But the woman in the red fur coat was a little impatient. She interrupted master Yun Shao and said, "Xiao Yunzi, when Miss Ben asked you a question, you pretended to be mysterious to me, but ran to talk to them. Are you finished?"

"It's over, it's over." Yunqing and yunshaozhu seem to be afraid of the woman in red. Hearing the words, they are not worried. On the contrary, they promise and speed up.

A moment later, with a little finger on the keyboard, he said in a breath, "OK, a small bullet country, the network defense capability is quite troublesome."

"Yu, no, Miss Yu, the answers you want are almost here." Yunshaozhu turns the notebook and the screen to the woman in red.

"Oh, bring it here quickly!" The woman in red's eyes brightened when she heard the words, and she quickly grabbed them.

Other people are curious to follow and stretch their heads. Ouyang Hu also subconsciously stretched his head to explore, a look at the text on this website, but startled.

This is actually the national military core archives of a military power in the Middle East.

He thought that yunshaozhu was just searching for information on the Internet, but he didn't expect that he spent so much time talking to them and breaking a national military secret site.

"Yunshaozhu, you are so powerful. I thought you were just good at playing computer. I didn't expect that you broke the defense of a national core archives by talking and laughing. You're not just good at playing computer. You're a God." This time, Ouyang Hu was not flattering, but shocked.

The other children of the guwu family were also surprised, half convinced and half suspicious when they heard the words, and they all looked over.

This look, several people's faces are a change.

If you look at the little master Yun again, you will be shocked.

I didn't expect that the cloud master himself was still a hacker, and he was still a high level hacker. Even in the hacker world on earth, he was the best.

The elites of the inner door didn't know anything about this, and they didn't think much about it. However, seeing the expressions of several people, they guessed that Yun Shaozhu had done something remarkable.

However, they look down on the things in the earth world, so they just take a glance at the cloud master, but they don't take it to heart.

One of them asked: "these are the most powerful weapons on the earth. How can they look strange? These are similar to what Miss Yu just played with. This one is so long and has a mirror tube on it, but it should be a kind of gun. But what's this? It's round. It's like the drink can we used to drink. It's also a pull ring. Is it a weapon? "

"That's not strange. You see, this is strange. It's so big and it has a small wing. It's sharp. It has no muzzle and no blade. How can you attack others?"

"And this, like a car, is not like a car, and this, should be the so-called plane, but we have also come into contact with aircraft since we came to earth, it's amazing, but how to attack people?"

"And this boat, it's not small. What's the use of it?"

A group of inner door elites could have remained reserved, but when they saw all kinds of weapon pictures in this archive, they could not help but open their eyes in surprise.

Looking at the strange appearance of those weapons, they have nothing to do with the weapons they always know. They can't imagine how to hit people with these things.

Seeing the reaction of these people, Ouyang Hu and several children of the guwu family were relieved. "Fortunately, the inner gate is not all the same as the master Yun, but more like his master Yanshan old man."

Listening to the strange questions these people asked, a few people want to laugh but dare not.

But look at these people's eyes, but there is no fear before, more or less a little to see the feeling of leopard.

"Shut up, Miss Ben, or you?" At the beginning, the woman in red didn't speak, but when she saw the crowd chattering, she became more and more excited, and suddenly became impatient and drank coldly.

Then he pushed his laptop to the cloud master and said, "if you don't look at it, just tell me which of them are more powerful than this gun?"

A group of elites in the inner gate frowned slightly when they were drunk by the woman in red. They were a little displeased in their hearts. All of them had higher eyes than the top, although now they were together and had a place to rely on yunshaozhu.

Because during this period of time, they have realized that the earth world is not just big fists, there is another set of rules.

And the earth world is not as simple as they think.

At the beginning, there were nearly 20 people in the earth world, but now they are less than a quarter. Even the Yanshan old man, the only old generation among them, carried it.

They are also gradually afraid.

But the cloud little master of qianjimen can make this play more exciting, so they stay at the cloud little master's side for the time being.

But that doesn't mean they are afraid of yunshaozhu.

It doesn't mean that they really recognize the power of the earth world.

But they didn't know the woman in red, and they didn't know her origin. They only knew that she was with yunshaozhu, and her identity was a little mysterious. Even yunshaozhu of qianjimen was very obedient to her, so they always let her.

But the woman was too unkind to scold them.

"Do you really think we're in charge?" A group of people eyebrows slightly pick, but in the end did not attack.

Yun Qing naturally saw the performance of these people, but pretended not to see it. He laughed and said: "Miss Yu, if you only talk about the power, it's almost all on the weapon you have. But the weapons of the earth world are not purely for power. Sometimes they emphasize the function and different uses. Specifically, I can't say a few words, You'd better take a look at these videos here. After watching them, you should know something about them. "

After that, he opened a video database, and then opened one of the video data, which is the data of a fighter test exercise.

When I first saw it, the woman in red and a group of elites in the inner door didn't feel much. They even wondered how the plane would attack when it flew into the sky. Did it want to fly over and hit people?

But when the commander in the video gives an order to hit the target, a group of people instantly change color.

I saw that the plane's belly was low, and suddenly shot out a piece of flame, winged things, and then the precise target, and then there was an earth shaking vibration, and a tall building collapsed in an instant.

A group of people can't help but grow their mouths.

That's a lot better than that pistol.

"It's no wonder that after those people came to the earth world, they broke up several colleagues in a short time. There are so many powerful weapons on the earth. Can the top masters of virtual world strike with all their strength?" One of the inner door elites whispered.

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