"Qianjimen, this mysterious existence is really not simple." Many people have this idea in mind.

They saw the shot of the woman in red just now. Many people asked themselves that if they were prepared, they would not be afraid. This kind of thing would not threaten them.

Although the hard connection will hurt a little, it's not a problem to avoid it, but yunshaozhu's Taishan Mountain collapses in front of him, but they can't.

These people are all from the inner family, and they are all elites in their respective schools. They are usually very proud. At this time, they can't help but be afraid of this little master Yun.

The woman in red, however, had a bright eye when she heard the words, "Xiao Yunzi, what do you mean by these words is that besides the short ones, there are more powerful ones?"

Yun Qing didn't speak, just a smile, took out a laptop, ten fingers on the keyboard repeatedly knock, action unexpectedly very skilled, even the general earth world youth may not be able to match him.

"I didn't expect that yunshaozhu is more proficient in the operation of computers than most people on earth. I think even those so-called computer experts are just like that."

Ouyang Hu is half admiration and half flattery.

But his surprise was real.

Although he has entered the inner door, many people in the earth world can't see him.

But when it comes to technology and civilization, he has a faint sense of pride and superiority in his heart.

In this respect, many people in the inner world, such as old master Yanshan, who has gone to hell, are like idiots.

Before he met the cloud master, he never thought that there were people in the inner world who knew so much about the technology and civilization of the earth.

Before, he saw his brother die in front of him, and saw the old man of Yanshan killed by the mysterious woman. His heart was full of hate and fear.

After that, he tried his best to get in touch with other people who came to the inner world. Although he had the idea of revenge with the help of these people's hands, he subconsciously felt that there was no hope in his heart.

Because of the power of that mysterious woman, Zhao Chengfeng's influence in the earth world is not what he can deal with.

But what he didn't expect was that the cloud master, who was born and raised in the inner world, proposed to use the power of Internet public opinion to deal with Zhao Chengfeng.

What he didn't expect was that this young master of cloud seemed to have known Zhao Chengfeng a long time ago. He even knew more about Zhao Chengfeng's background, experience and interpersonal relationship than his arch enemy.

It took only two days to make Zhao Chengfeng the number one villain in China.

All kinds of news are true and false, which is overwhelming. Eight Chengdu is operated by the cloud master.

Although the power of various martial arts families in the earth world is used, it is the cloud master who combines these ancient martial arts families and other forces.

If these can only show the wisdom and stratagem of the cloud little Lord.

At this time, he was surprised to see that yunshaozhu operated the computer himself.

I couldn't help thinking, "don't people in the inner world know nothing about the world of the earth, just like old Master Shifu doesn't even know his mobile phone and car. How can this young master of cloud know so much about the world of the earth?"

"Is he from the earth, or has he been studying the earth before?"

"Ha ha..." little master Yun seemed to see through his mind. He just laughed at his praise and said: "brother Ouyang, do you always think that people in the inner world know nothing about your earth world?"

"Ha ha, this... I just think that martial arts is the king in the inner world, and I probably don't care much about these foreign things in the earth world, but the understanding of the earth world by yunshaozhu really surprised me!" Ouyang Hu said with a smile.

"Ha ha, brother Ouyang thinks very well. Most people in the inner world really don't care much about things in the earth world, but brother Ouyang has forgotten one thing." Cloud little Lord still head also don't lift of way.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Brother Ouyang has forgotten who is the master of the world!" Cloud little Lord suddenly turned to see to Ouyang tiger, smile a word of way.

"Lord, master?" When Ouyang Hu touched his eyes, he felt as if he had been watched by some higher creature, and his whole body was cold.

Although it just disappeared in a moment, Yunqing still had a gentle smile and was amiable when he looked at it again. It seemed like an illusion just now.

But the fear in Ouyang Hu's heart can't go away.

"Yes, master." Yunqing repeated two words, then said with a smile: "brother Ouyang must know that people in the inner world actually originated from the earth. Thousands of years ago, when the end of the law era came, our ancestors, in order to preserve the civilization of practicing Taoism, had to abandon the earth world, and opened up the inner world with great perseverance and wisdom for us to live in."

"After our ancestors left, the remaining lower human beings in the earth world unexpectedly developed a new civilization. Although all this civilization is dependent on foreign things, it's really heretical, but it's quite rare."

Cloud little Lord calm narration way.

The other people in the inner door around them all turned up unconsciously.

However, Ouyang Hu and some young people of the guwu family were somewhat complicated in their hearts. They reluctantly laughed with embarrassment.

I feel uncomfortable, but I dare not refute.

"But..." Yun Shaozhu pauses slightly. His smile seems to be more gentle and his tone is more insipid. He seems to be describing a trivial fact. "Today's human beings on the earth seem to have forgotten an important problem. Even the things abandoned by the master are still the master's. as the master, how can they know nothing about it? Brother Ouyang, are you right?"

"Ha ha, master Yun is right." Ouyang Hu pulled the corner of his mouth, then said with a smile.

Some of the young people of the guwu family moved their mouths, but finally lowered their heads.

"What's more, the earth world is full of self-motivated people like brother Ouyang and your younger martial brothers. With you constantly entering the inner world, it shouldn't be difficult for us to know about the earth world. If someone thinks that the people in the inner world should know nothing about the earth world, it's very stupid, right?" Cloud little Lord ha ha a smile again way.

All the people in the inner world burst into laughter.

Several young people of the guwu aristocratic family bowed their heads and hummed coldly in their hearts, "hum, don't you know how to operate a computer? What's so awesome? Return the master of the earth world. Can you still come back with the technology of the earth world now? No matter how fierce, can you still do it with airplanes and artillery, missiles and atomic bombs? "

But the face is accompanied by a smile, followed by a smile.

Because he didn't dare not smile. What if this cloud young master and others were upset and didn't give them the quota to enter the inner door?

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