"Then why didn't he get caught?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"He said that he just went to other places to do business because of my brother's order, so he escaped the disaster. When he got the news, he rushed back immediately and called me."

"Just escaped? Do you know why? " Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"I, I forgot to ask, would you like to call him?" Liu Shiyun shook his head in some chagrin.

"Forget it. I'll go back right away." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head.

"Chengfeng, thank you. I'll go back with you." Liu Shiyun was moved by the news, but he didn't say anything false, because he didn't need it.

"No Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, shook his head, "you stay in the capital."

Liu Shiyun wants to talk about it again, but Zhao Chengfeng's attitude is firm, and Murong frost doesn't speak, but obviously doesn't want her to go.

After thinking about it, he finally nodded, "well, I'll see you off at the airport."

"Well, good." This time, Zhao Chengfeng did not refuse and agreed with a smile.

"Shiyun, you don't have to worry. As long as your brother doesn't do anything immoral, I promise he'll be OK." Airport, Liu Shiyun road where Zhao Chengfeng came to see him off.

Although this matter is somewhat strange, Zhao Chengfeng does not think it is a big event. Because he knows something about Liu Qinglong and Liu's trade union.

First of all, although Liu Qinglong didn't seem to listen to his advice before, he may even have some bad feelings.

And he is not satisfied with Liu Qinglong's performance, but he knows that Liu Qinglong is not a bad man. The main reason for Liu Qinglong to go this way is probably his family background.

Growing up in that environment and going on that road is almost inevitable. Personality and values also have an impact, but the essence is not bad. So although he said so, he didn't really think that Liu Qinglong would do anything too serious.

Although it seems strange that the Ministry and provincial levels should be involved in this matter at the same time, the specific situation still needs to be known after he goes to Beihai and meets Liu Qinglong.

"Well." Liu Shiyun nodded and agreed.

After hesitating for a while, he said to Zhao Chengfeng: "Chengfeng, in fact, you don't have to be too embarrassed. If, I mean if, if my brother really does something serious, then..."

"... then, let him accept the punishment of the law!" Liu Shiyun some difficult to say this sentence, the whole person seems to have something taken away from the body, obviously say such words, she is determined.

"It's good for him, maybe, maybe." Liu Shiyun bit his lip and whispered again, as if to persuade himself.

"Shiyun..." Zhao Chengfeng looked at Liu Shiyun in surprise, and immediately showed a happy expression on his face. He said with a smile: "it's good that you can understand this. In fact, I wanted to say it before, but I'm afraid of you, ha ha..."

Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose with a smile, then reached out and hugged Liu Shiyun's shoulder and said, "don't worry, I will never let him be wronged and wronged."

"Well." Liu Shiyun leans on Zhao Chengfeng's shoulder and suddenly feels very stable.

At the same time, after saying that, she felt a lot more relaxed.

She knows that if she asks Zhao Chenggong to get Liu Qinglong out anyway, Zhao Chengfeng will certainly agree, because this is what he asks. Although this guy looks like a rascal, he can't refuse women.

And she also believes that Zhao Chengfeng has such ability.

But as she said, it's good for Liu Qinglong to accept the punishment. Maybe it's an opportunity for him to get away from the road of no return.

Otherwise, sooner or later, he will have a big accident and even follow his father.

Of course, there is another reason. She doesn't want to embarrass the people she loves.

Is Zhao Chengfeng a good man? Strictly speaking, not at all. Playboy, lecherous, rogue, sometimes a bit lawless, but he is definitely a person with his own sense of justice.

During this period, she also saw the influence of Zhao Chengfeng himself and the influence of the Zhao family. Although she didn't fully understand it, she could see something from some details.

However, since she met Zhao Chengfeng, she seldom saw him use them to seek privileges for himself.

It's not necessary to have the ability to use privileges. It seems nothing, but in fact, it's not an easy thing, because not everyone can easily resist the temptation of privileges.

There is only one reason why he can do this, that is, he dislikes this kind of thing from the bottom of his heart.

For example, if she asks Zhao Chengfeng or Zhao Chengfeng's father to use his relationship and privileges to get Liu Qinglong out, it may be solved by just one phone call. But in this way, both Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Feilong will probably leave a knot in their heart, which is not what Liu Shiyun wants to see.

But even so, it's still very difficult for her to say that, because it's her brother. If Zhao Chengfeng and her unborn baby are not included in the world, it's her only relative.

Looking at her relatives may enter the prison, how can she feel nothing? More importantly, although she made such a decision for the sake of Liu Qinglong, will the latter understand her and Zhao Chengfeng?

It is almost certain that mustard will be born.

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Shiyun felt a slight pain in her heart, but Zhao Chengfeng's shoulder and gentle and firm words made her body better and stronger.

That is a kind of warmth that can be relied on and cared for.

"It's worth it." Liu Shiyun thought silently in his heart and showed a little smile on his face.

This kind of feeling lets her be attached to, want a lifetime also not to let go.

However, she suddenly felt that there were a lot of eyes around her looking at them. Some people seemed to take out their mobile phones to take photos. She immediately woke up and remembered that she was in the airport hall, blushing with a pretty face. She quickly left Zhao Chengfeng's arms and hit him with a coquettish punch.

"What a nuisance! So many people are dead!"

"Oh, shame, I think it's very good." Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

"Well, I don't care about you." Liu Shiyun stares at him, glances at him, and finds that people around him are still looking at them, pointing and taking pictures secretly with their mobile phones.

"What's the matter with these people? It's just a hug, isn't it?" Liu Shiyun felt a little strange in his heart.

Because today's era is not the 1970s and 1980s. It's indecent to hold a hand in front of people. Nowadays, not to mention hugging, even some children with schoolbags are holding and gnawing at each other in front of their eyes.

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