"Damn, these people dare to pour dirty water on the boss. I blacked him!"

In Beihai City, IMP and Huisheng get together and watch the news about Zhao Chengfeng on the Internet. As an expert on the Internet, imp can't sit down first.

Because he felt that the network was his position. In his position, his boss was attacked, which was undoubtedly a provocation, even a humiliation to him.

"Black, he has a fart use. I think you'd better find out who started to make figurines. I'll cut him down!" The blood monk is also very irritable.

Relatively speaking, it's more stable to return to life. Seeing them blowing their beards and staring at each other, they shook their heads. "You two should calm down. Don't shout. You two can't solve the problem."

"Now almost every website on the Internet has similar information. Who are you going to hack? Besides, even if you hack their computers or kill one or two people, it can't solve the problem."

"Then what do you say? You can't do it, can you?" Although the IMP and the blood monk admit that the theory of reincarnation is reasonable, they are unconvinced and unable to suppress their anger.

"There's a way!" Huisheng touched his chin.

"What can I do?"

"It's very simple, kid. You can trace it and see where the water army and the spray are concentrated. I'll refine some poison and put it in there. I'll kill it wrong!" In Huisheng's eyes, the way of murderous spirit.

"Er..." they were stunned.

The kid hesitated and said, "this is a good way, but the boss doesn't seem to agree?"

"You idiot, what do you look like? I'm sure you won't agree." The blood monk rolled his eyes and glanced at Huisheng, "I thought you could think of a good way. It's not as good as me after a long time. At the very least, I know that it's good for you to catch the chief villain. If you do it like this, you don't have to be blackmailed by others. The boss will become a common enemy of mankind. "

Good guy, city by city, you don't want to vent your anger on the boss, you want to destroy human beings, do you?

"I mean, you think I'm a pervert. What's more, if I do this, the boss will destroy me first. " Huisheng feels his nose and laughs.

"Needless to say, this is the hometown of the boss. He has been fighting for her all the time. If you dare to do anything harmful to China, you will die. " The blood monk and the kid also said with a smile.

But as soon as they saw the news on the Internet, they all frowned.

"But then again, seeing these sprays, sometimes I'm really not worth it for the boss and his comrades in arms. Are these the people they are desperately protecting? " The blood monk frowned.

"Although many of these people may be used by others and they don't know the truth, why should a person dare to abuse at will on the moral commanding point if he doesn't know the truth?"

"You see what this asshole said." Blood monk points to one of the IDS called justice pioneer and looks at the logo behind his ID. this person is still a certified big v. although it's not really a big V with hundreds of thousands or millions of fans, it seems that the people who pay attention to him are not bad. There are tens of thousands of people.

"Look at what he said. He said that the eldest brother was suspected to be the son of a senior government official. He said that the eldest brother bullied men and women. He saw it. He also said that the eldest brother controlled the underworld, used the government relationship to extort and embezzle a lot of government assets. I even said that Bingbing's property was seized by the eldest brother through illegal means. But he said that for a long time, it was speculation and suspected, Fuck your sister, there's no real evidence. Why does he dare to talk nonsense... "

The more the blood monk said, the more angry he was, and the tendons on his forehead were dancing.

"Ha ha, he also said that the eldest brother forced people to drink urine. Ha ha, this is a bit of a shadow. It's rare that he could even hear about it. But why didn't he tell us all the details of it? It's totally out of context."

"Damn, this kind of thing, the following even a water of praise support, these idiots, are all fuckin 'pigs? This kind of person is not only stupid, but also pathetic. It's better to kill this kind of person! "

The blood monk's original character was violent. His anger rose in his heart and he thought of killing again.

The other two frowned, too.

"The kid said:" this person is still good, and what's more, he completely confused black and white and made out of nothing. Look at this person, he has been constantly appealing to the Chinese police. What's more, he hasn't killed the relevant departments to calm the public's anger. Is he a court? Does he say that whoever should die should die? "

"No, I have to track down this asshole, and I'll kill him right away."

The kid said that he was about to start, and Huisheng stopped him, "don't be too busy for him, wait for the boss to come back and then act. I feel it's a bit strange. It didn't move at all, but it was triggered overnight, and now it's still vaguely going on. This incident is aimed at the Chinese government. You see, these people are accusing the government of inaction."

"It's even dangerous to hear that the Chinese government is no longer a world of anything. It's controlled by some people."

Hearing this, the kid and the blood monk calmed down, frowned and said, "so it's false for these people to deal with the boss, but actually they want to deal with the Chinese government."

"No, their goal should still be the boss. The main purpose is to force the Chinese government to fight against the boss." Huisheng said, frowning, and then said: "we must be on guard in this respect, at least to ensure that the boss and his relatives and friends can retreat."

"No, it's impossible for the Chinese government to fight against the boss, isn't it?"

"Yes, it seems that the leaders of Huaxia all trust the boss very much, and others don't know. Those senior leaders must know the contribution of the boss."

After hearing this, their faces suddenly changed, but they still did not believe that the Chinese government would really do so.

"I'm just saying this just in case. Although I don't believe that the Chinese government will make such a choice, you should know that no matter which government is not a person or a voice, it's hard to guarantee that there will be no evil. Even the person behind this incident may have influence within the government. Otherwise, what's the matter with Liu Qinglong?" The way of rebirth is prudent.

"Well, that's reasonable. I'll call the shadow immediately and arrange for the reception."

"I also immediately set out to invade the urban system of several cities that must pass through, and strive to paralyze them all at the first time."

After listening to what Huisheng said, both of them didn't say much and immediately took action.

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