Some of the people around them had some faults in their hearts before, while others felt that Zhao Chengfeng was not like what was said on the Internet. But at this time, when they heard Wang Jianguo counting Zhao Chengfeng's "crimes" one by one, the faults in their hearts disappeared, and they immediately found reasons for their actions.

Then Wang Jianguo seems to feel different. Just now, it seems that he is just a louse, a villain who talks to others and makes his own way.

But at this time, I feel like a hero.

Some people even called out to him.

But as soon as they looked up, they saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't seem to notice them at all. He was still smiling, and his smile was full of ridicule and contempt.

All of a sudden, these people became angry.

"This man is so arrogant, heartless, and has done so many evil deeds. When he was exposed face to face, he didn't have the slightest shame and laughed. Obviously, he didn't see us at all."

"Damn, he's nothing. Why does he despise us? No, he ignores us. Why does he have any ability as a young man? Since he's called a villain, he must be the second generation of the rich or the second generation of the government. This kind of rubbish is just a good baby."

Many people began to blame Zhao Chengfeng again.

All of a sudden, it seems that Zhao Chengfeng has really become a vicious villain.

Only the stewardess had a confused look on her face and felt that she could not tell right from wrong.

Although it was obvious that the middle-aged man was not a thing just now, hearing all this, he felt that Wang Jianguo was really a hero.

"But if he is a hero, am I really the one who persecutes him with this young man? But I didn't do anything She subconsciously turned to ask a colleague little sister.

But the latter also shook his head blankly and asked, "what should we do now? The plane is about to take off. It's still such a mess here. The purser and the captain will certainly scold us later."

"What can I do? At this time, even if we say anything, they won't listen to us!" The former stewardess frowned.

They are worried, but listen to Zhao Chengfeng who has not opened his mouth, and finally speak.

While playing with the stolen mobile phone, he looked at the middle-aged man with a smile and asked, "are you so forced?"

"And you, too, are you all done?"

Wang Jianguo and all of them were stunned and didn't respond. They thought of Zhao Chengfeng's 1000 reactions. They thought that Zhao Chengfeng might get angry and argue. Even Wang Jianguo was ready to be beaten.

He is not afraid of any of these reactions. As long as Zhao Chengfeng doesn't kill him directly, he will earn money. It's better to beat him. Then it's hard for him not to be famous.

But they didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng would come here.

All of a sudden, I don't know how to react.

After a while, Wang Jianguo forced a sneer, "hum, so what if you finish, so what if you don't finish, do you still want to commit a crime?"

"To commit a crime, you're the kind of rubbish that deserves to be committed by Laozi. You've been struggling for a hundred years, but you can't get the qualification that deserves to be committed by Laozi. If you didn't delay the flight, you think I would take care of you! "

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at him in disgust, then smashed his mobile phone directly on his chest and said in a cold voice: "when you're done, just turn off your mobile phone for me, sit down honestly and fasten your seat belt. Even if you're a rubbish like you, ten thousand of them will have no effect on the world, but don't give people any trouble here."

"You're all the same." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the crowd and sneered contemptuously: "a group of people are full of justice and morality. Don't you know how much trouble your behavior will cause to others? Look at what these stewardesses have become. Not to mention that the airport has strict arrangements for the plane to take off, because your interference has caused the accident, and your whole family can't afford to be responsible for it! "

"Give you 30 seconds, who is not ready according to the regulations, I will throw him down directly. You can send some bullshit microblog, friends circle and scold, and see if I dare not lose you!" Zhao Chengfeng finally glanced at Wang Jianguo and other people again, and then went back to his seat as if there were no one else. He seriously sat down and fastened his seat belt.

A group of people were scolded, their faces changed, but after all, no one yelled, hesitated for a while, and they all sat back in their seats and fastened their seat belts.

The original noisy cabin calmed down instantly.

The two stewardesses, who were originally worried, were both surprised and delighted.

Looking at the figure of Zhao Chengfeng walking back to his seat, I feel that I can't understand the young man.

"I don't think he is a bad man, and he was very handsome just now." One of the stewardesses looked at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes shining slightly.

Another stewardess nodded subconsciously, then suddenly woke up, pushed his colleague and said: "OK, don't be crazy, let's get ready, or the captain will really scold you!"

"Ha ha, what's wrong with fahuachi? Which man is not affectionate and which girl is not pregnant." The stewardess who spoke before was very bold. He laughed at Wen Yan.

"I think you are Fachun."

The two stewardesses whispered and quickly returned to their seats. Then they picked up the microphone and began to broadcast before takeoff.

But both of them are full of confusion when they look at Zhao Chengfeng.

"What kind of man is this young man?"

On the other hand, Wang Jianguo saw that the atmosphere he had created and the rhythm he had brought was shattered in a second.

Moreover, he did not find any reason to make use of it. He was unwilling and angry.

But everyone is honest, he also dare not jump, although unwilling to admit, but Zhao Chengfeng's eyes really let him some fear.

"You wait. It's not over. If you don't let me send it now, I'll send it back. I don't believe that you are really not afraid of being scolded by everyone! " In his heart, he secretly glances at Zhao Chengfeng.

However, Zhao Chengfeng has already closed his eyes and seems to be in a state of sleep. His tossing and turning seems to really make the other party a little troubled or even angry.

This made the hatred in his heart strong again.

Eyes move again, and see the two stewardess eyes from time to time in the direction of Zhao Chengfeng Piao, a face of fanatic and curious.

Even the girl beside Zhao Chengfeng is peeping at him.

"These bitches, they're all bitches, bitches

I've never tasted this kind of treatment since I was young. Why is it that this boy is a jerk and a villain, and the news on the Internet is clear, and these idiotic women are still silly.

Sure enough, they are all bitches!

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