Liu Shiyun heard the mother and son's reminder, and also thought of the baby in his stomach. He subconsciously touched his belly, which was not particularly pregnant, and tried to calm down. Then he continued: "just now there was a phone call from Beihai saying that my brother was arrested by the police, and not only he, but also the head of the Liu's trade union, It's said that it's still a special order from the Ministry of public security, and people from the provincial department have moved their hands. "

When Liu Shiyun said this, he couldn't help but get excited again. He grabbed Zhao Chengfeng's arm again and said eagerly: "Chengfeng, I know my brother is not good. There are many scum in his hands, and he is engaged in casinos. He offended you before, but he is my brother after all. Chengfeng..."

"Don't mention it. It's not his subordinates who offend me. It doesn't matter to him. I'm angry with him not for this, but..." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, but suddenly felt that Liu Shiyun's words were a little wrong. It was strange to listen to them.

His brow couldn't help frowning, "Shiyun, you don't think it's me because your brother offended me and then hurt your brother behind my back?"

"No, no, I don't think so. I'm just... "Liu Shiyun shook his head and said bitterly:" even if I don't believe everyone, I won't doubt you. I'm just worried about my brother. I'm afraid you're still angry with him. "

"Hehe, anger is anger, but he is my brother-in-law after all. I don't care about him, you silly girl." Zhao Chengfeng laughed, but then his face was slightly cold and said, "but if it's true, it's a bit strange. To put it in a bad way, I'm afraid your brother's weight is not worth fighting with so many people. "

"Maybe I'm the one who implicated your brother." Although Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know the details, it can be seen from a glimpse. With just a few words, he can already think of a lot.

As he spoke, there was a flash of cold in his eyes.

"Just don't know who this person is?"

"But you can rest assured that no matter it's your brother's own problems or someone's using him as a breakthrough, as long as he doesn't do anything immoral, he will be OK."

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes flashed a trace of lethality, but there was also a trace of worry in his eyes.

First, they are afraid that Liu Qinglong's men have done something illegal behind his back. But what's more, Liu Qinglong himself is obsessed with participating in it.

At that time, even if he knew that someone was doing it intentionally, he could not force it out.

Because that's not in line with his principles.

But if you don't, I'm afraid Liu Shiyun will be sad.

But these words, of course, he will not say, on the surface is still talking and laughing, can not help comforting Liu Shiyun.

Murong Shuang and Yuan Shanshan also followed suit.

"Yes, Shiyun, you don't have to worry about it. You just take care of yourself and your baby. What's out there, let this smelly boy do it."

Then he said to Zhao Cheng, "smelly boy, do you hear me? If you can't do this little thing well, don't take women home for me, because you can't take care of them."

"I'll go, mother. You're too eccentric. Who are you born with?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he cried bitterly.

"Hum, who is my own child? I only know that my daughter-in-law can give me grandchildren. Can you?" Murong frost turned his eyes.

"I'll go. What do you mean I can? Of course I can... Well, anyway, he has half of me in the military medal."

"But it's a pity that your half has been completed, and you are not needed now!" Murong frost snorted a sneer.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, "you and the old man are really close to each other. When you have a grandson, you forget your son."

Beside yuan Shanshan, she was full of schadenfreude.

Even Liu Shiyun couldn't help laughing.

Everyone was relieved to see her smile.

"It's really good for flying birds, but it's good for cunning rabbits." Zhao Chengfeng finished with a sigh, full of emotion.

Yuan Shanshan, who was holding the child beside him, couldn't help laughing again. Then she turned a little red and flew his black and white eyes. "You have so much gossip. I think you'd better ask about brother Liu Qinglong quickly, and then try to find a way to let sister Shiyun have a baby, or you'll get hurt and wait to be cooked."

"Well said." Murong Shuang laughs, and then turns to Zhao Chengfeng again with cold eyes. The smile disappears and is replaced by a touch of frost. She says plainly: "boy, I don't care about anything else, but for one thing, I don't want anyone or anything to affect the healthy growth of my precious grandson. If you can't even do this, don't go home to get women, because you can't take care of them. "

Zhao Chengfeng also saw his mother's terrible look for the first time. The chill in Danfeng's eyes made him feel a little surprised.

It seems that my mother is not human.

Of course, he knew that the chill in Murong Frost's eyes was not aimed at him, but at the possible behind the scenes.

How dare someone dare to make trouble at such an important moment when her daughter-in-law is pregnant with her grandson.

At the moment, he didn't dare to be slighted. He put away the color of laughter and asked, "Shiyun, first of all, who called you and what did you say?"

"Well." Liu Shiyun nodded, knowing that it was related to his brother's safety, and said: "the person who called me was Liu Qingshan. According to the generations, my brother and I should call him cousin, but he was much older than us. Since my father's time, he has followed my father, and now he seems to be my brother's confidant."

"However, I don't care about their affairs, so I don't know Liu Qingshan, but my father and my brother trust him. I think he should be reliable."

Although Liu Shiyun doesn't stay in the gang and doesn't care about their business, she is very smart. She knows that since Zhao Chengfeng has asked the caller specially, there must be a reason, so she answers very carefully.

Zhao Chengfeng also listened carefully and nodded his head as he listened. But he did not easily make a judgment on Liu Qingshan.

Are old people reliable? Not necessarily.

But it is not easy to be sure that the other side is the enemy, otherwise it will also affect the judgment.

Liu Shiyun continued: "he only said a general idea on the phone, but he didn't say the specific details. Moreover, he was too flustered, so he missed many places."

"I just heard from him that the police started suddenly last night, and my brother and many other senior brothers were arrested. Moreover, the policemen who started the operation were all strange faces. It was only later that he learned that they were temporarily mobilized from other places in the province. I didn't even hear from the local police in advance. "

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