At the same time, perfume lily company.

Xia Bingbing and others are also sitting in front of the computer at this time, watching the overwhelming news of black Zhao Chengfeng on the Internet. Even Xia Bingbing and the perfume lily company are themselves involved.

For example, more than one of the news described Xia Bingbing as Zhao Chengfeng's mistress yunyun.

And the perfume lily company she founded was described as one of Zhao Chengfeng's illegal gains.

There is even a long and minute statement about the history of the so-called perfume lily company.

Naturally, the contents are either distorted facts or fabricated.

In addition, there are a lot of so-called pornographic news and photos, which are almost overwhelming.

Xia Bingbing looked blue, and the rest of the world did not dare to go out, but at the same time, he was all angry. Because most of the people present were following Xia Bingbing's lap and feet to lay the foundation of the perfume lily company.

No one knows more about the perfume lily than they do.

How many sleepless nights, they stay up till dawn for a design.

How many times, they run for a business shoes are short.

But now their success in exchange for these efforts has all been said to be black assets obtained by extortion. What are they and what are their efforts.

"Mr. Xia, we can't let these people talk nonsense any more. We have to fight back!"

Someone said.

"Yes, it's slander and slander. We have to sue them and these websites. They allow these posts to be published without verification. They are also responsible. China is a country with a legal system. We can never tolerate these people's arbitrary rumor and slander! "

"I agree with you, and our sales will drop sharply in this way. In fact, this trend has already been achieved. What is more, what kind of boycott perfume lily has been established on the Internet? Everywhere is promoting products that resist perfume lily.

Everyone else agrees, and they are not all angry. They are also deeply worried.

Perfume lilies are now trying to open up overseas markets, but the main consumer group is still in China.

If the reputation really stinks and more people are boycotted, then they are finished.

"Although I'm also worried, if it's just prosecution, I'm afraid it won't have a good effect." Song Sisi said, although her anger was no less or more than anyone present, because she was also one of the people who were attacked and hacked.

But she is very calm, serious analysis: "first of all, today's network management in China is still quite chaotic, the law is not perfect, even if we sue, it is difficult to find the main responsible person, not to mention those who post, or even reprint, there is no way to find, let alone the water army."

"Even those small websites, most of which are linked overseas, can't be found at all, while those big websites have a deep background one by one. They won't have a result if they start a lawsuit for half a year. By that time, the cauliflower will be cold!"

"What's more, even if we win, we may not be able to correct our name in the end. Maybe we will be bitten again."

Hearing his words, people's hearts sank, but some people still couldn't help saying, "what can we do? Can we just let it go?"

Song Sisi didn't speak and looked at Xia Bingbing.

Now that Zhao Chengfeng is away, Xia Bingbing is the backbone, not to mention that Xia Bingbing is the boss.

So in the end, Xia Bingbing has to make up her mind.

But Xia Bingbing has no idea.

Originally, she had planned to transfer the affairs and power of the company recently. On the one hand, she knew that she could not stay in this world for a long time. On the other hand, now that she has come into contact with the new world, she has been indifferent to this kind of thing.

She has more important things to do.

However, Liu Shiyun went to the capital these days, and she also needed to hand over some things of the company, so she came to the company. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened.

But she had never experienced such a thing, and she couldn't make up her mind for a while.

"Hum, this kind of company is just to earn some secular money. If it can't go on, it won't be right. If it's closed, it won't be disturbed by the secular world."

A cold voice sounded around Xia Bingbing.

But it's no one else. It's Xia Bingbing's elder martial sister. I don't know how she's on a whim. She has left the secret world these days and follows Xia Bingbing all day.

See Xia Bingbing these two days all day for this what company's thing, is very busy, already could not look down.

In her opinion, Xia Bingbing is not doing his job.

Although she doesn't understand this situation, Xia Bingbing is also a master of Lingwu realm. She is also the leader of Qinglian sect. Those worldly people who have no cultivation dare to slander and kill them. They are so wordy.

But if Xia Bingbing can't run the company because of this, she will be very happy.

Even if she knew that Xia Bingbing didn't like her meddling in her own affairs, she couldn't help muttering.

"Who is this man? Is he mentally ill?"

The rest of the people sitting there turned black when they heard this.

This company is not everyone's hard work, it is also everyone's career, is a place to settle down.

"It's just closed. It's easy to say. We've lost our jobs. You can support us and have some secular money. Do you have a lot? Don't give it to me!"

These people secretly scold, but they don't know who this woman is. She follows around all day. It seems unusual, so they don't dare to say it.

Fortunately, they didn't open their mouth. Otherwise, Xia Bingbing might not be able to stop the woman.

"Elder martial sister, I repeat, don't interrupt me in my private affairs. If you're OK, you'd better go back to the secret world, or just go back to Chiba world. Anyway, the aura here is not suitable for you! "

Xia Bingbing always gives in and respects Qingqiu. After all, she calls her elder martial sister and understands what she thinks.

But she was angry at this moment, and Qingqiu was still in charge of her private affairs, trying to interfere with her, which made her feel a little impatient.

As soon as Qingqiu's face changed, she didn't expect that Xia Bingbing would directly give her an order. She was also a little annoyed, but she finally sighed and closed her mouth helplessly.

She really doesn't understand why Xia Bingbing attaches so much importance to these seemingly unimportant things and ordinary people who have no strength.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't say that. Although he is very weak, he is still a practitioner. However, these people have never entered the gate. Xia Bingbing takes it seriously.

"Can't Qinglian gate and master compare with these secular people in her eyes?" Qingqiu was a little sad, but she didn't leave. The more she did, the more she wanted to stay and change Xia Bingbing's mind. Otherwise, she would be sorry to Shifu and the ancestors of qinglianmen.

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