As soon as Chen Shuxian saw it, she asked that question. But Chen Shuxian mentioned it in front of the live broadcast. If something really happened, maybe those netizens would think that they were forcing them to death, which would be troublesome.

But at this time, the girl began to speak again.

"Dean Chen, no, I'd better call you Miss Chen. To be honest, it's really awkward. Because people like you don't deserve such a title. It's not worth mentioning the elderly and children. "

Huang xiayun sneered sarcastically and said, "do you really think we didn't do any homework and investigation before we came here thousands of miles away?"

People who had planned to move the place stopped all of a sudden. Many reporters and anchors immediately opened the Internet to search for news related to Beihai welfare home.

"A bunch of idiots, it's too late to check now!" Seeing this, Huang xiayun could not help but smile, and was secretly excited. "Fortunately, just now I saw those people chatting in the live studio, and immediately checked online, otherwise I would have missed an opportunity. As for now, it's time for me to show my face. This time, the live broadcast of other broadcasters and even the news of TV stations have become my free advertisement. "

As soon as she thought that she might be popular, she was a little excited and said in secret: "who said that women can't be angry without relying on their faces, being cute and taking off? Master Yun will show them the fire today, so that they can know that women are as angry even if they don't go astray!"

But Chen Shuxian's face couldn't help changing slightly. She didn't know what the girl was doing.

Seeing this, Huang xiayun thought that he was afraid, so he was even more proud. He took out his portable tablet computer, quickly opened the Beihai welfare home's web page, and showed it to Chen Shuxian, "this should be your Beihai welfare home's web page, right?"

After that, without waiting for Chen Shuxian to answer, she flashed to the camera again, and then showed around, deliberately allowing other anchors and reporters to take pictures.

"Let's take a look at what the so-called Beihai welfare home page says, wow, there are independent rooms, the most advanced equipment, and a full set of medical monitoring equipment imported from Germany. Wow, Miss Chen, no, President Chen, the facilities of your welfare home are really right?"

Huang xiayun while reading, while exaggerating the whoa whoa, coupled with her reading content, immediately let many onlookers a commotion.

Although many of these onlookers are from the neighborhood, many of them do not know much about the welfare home.

Many people, like Huang xiayun, heard that the facilities in the welfare home were so advanced. The first time they didn't praise Chen Shuxian and others for their kindness to the elderly and children, but they immediately had doubts.

There are many associations in everyone's mind.

Chen Shuxian frowned slightly. She saw the reaction of the people and probably guessed their thoughts. But what does this have to do with the people present?

"Yes, our welfare home has just been renovated recently. There have been some upgrades in terms of equipment. If anyone doubts the authenticity, you can come here in another way. We are willing to accept the investigation of some social people." Chen Shuxian explained.

"Doubt, no, no, no, no, I don't doubt if your equipment is real. I believe what you write on it is true." Huang xiayun shakes his head.

"What do you mean?" Chen Shuxian couldn't help wondering.

Not only she, but also some onlookers were surprised. Unexpectedly, the female anchor who first questioned said that she believed it was true.

Do you mean an egg?

"Yes, I certainly believe that your facilities are as good as what you publicize." Huang xiayun was very satisfied with the public's response, and once again sneered: "if not, it's not worth the price you offered. 98800 is the lowest price, and the highest annual cost is nearly 300000. President Chen, this welfare home is really high-end."

Huang xiayun sneered again. She said that Chen Shuxian was not qualified to be called the president, but now she specially bit the words of President Chen. The irony is self-evident.

"It's true that this welfare home still charges fees, 98800, 198800, 298000. It's a welfare home. I'm so happy!"

"I'll tell you, what kind of charity can a bitch who is a mistress of others do? It's really bichi who wants money!"

"Master Yun is right. This kind of bichi dares to say things about old people and children. It's no need of Bilian."

"In fact, you haven't noticed another problem. Why does anyone settle in this welfare home at such a price? Who are the people who settle in? What kind of dirty transactions are hidden in it? Hehe, you know."

"I'm so deep in the water."

"Damn, no one cares about this kind of pseudo charity. What are the relevant departments of so and so government doing?"

"Take the jujube pill!"

"Dig a slot, which platform's anchor is this? It's powerful. It's more accurate than our anchor. I'm going to be a fan!"

"Same as above!"

"Line up ~"

The scene and the network were once again ignited by Huang xiayun's words.

Huang xiayun was excited and proud when he saw the number of people in the live broadcast room increase and the number of fans turn around in an instant.

And other anchor is secretly chagrined, "Damn, I only stare at that Zhao Chengfeng, only noticed that this woman is Zhao Chengfeng's mistress, unexpectedly did not notice that there is such a big gimmick in it."

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