Huaxia, a city.

In the suburb of a vast, picturesque Jiangnan garden style manor.

A group of people were gathering in one of the antique buildings of the manor.

There are men and women in this group, most of them are young people, the longest is only about 30 years old, each of them has a great reputation.

It's just that these people dress a little weird.

For example, one of the young women was wearing a very fashionable brand-name dress, but she was carrying a gorgeous bow and an arrow pot on her back. The whole dress is out of place.

In addition to her, there are Taoist dress, palace dress, and even a person wearing a blood red armor.

Every one of these people carries cold weapons like swords.

If Zhao Chengfeng is here, he will be surprised to find that there are still acquaintances among these people.

This acquaintance is Ouyang Hu, who escaped the disaster before. The old man of Yanshan has died, and his brother Ouyang long has also died. Ouyang Hu escaped by chance at that time, which is not to be exact.

But Xia Bingbing and Qingqiu didn't notice him at all.

I just don't know how he turned up here, and what other people are.

"Cloud little Lord is really a good means, unexpectedly thought of using the world's public opinion weapon to deal with that Zhao Chengfeng." Suddenly someone in the crowd spoke. It was Ouyang Hu.

The object of his mouth is a 20-year-old man with long and thin eyes. The corners of his eyes are high and up, giving people the appearance of always squinting and smiling. Coupled with thin lips, people always unconsciously associate with some kind of animal.

"No, I don't dare to be. It's just that the people in qianjimen are not good at fighting, so they have to use more unconventional ideas." Cloud little Lord a little smile, smile very modest, even some shy.

But his smile made his eyes narrower. The light in his narrow eyes made everyone's heart shrink.

"What's more, Yun just gave some advice on this matter, mainly relying on the powerful influence and mobilization ability of the earth's guwu family behind several earth's younger martial brothers." The cloud little Lord smiles, and toward the crowd periphery a few young people who seem to have no status.

"Don't dare, don't dare, all is cloud little Lord, no, elder martial brother cloud is Lord, we a few just do a little bit Those people hear cloud little Lord's words, immediately flattered, quickly stand up, even dare not.

Then one of them flattered the others: "the elders of our family have already told us that you are all talented elites from the inner world. It's our honor for our brothers to be around you and make efforts to run errands."

"Yes, our elders have also told us that as long as we need to, not only us, but also our families will do their best. However... "Another person also hurriedly scrambled for the way, but when it comes to the back, it seems that he wants to say something and is embarrassed to say it.

However, these people present are all young elites from the inner world. Although the inner world is the king of fists and not many people can use their brains to do things, they are not fools to become elites. How can they not understand his implication.

But these people, except for the little master Yun, others, including Ouyang Hu, don't look up to these young children of the guwu family in the earth world.

Although these young people flattered them very comfortably, most of them didn't express it. Some even sneered without concealment, disdaining to express their sarcasm.

"We all understand what you mean and have told you for a long time. As long as you and the so-called guwu family behind you are willing to obey and wait for the passage to be repaired, we will certainly benefit from you when we return to the inner gate world, and the number of people who will allow you to enter the inner gate will also depend on you."

It was a woman with short hair. Her voice was obviously from the inside, but her dress was different from other people around her.

The whole body is the famous brand fashion of the earth world, red tight leather clothes, tightly wrapped in a pair of meat balls in front of the chest, feeling like it is about to burst open, wearing black stockings on the legs, and a pair of red high heels at the feet.

Even his face was painted with shadow makeup.

The whole person is a fashionable and rebellious urban girl.

If it's different from the average city girl, it's that she has a row of throwing knives on both sides of her sexy thighs and a slender chain around her wrist. The chain is very thin. It's wrapped around the wrist one by one, with a small blue blade hanging at one end.

At first glance, it looks like a special piece of jewelry.

Only those who know her know how dangerous she is.

At the same time, she was playing with a black desert eagle.

"Yunqing, is this the weapon that ordinary people on earth can use? Its power is really as powerful as you say, and it can threaten the warrior in the realm of Lingwu?" She said, suddenly took up her arm, aimed the gun at the cloud little master, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

There was no hesitation in the whole process.


The bullet came out of the chamber and made a loud noise. It almost wiped Yun Shaozhu's cheek and shot into the wall behind him. There was a black hole on the solid wall, and a wisp of blue smoke came out of it.

"Ah ~!"

Not to mention a few young people from the guwu family, even Ouyang Hu and other people who knew the power of guns were shocked.

"Is this woman insane? She actually said to shoot at once. No, she didn't mean to shoot at once. She shot at once without even saying anything. It's so special..."

On the contrary, it was the target she was aiming at. The young master Yun was still smiling, reached out and pinched his hair at the temples. There was a trace of burning, but he didn't care. He blew the dust off his fingertips, and then flicked his shoulder. As if nothing had happened, he said: "this kind of pistol is less powerful, but it's still a threat to the martial arts in the Lingwu realm. It's just that although ordinary people can use this kind of weapon, But we usually have to go through some training, otherwise it is not enough to be accurate. "

"Er..." Ouyang Hu and others were speechless. Is this the key?

Although Ouyang Hu has seen Yanshan old man receive bullets empty handed, or even resist bullet shooting hard, but who is Yanshan old man? He is already infinitely close to the virtual world.

This cloud little Lord should not be so strong. Can he ignore the power of bullets? Isn't it true that the people of qianjimen are busy with some strange research all day and are not good at fighting?

Other people in the inner world also changed a little when they looked at Yun Shaozhu. Even they were surprised by the sound of the gun just now. Apart from anything else, the sound alone could make the people who were caught off guard startled.

But this cloud young Lord unexpectedly completely does not change the color.

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