"I asked you just now if you were really for charity. You didn't answer. I think you still have some shame in your heart, so you dare not answer me?"

"As for the old people and children, you'd better not talk about it. Master Yun, I eat this bowl of rice at least. I've seen it a lot. If I guess correctly, those old people and children in you should be temporarily hired by you. Ha ha, it's really the bottom line."

"But isn't it evil to do so?"

Huang xiayun was more and more excited and generous. Originally, she just wanted to be warm. When she saw someone saying it in the live broadcast room, she thought of checking it. She saw that a small Beihai welfare home had a website and the content on it. Her career intuition told her that it was a selling point.

But at this time, she said, she felt that she was too just, this is not the legendary asking for help for the people? Isn't that justice?

Chen Shuxian, on the other side, was not a smart and argumentative person. Hearing Huang xiayun's continuous attack, she felt dizzy.

I wondered, "this girl doesn't look like a bad person. How can I come here if I dare to open my mouth? How can I fake charity? Who did I cheat? And how can these children and old people in the welfare home be hired by me? "

But in the face of Huang xiayun's barrage of words and the angry accusations from the people around her, she only felt stuffy in her chest, but she couldn't speak.

There was only one sentence in my heart, "how can you do this? How can these people do this? Aren't they live? Isn't it the media? You don't need to be responsible for what you say? Don't you need to investigate and collect evidence? "

But her performance fell in Huang xiayun's eyes, but more and more convinced that she was right. That's why she let the woman in front of her, who sold her face, her body, even her soul and conscience, feel ashamed and dare not speak.

"Hum, this kind of woman is a shame to the female compatriots. Why men in this world are superior to women and why those men look down on women are all due to their own inferiority."

Think of here, she raised her chin with pride, "I Huang xiayun will never become such a woman."

But at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded, "this girl, I don't know what else you say, but you say that the old people and children in the welfare home are hired by the daughter of the Dean, but that's nonsense."

Huang xiayun didn't expect that when he was in the middle of the day, someone would help the shameless woman opposite him. Subconsciously, he looked back and saw that it was an old lady talking.

Next to the old lady, there was a young man holding the old lady by the arm, as if he was stopping her from speaking.

"Ha ha, and Tuo, the acting is really good." Huang xiayun sneered in his heart and said with a smile on his face: "Auntie, how can I talk nonsense? What I say is well founded. The introduction of the welfare home says that it's written in black and white on the website, not made up by me."

"And why do I say she's hired,

"I don't understand all this at an old age, but the children and old people in the welfare home are certainly not employed." As an old lady, she didn't know anything about computers, let alone computers. Her son taught her everything about vacuum cleaners and rice cookers for a long time, and she was very nervous every time she used them.

See Huang xiayun out of the computer, holding the screen, my heart suddenly some timid, subconsciously back a step.

Huang xiayun looked at the old man's expression and gave a sneer, but she was always restrained and didn't say the word Tuo.

But next to other anchor was robbed of the limelight, is full of fire, see this immediately mercilessly sneer: "do not understand, do not understand, do not understand also come out to do

"That is, I don't understand now. Why didn't I understand when I took the money?"

"You're wrong. Do you think people really don't understand it? It's a brilliant move. Anyway, it's not hired. When you show evidence, she says she can't understand it. Ha ha, I've learned it."

"What's the matter? I'm just telling the truth. How can I become a trust? Who's my money?" Hearing the sound around, the old lady was a little stunned. She opened her mouth and didn't know what to do.

She was stunned, but the old lady's son was angry. He couldn't help but want the old lady to meddle.

Although it's a neighborhood, today's society has long been different. No one is familiar with anyone. Just sweep the snow in front of your own door. Who can control the frost on other people's tiles.

Moreover, he secretly felt that since this welfare home was attacked in this way, it must be a bit tricky. Otherwise, how could it be attacked? As the saying goes, a fly is not the top of an egg.

But even he didn't expect that his mother, at such a big age, just opened her mouth. Unexpectedly, her red mouth and white teeth were said to be entrusted.

And listen to these people's tone, as if the old lady took the money, they all saw it.

But when he saw that the crowd was furious, he was a little timid. Moreover, the old man didn't surf the Internet, but he surf the Internet. He knew that he couldn't explain clearly when arguing with these people.

"I said I would not let you meddle in your business. You see, it's said to be a trust now!" The young man glared at his mother and was about to walk out of the crowd.

But the more he was like this, the more journalists and anchors believed that they were Tuo, who would let him go like this, and stopped the mother and son.

"Ha ha, if you are exposed, you want to go. If you want to go, you can explain things clearly."

"What do you say we are Tuo? Do you have any evidence? Do you see the money? Get out of my way

When the young people see that they want to give way, they have already recognized the bad luck and suffered from dumb losses. They are pulling their mother to leave. These people have not let go of it, they have even stopped it, and they can't help but burst into a rage.

But all the people who stopped him laughed and said, "Oh, do you see it? It's reasonable to trust him. It's true that we didn't see you collect money, otherwise we would have sent you to the Public Security Bureau. But the truth is that if you want people to know, unless you don't do it yourself, you can think of this kind of thing with your heel. It's no good. You're not with them. So many people don't speak, but you speak. Are you a hero? "

This kind of speech is unreasonable, but as soon as the man opened his mouth, a group of people echoed and applauded, and a large area of 666 appeared in the live room

Mother and son are both silly. To be exact, they are mad with anger. Is there anything unreasonable in this world?

The young man yelled at his mother: "I told you not to meddle in other people's business. These days, even helping people and collecting money will be blackmailed. Who do you think you are? Dare to meddle in other people's business."

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