the biggest advantage of elephant compared with mouse?"

"Elephant?" Zhao Chengfeng is trying to think about the weakness of miobi. After hearing this, he was stunned and subconsciously replied, "isn't the elephant in the refrigerator?"

Then he saw Zhao Feilong's face covered with black lines, and he said with a smile, "well, compared with mice, elephants have the advantages of being big, big body and strong strength. Hey, I'm not in kindergarten any more. OK, ask such a naive question..."

He was stunned in the middle of his speech. He felt as if there was a flash of lightning in his mind, and his words stopped immediately.

Compared with mice, elephants have big advantages but big disadvantages.

"Does that mean that the strongest point is the weakest point?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help looking at Zhao Feilong, "when did this old guy talk so deeply and well?"

"Ha ha..." Zhao Feilong laughed and said no more. He said, "think about it, boy. Don't do anything recklessly. Use your brain. Do you understand?"

After that, he turned around and left, leaving Zhao Chengfeng alone in deep thought. After a long time, he suddenly returned to his senses and patted his thigh. "No, the old guy said it for a long time, as if it was very reasonable, but the key is that the problem has not been solved?"

Although the truth is that the strongest point is the weakest point, the question is what is the strongest point, and how can we turn the strongest point into the weakest point?

"The mouse can get into the elephant's trunk. Can I get into the old devil's trunk, brother Feng?"

Moreover, it seems that mice drill into the elephant trunk. This should be a fairy tale. In the real world, there is no one mouse that can successfully drill into the elephant trunk. Even if you can get in, the elephant may not be able to do anything, but the mouse will not survive.

But at this time, Zhao Feilong had already disappeared.

"Well, I've been in trouble for a long time, and I'm just a follower!" Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and felt like he was being played.

Zhao Chengfeng is thinking about whether or not to go to the old guy to settle accounts. Suddenly, he hears a flustered sound of footsteps coming in from the outside. When he looks back, he sees Liu Shiyun's face full of tears and pear blossom falling down from the outside. Murong frost and Yuan Shanshan holding the child follow him.

"Shiyun, what's the matter? What's the matter?" Seeing Liu Shiyun's appearance, Zhao Chengfeng was startled. He was surprised at what happened to her and worried about her baby. He quickly helped her, "be careful. Don't panic. Tell me what happened!"

On the one hand, he subconsciously looked at murongshuang and Yuan Shanshan, who were closely following. Seeing that there was nothing unusual on their faces except worry, he was a little relieved. "Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be gongdou or the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

For a man, as long as it's not these two problems, everything else is relatively easy to say.

"Chengfeng, please, help my brother, my brother is arrested!" Liu Shiyun did not calm down because of his comfort. Before he finished, he grabbed Zhao Chengfeng's arm with his backhand, and his face was full of anxiety, without her usual calm manner.

"Your brother? Liu Qinglong caught? By whom? "

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the news, he couldn't help but feel stunned and couldn't react.

I just talked with Liu Qinglong before I came to the capital. Although Liu Qinglong may not be so happy in the end, he was still well at that time. He suddenly said that he was arrested. Which one is this?

Who was the kidnapper?

But it doesn't make sense. Liu Qinglong's power is in the North Sea. Ordinary people don't dare to move him. Unusual people can move him, but they don't seem to have such value?

I think it's a literal meaning to be arrested, but it's not so coincidental, is it?

He had just warned Liu Qinglong that something really happened so soon. Isn't this brother Feng and my crow's mouth?

"Shiyun, don't panic. Speak slowly. Don't worry about me. Be careful of the baby in your stomach." Although a little surprised, but Zhao Chengfeng face is very calm.

Whether Liu Qinglong is arrested or tied up, at least he should be OK for the time being.

And as long as there is a buffer time, relative to him, it should not be anything unfair.

Zhao Chengfeng is very confident about this.

Although he can't do anything to get a missisby now, if it's not a boast, how many missisbys can there be on the earth?

"Yes, Shiyun, if you have something to say, the baby in your stomach is important!" Murong frost, who comes in with Liu Shiyun, has been worried for a long time. For her, whether Liu Qinglong is caught or not, it's important to have her unborn grandson.

Although she already has a grandson and a granddaughter, she still has great expectations for the little thing in Liu Shiyun's stomach.

After all, there are too many grandchildren.

At this point, Murong frost is no different from the general grandparents, eager to be surrounded by a large group of grandchildren.

This is the same as her son Zhao Chengfeng. The difference is that she loves her grandchildren, but her son doesn't have too many grandchildren.

It's a hit.

It's just hard for her to say that. I'm afraid Liu Shiyun will think that she only cares about her grandchildren, not her daughter-in-law. At this time see Zhao Chengfeng said, just quickly agreed.

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