Wang Jianguo is also a man who does what he wants.

The brain quickly filtered for a while, which a few big V on the Internet are familiar with themselves, but after thinking about it, the discovery of tragedy, none of them.

Although he did not circle others, but back to his few, even if back, that is, perfunctory words.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"But it doesn't matter. Those big V's are just too low. But driven by interests, I don't believe they don't turn. "

"Yes, just circle a few. Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng is now normalizing. Someone will definitely change his personal experience."

With this in mind, he didn't worry any more. He quickly circled all the big V he could think of, and even had several stars who used to gossip about others.

With a sneer in his heart, "this Zhao Chengfeng jumped out of nowhere. Somehow, he was fired as the number one villain in China. What's the mysterious background? Hum, I haven't heard of it. A voice roars he dare not move, return the first evil little. This kind of goods should be my stepping stone! "

The more Wang Jianguo thought about it, the more proud he was. As for the stewardess next to him, he had completely forgotten the fact that the plane was about to take off.

Now his mind is full of all kinds of YY after the fire, but it's hard for him to circle all the big V that he can think of, and he's planning to publish it.

But suddenly a hand reached out and took the mobile phone from him.

"Damn, you are very sick, I didn't say..." Wang Jianguo thought it was the stewardess or other crew members, because he didn't cooperate, so he forced to stop him and scolded him.

"It's you, you, what do you want to do?" When I looked at it, I saw that the one who took away his mobile phone was Zhao Chengfeng, who had just been "roared so that he didn't dare to move". I was a little flustered in my heart.

The stewardess and other people were also surprised, because they found that they did not notice when Zhao Chengfeng left his seat, appeared next to the fat man, and took his mobile phone.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about the people around him and the fat man. He glanced at the microblog content that hadn't been sent out in time.

"Ha ha, the first villain in China. I'll tell you how everyone looks at brother Feng all the way. It turns out that I've been hacked on the Internet. But I really like this name. Ha ha, it's a bit interesting. " Zhao Chengfeng laughs as if he is not talking about his own business.

"But what are you? I dare not move with a roar and call for justice? Call your grandmother a leg, I hold a mobile phone to answer the phone has not come to the urgent answer, it is called no quality, it is called arrogant trekking, you are special one by one is to take photos, is to brush micro blog, you tell me, what do you call this Zhao Chengfeng looked at Wang Jianguo contemptuously and swept the others around him.

Those who had similar behavior before, subconsciously avoided his eyes.

"The most disgusting thing is you. Look at you, I dare not move with a roar. Try again!" Zhao Chengfeng looks at Wang Jianguo in disgust.

Although Zhao Chengfeng has known for a long time that the domestic network environment is very chaotic, with all kinds of sprayers, water army and keyboard Party running rampant, almost everyone has consciously or unconsciously become a member of the violent network.

They live like dogs in real life, but they have become moral models and justice pioneers on the Internet.

Some people don't care who they catch or who they scold. They don't care about the facts or the truth. They scold one side today and the other side tomorrow. Anyway, they will always stand on the peak of justice.

Some people with ulterior motives use these moral parties to distort facts and mislead public opinion, so as to achieve their own ulterior purposes. What's more, use this process to make profits.

Although Wang Jianguo is not well-known at present, he is obviously trying to change from a bottom-up to a profitable one. This kind of person is simply the biggest pathogen group in this society.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not expect that he would become the target of these people's attack one day, and even this bug like thing in front of him even wanted to use himself.

"You, you give me back your mobile phone. You are not a policeman or a crew member. What qualifications do you have to take care of our affairs?"

Feeling the disgust and disdain in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, Wang Jianguo's face turned red, and he was ashamed and angry. Unexpectedly inexplicable and gave birth to a courage, once again toward Zhao Chengfeng stem neck call.

At the same time, he constantly comforted himself, "not afraid, not afraid. Although it's said on the Internet that this person has huge energy, mysterious background, and what's the first evil, I've never heard of such a number one person before, and it must be hyped."

"And just now I didn't get everyone's support as soon as I opened my mouth, which means that other people are just like me. As long as I stir everyone up, if you don't have reason, it's on my side. Even if you have background and energy, how dare you treat me in the public. And such a conflict, a hype, maybe the effect is better. "

Think of here, used to timid, he even became a little excited, even the courage has become bigger.

He even stood up and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a sneer, "hum, I know you. The Internet says that you have a strong background and a lot of energy. Not only do you support the underworld, but the police have become your accomplices. They also keep dozens of mistresses, bullying men and women. Just because some people can't stand your mistress's shamelessness, they said a few words at your mistress's classmate's meeting, You make people drink urine! "

"As a result, even your underworld people can't stand you and go to the public security bureau to report you, but you are so bold that even the witness who reported was murdered by you!"

Wang Jianguo more said more excited, slowly even feel that he is a hero, scornful of a slant Zhao Chengfeng, a pile of a number.

Wang Jianguo gnashed his teeth when he said everything, especially when it came to keeping dozens of mistresses.

He was deeply envious. "Why is it that Lao Tzu is so busy day and night that he can only be a grandson for others? A yellow faced woman in the family is so disgusting that he looks down on Lao Tzu. Why do you keep dozens of mistresses

"But you don't think that all will be afraid of you, I, Wang Jianguo..." Wang Jianguo at this time more and more heroic feeling, speaking of his name, unexpectedly unconsciously straightened his back, a face proud of Zhao Chengfeng, light vomit out three words, "not afraid of you!"

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