This is still normal, and even men and men, women and women, men and women, women and men, all kinds of fancy show love.

All in all, these things are no longer a problem in today's society.

No one will look at it more than the FFF party shouting and burning to death.

Why, they just hugged each other, and these people reacted too much. They secretly aimed and pointed, as if they had done something wonderful.

And every time her eyes sweep to where, the other party immediately moved their eyes and made a look like they were doing something else. As soon as she moved her eyes, she immediately pointed and secretly took photos. What's the matter?

"Ha ha, what's so strange about this? It's a world of looking at faces. No one even looks at ugly people taking off their pants on the street.

But who calls us handsome men, beautiful women, standing there is a beautiful scenery, such a beautiful picture, do not shoot down a circle of friends, even I feel bad. Come on, let's take a picture of ourselves Zhao Chengfeng laughs and smiles.

Then he took out his mobile phone and put his head next to Liu Shiyun's head. Liu Shiyun pushed him away. "Go away, I've seen narcissism, but I haven't seen you so narcissistic. If you want to say that Miss Ben looks good, it's OK. You, hum, I'm not sure. People have sent out a circle of friends. The words below are: another good cabbage is eaten by a pig, cough, that..."

Liu Shiyun was in a relaxed mood when he turned over his nonsense. He even made a joke, but half of it, he realized that something was wrong, and he was so vague. However, this vagueness made him feel even more so, and his pretty face became more red.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs, pretends to be silly and blinks his eyes and asks, "by which pig?"

"Go away, I don't care about you." Liu Shiyun was angry in his heart, but he was amused and couldn't help laughing. Just at this time, the airport radio rang to inform the passengers to get on the plane. He immediately pushed him and said, "go, go, go, it's annoying!"

"I won't, unless you give me a kiss." Seeing that the gloom in her eyes was diluted, Zhao Chengfeng's laughter became alive again. He was also happy and secretly praised himself.

Who says brother Feng can't take care of women? Let's see how good it is. But in the heart is proud, on the face actually intentionally makes a pair of coquetry to play depends on the expression.

However, as he did so, more and more eyes were pointing around him. Liu Shiyun blushed to death. Seeing this guy, a big man, acting as a coquettish and shameless man, he could not help but feel ashamed and angry, and could not help crying and laughing.

He pushed him away, rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "go away, who do you want to kiss? Who do you want to kiss? If you don't go, I'll go!"

Then he turned around and walked out of the airport hall.

"Hey, how can it be like this? Where is the plane? The people who are sent still go. Instead, the people who are sent go first. Hey..." there seems to be no embarrassment in Zhao Chengfeng's dictionary. Although many people around are watching and even taking photos, they have no feeling. It seems that they are even more shameless.

But Liu Shiyun couldn't have such a thick face when he was killed. On the contrary, he quickened his pace when he heard his cry. He walked out of the airport hall and ran into the car as if to escape. He urged Fu Bo, who was in charge of driving, to say: "Fu Bo, hurry up. This shameless rascal is really killing me!"

"Ha ha, the young master is very similar to the master on this point, and is more frank than most people, but it also reflects that the young master really likes you very much." Fubo heard the speech, but he laughed. His face was full of admiration.

"Frank? You really know how to choose words, fauber Liu Shiyun, who had just sat in the back seat, looked very strange.

And on this point, it is very similar to the master.

Liu Shiyun's mind can not help but automatically fill out, and Zhao Feilong, like Zhao Chengfeng's virtuous picture, immediately shivers.

It seems that the picture is too beautiful, "Fubo, you'd better drive quickly, and you can just call me Shiyun in the future, little grandma or something. It feels strange. What's more, the young granny also... "

Liu Shiyun originally wanted to say that the identity of the young grandmother might not be her turn, but in the middle of that, she realized that she didn't need to tell Fubo about it at all, and she was not particularly dissatisfied with the current situation, as long as Chengfeng was good to herself, others

Well, I'll talk about it later.

"Ha ha."

Fubo laughed and said nothing more. He just started the car according to her instructions and left slowly.

In the airport hall, Zhao Chengfeng watched Liu Shiyun leave while Fubo was driving. He pretended to be silly and his cute look faded slowly. Although his smile was still there, there was a chill in his eyes. His eyes swept around intentionally or unconsciously.

Some people in the surrounding crowd are enjoying taking photos with their mobile phones, and they still have a sneer on their faces. When they are swept by his eyes, they are in a panic and hastily put away their mobile phones one after another. One of the young people wearing glasses is too flustered. His mobile phone falls on the marble floor and instantly falls into eight pieces. This population can't help but exclaim, "Oh, My kidney is 7S

But then I feel that Zhao Chengfeng is looking at him. He quickly picks up the mobile phone of "Yidi" and turns around to get into the crowd.

"I didn't expect that one day, someone would break my kidney because of taking pictures of brother Feng!" Zhao Chengfeng looked at the eyes of the man into the crowd's back, muttered to himself shaking his head, "ah, looking too handsome is trouble."

But his eyes were even colder.

However, he didn't do anything. He didn't even ask the people around him why they wanted to take pictures of themselves. He turned and walked to the gate.

What he didn't expect was that until he got on the plane, many people who met him were surprised when they saw him. Then some people were scared to avoid him, while others were full of thief like excitement. Then they began to shoot him secretly. Then they were all over the face watching movies and typing words quickly. They didn't know they were tweeting, It's still a circle of friends.

This scene, Zhao Chengfeng can not help but doubt.

At first he thought those people were sent by someone to follow him.

But I feel more and more that it's not like this.

The first reaction of these people to see him is usually surprise.

It's the surprise that I didn't expect to meet a celebrity here.

"Brother Feng, I don't remember what I did to make a name for myself. Is it strange that I'm on fire?" Zhao Chengfeng murmured suspiciously, "you can't really be handsome. Although it should be sooner or later, brother Feng is not ready."

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