Xia Bingbing said a word and realized that what she said was a little heavy, but she didn't regret it.

"Elder martial sister, the important things in everyone's heart are different. For you, qinglianmen is the most important, and Shifu is the most important, because qinglianmen is your home, Shifu is your parents."

"But that's only for you. Please don't impose it on me. Because I also have the most important things in my heart. You, Shifu and qinglianmen can't replace them! "

Xia Bingbing's peaceful way.

Although the time is not right, Xia Bingbing still decides to tell the story.

In order to avoid that there is always a wrong understanding in Qingqiu's heart, so that the misunderstanding and unhappiness between the two sides become more and more serious.

"So I would like to emphasize once again that I will never forget the promise I made to Shifu, and I will try my best to do it, but please don't use your standard to measure my important people and things."

"Maybe you think I'm ungrateful and I can't tell the difference between the important and the negative. Maybe only people with strength are human in your heart, but that's just what you think."

"Another point, please don't forget, although I am a member of qinglianmen now, it's not my choice. Master, I respect you very much and I respect you very much. But if you want to talk about feelings, I'm afraid you won't believe that I have any feelings with you."

"It's hard to say that Shifu didn't have any feelings for me when he took me as an apprentice and took me to Chiba world by force. As for the reasons, I think you should understand."

Song Sisi and others are nearby. Looking at them, they are both curious and surprised. They don't know what the relationship between Xia Bingbing and this woman is, and they don't understand what Xia Bingbing said.

Every word is clear, but it's a bit confused when it's strung together.

Qingqiu looked at Xia Bingbing. After a long time, his eyes closed slightly, and he immediately opened them and said, "OK, I won't say it in the future, but I believe that one day you will change, and you will understand that you are wrong, secular..."

"Stop, don't mention the word" secular ". I'm a secular person. I'm no different from anyone. If you can't help it, take back what my master gave me, I won't want it!" Xia Bingbing didn't expect that Qingqiu was stubborn and stubborn. His patience was really worn out.

"Hum!" Qingqiu snorted coldly. She turned her head and said no more. It was a compromise, but it can be seen that she still didn't agree with Xia Bingbing.

How can a secular person be the same as a practitioner. I can stab a secular person with one finger. How can it be the same?

If it's all the same, what is the effort of practitioners for many years?

All of a sudden, Qingqiu felt more and more disgusted with the present world.

It's just that the aura is thin, and the mode of thinking is even more unacceptable.

"The weak have no consciousness, and the strong have no consciousness of the strong."

It is the way of heaven to respect the strong.

The weak have no consciousness, and the strong cannot be respected.

A powerful person in the realm of Lingwu, even in the realm of fantasy, was slandered by a group of powerless mole ants. He could not be killed at will, and even had to protect them.

What kind of world is such a world and where is the way of heaven?


Xia Bingbing sighs secretly, some helpless.

In fact, she didn't want to talk to Qingqiu in such a heavy tone.

Although the mouth said no feelings, but people are not vegetation, how can there be no feelings.

No matter whether the master forced her to go to Chiba world or not, no matter whether the purpose of the master and elder martial sister was because of her aptitude or not.

But it's true that they are good to her.

Shifu even gave her all her life's hard work. Even if she wanted to keep Qinglian gate, it was also respectable.

"Elder martial sister, I know that I can't convince you, just as you can't convince me, I also know that the world is not absolutely good. But Chiba world is absolutely good? Is it absolutely right to respect the strong and eat the weak? "

"If that's the case, why did Shifu come to this end, and why did Qinglian gate come to this end? Is that what it deserves? If the weak deserve to be eaten by the strong, why should we struggle and resist? "

The green hill hears speech whole body a shock, originally stubborn arrogant facial expression momentary some trance.

Am I wrong?

"Shouldn't the law of the jungle be the way of heaven? Shouldn't the strong be superior to the weak? But, but... "

"The sky is pale, and its color is good and evil?" Xia Bingbing smiles, "I don't know what is the way of heaven, but I know what is the most important thing for me. As for the way of heaven, right, can't those be changed? "

The green hill hears speech is a shock again, "the sky color is cangcang, its color is just evil?"

When she came to this world, she also saw many classics of this world, especially many classics of ancient China, which often made her feel happy.

Xia Bingbing's sentence, she also knows, comes from Zhuangzi's carefree travel.

The ROC bird soars in the sky in the wind. Seeing that day's color, it asks, "is this the original color of the sky? Is the color of the sky in front of you its original color

"I think that the law of the jungle is the law of heaven. I think that respecting the strong is the law of heaven. But is that really the law of heaven?"

And Xia Bingbing's last sentence, "even if it's the way of heaven, it's right, can't it be changed?" It's even more exciting for her.

Yes, why do people have to obey the laws of heaven? The reason why people are people is that they can change the world and the laws of heaven?

We don't know what's right and what's best.

Then we will go to a better place, follow our heart, and pursue the right place in our heart.

"I see. I see. No wonder Shifu wants to take the younger martial sister back from this world. No wonder Shifu gives the younger martial sister the expectation of life instead of me. Although I have complied with my master's wishes before, I don't agree with them. So I always can't stand what the younger martial sister does and the people around her. "

"I hope the younger martial sister can do as I think, but I forget that if it's right to do as I think, why should master give the burden to the younger martial sister?"

There was a smile on Qingqiu's cold and proud face. He muttered to himself: "master, I understand, I understand, I really understand. It turns out that the gap between me and my younger martial sister is not a congenital spirit."

"Younger martial sister, I will help you wholeheartedly in the future, and I won't interfere with you." Qingqiu suddenly salutes Xia Bingbing.

"I dare not." Seeing that Qingqiu finally made sense, Xia Bingbing was relieved and quickly returned the salute, and said: "in fact, elder martial sister can't completely noninterference. At least, elder martial sister needs a lot of advice on Cultivation and things about Chiba world!"

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