"What a red mouth and white teeth girl, you have the right to say conscience." Grandfather Chen was very angry and laughed.

At this time, grandfather song and other old people also rushed out. Hearing Huang xiayun's words, they were all furious.

"Go away, you brutes, you have no right to have a conscience. If you have a conscience, you won't make trouble at the door of the welfare house."

"Get out of our house, get out of our house!"

"Go away!"

All the old people were angry.

"Go away, don't come to our house. You are all bad people."

Beibei and other welfare home children are also angry staring at Huang xiayun and others.

"Mom, don't be afraid, we'll protect you!"

Beibella's hand is Chen Shuxian's.

Grandfather song and other old people also said to Chen Shuxian, "yes, girl, don't be afraid. You always take care of us and protect us. This time we will protect you!"

Seeing this scene and listening to this voice, Chen Shuxian burst into tears.

I feel that what I have done is right and worth it.

No matter what others say or do, it's worth having the hearts of these old people and children.

And the onlookers around, at this time, can not help but lower their heads in shame. The young man who just scolded Chen Shuxian for being a good man was also silent.

Even most anchors and reporters can see that this may not be what they think. Even the blind can see that these old people and children can not be hired as Huang xiayun said.

If it's really hired, the old man is just acting. But some of the children are still babbling and being held by some older children. At this time, they all look at them like enemies.

If such a small child has such good acting skills, the film and television of Huaxia will not make bad films every year.

Some people can not help but give birth to a retreat.

But more people, the idea is just a flash in their mind.

"If they retreat in this way, it is tantamount to admitting that everything they have done before is wrong. If it is wrong this time, what about the live broadcast before and the so-called truth revealed?"

Once fans come up with such an idea, all the powder will fall out.

So just after a short hesitation, they immediately hardened their hearts. They had only one way to go to the dark.

Huang xiayun, too, hesitated for a short time and was defeated by the number of fans who had increased several times in the live broadcast room.

"I don't rely on my face, I don't sell, I rely on my ability to eat. Even if I make mistakes occasionally, I'm not a saint. Of course, I make mistakes. Besides, I'm just a girl. It's very normal to make mistakes."

"What's more, although these old people and children don't seem to be hired, there's nothing wrong with the high fees in welfare homes. These people can spend so much money, and they're probably not good people. Otherwise, how can you get mixed up with the mistress of that Chinese villain. "

"Yes, even if the old man and the children are not hired, this woman is Zhao Chengfeng's mistress. It's not a fake. She is a mistress of a villain and makes huge profits in the name of a welfare home. That's the darkness. I, Huang xiayun, have reason to expose her."

Huang xiayun found a lot of reasons in his heart.

And after breaking through her bottom line, she felt that she had no psychological burden any more.

I even feel that I used to be too hypocritical.

What conscience, what truth, how much is conscience worth, what is truth.

As an anchor, as long as you can attract attention, it's enough, because the idea of eyeball is economy, money!

In the face of everyone's angry eyes, she immediately calmed down and sneered, "Dean Chen, I doubt my conclusion now. It seems that these children and old people are not really hired by you. I want to apologize to the aunt just now."

"However, Dean Chen, I hate you even more because you don't have conscience or even professional ethics."

"What?" Chen Shuxian and others were all in a daze. They thought that this woman was willing to admit her mistake, but she should have repented. Unexpectedly, she didn't have the slightest repentance, and even made it worse. What did she say.

"Well, am I wrong?" Huang xiayun once again sneered, "since they are not hired by you, they are your customers. Not to mention that you use welfare agencies to make profits, right? It's not too much for you to use your customers and let them bear the threat, saying that you have no professional ethics?"

Her words, let originally some quiet scene instant a commotion, even each live room boiling up again.

People with brains can't help sneering when they hear her saying, "this woman has really given up the bottom line."

People with relatively simple minds, or even more people who have prejudices about Chen Shuxian and Zhao Chengfeng, want to be black with Zhao Chengfeng and Chen Shuxian.

"Dig a slot, that's very reasonable, to the point."

"Since it's not hired, it's a customer. It's too special to use its own customers as cannon fodder. I really want to see the expression of those who have spent money to send the elderly and children to this welfare home. "

And Tian xiner and Chen Shuxian and others are trembling with anger.

"You... You little girl, are you still human?" Grandfather Chen took out a crutch and wanted to smoke the girl a few more times, but he couldn't help feeling stuffy in his chest and had to cover his chest with his other hand.

"Grandfather Chen, don't get excited, Xin'er. Take grandfather Chen to the medical room quickly." Chen Shuxian was also angry, but when she saw the state of grandfather Chen, she couldn't take care of Huang xiayun and quickly came forward to help the old man.

"Never mind, I don't mind!" But grandfather Chen resolutely pushed away her hand, and then with trembling fingers pointed at Huang xiayun and others, "conscience, you people also deserve to say conscience. My old man will tell you what conscience is today

Huang xiayun and others were a little scared when they saw that he was going to start. After all, the other party was so old that he was really beaten, and it was also in vain.

But seeing that the old man pointed out that he was waiting for someone and didn't want to start, he immediately settled down. One of the male anchors sneered, "grandfather, you'd better take it easy. We're right. You can afford to spend so much money to live here. You should also be a rich man. If you don't enjoy yourself well, what do you want to do for such a woman? Although she looks good, But you should not be able to do it? "

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of laughter.

But people living nearby frowned.

Grandfather Chen was so angry that he didn't faint again. But he finally held back and gave the man a hard look. "Don't call grandfather. My old man is not as bad as you. Well, conscience, the old man will tell you what conscience is today. "

Then he turned to a half boy and said, "tiger, bring me my things."

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