Yunqing didn't speak, but just laughed and played another war documentary. This time, it was no longer limited to one kind of weapon. Instead, all kinds of weapons took turns to fight, and the sea, land and air entered together.

A group of elites in the inner door looked at the same war scene that day. They had no words any more. The whole hall was silent except for the voice in the video.

When the two videos are finished, all the elites in the inner door feel thirsty.

"The world..." I don't know when, finally a person dry mouth, but just said four words, but don't know what to say.

After a long time, he said, "is the world war like this?"

This is a strange question.

But all the elites in the inner door could understand what he meant.

War, no, let's not talk about war. Every one of them has seen a real battle, even a relatively large battle.

The inner world is not like today's earth world. It is relatively calm. Wars are local. The whole world is very stable. At least several big powers are restrained.

The struggle in the inner world is a common occurrence. As small as the disagreement between the two martial arts, there is a dichotomy between life and death. As large as there is no restriction between the two sects, the strong win and the weak die. Almost every day is not new.

However, the war they had experienced or heard about was not worth mentioning compared with the war pictures they had just seen.

In the inner world, no matter how large-scale the war is, the number of participants on both sides is larger and the level of experts involved is higher. Not to mention the complexity, the organization and discipline are totally different from the modern war on the earth.

"This kind of war is terrible, not only the weapons but also the way they fight."

"Yes, I used to think that power is everything, but I asked myself, if in such a war, with our strength, how many people can guarantee their survival?"

"Don't talk about us, even if we are virtual masters, we dare not say that we can survive 100%."

The voice of discussion sounded again, but this time is no longer proud and contemptuous, but hidden deep fear, deep fear.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that we all despised and ignored this abandoned place before. Now people in this world have not mastered the ability of space shuttle, but if they can use some scientific power to do this one day, our inner world is in danger!"

In the sound of discussion, an elite of the inner door in armor like clothes suddenly said.

The crowd was quiet again.

Originally, they didn't have this consciousness. At this time, when this person said it, everyone was in a hurry.

It's really "nine words to wake up the lost official, one word to wake up the dreamer".

"Everyone, you finally have this understanding. Ha ha, it's not a waste of my troubles." The cloud little master, who has been watching the crowd with a smile, suddenly laughs.

The narrow eyes showed a ray of light like snake and fox.

Hearing this, a group of elite members of the inner door were stunned and immediately looked at Xiang Yunqing.

"But you don't have to worry too much. No force in the world is absolutely invincible, and nothing is absolutely irresistible." Yun Qing smiles, squints and says slowly: "as I said just now, we are the real masters of the world. Even if we give up, even if we leave, we are still the masters of the world. A group of mole ants have mastered some powerful forces in vain, and they will never be able to turn over the sky. Otherwise, why does qianjimen exist? Why does Baiyujing always support qianjimen? "

"White jade capital?" Hearing these three words, all the inner elites were shocked and suddenly opened their eyes, "Brother Yun, what do you mean? Bai Yujing has already noticed the earth world."

"Not long ago." Yunqing's mouth slightly tilted, his eyes swept the crowd, and then said with a smile: "but he never forgot. Baiyujing is not the decadent high-level of your clan. They never forget what the inner world is for."

His words shocked many elites in the inner world, while Ouyang Hu and several children of guwu family couldn't help showing their doubts.

I don't understand what he said, "why does the inner world exist? Is there any purpose for the existence of the inner world? "

But look at the expression of the other inner elite, it is obvious that they all understand this problem.

"But what can Bai Yujing do to restrain the weapons and wars in this world?" An inner door elite asked.

"Yes, and the aura of the world is so scarce. Although they have developed the civilization power of today and threatened us, it's really unnecessary to realize that ancestral precept?" Another inner door elite also asked.

The other inner elites didn't speak, but they all nodded secretly. Obviously, they also had these two doubts in their hearts.

"Ah, rotten wood can't be carved. I've said so much and I can't understand it." Yun Shaozhu sighed in his heart and despised these inner door elites.

But on the face, he said with a smile, "these problems are kept secret for the time being."

"But..." when everyone was shocked, he narrowed his eyes again, showed a smile like a fox, and said: "I, the little Lord, can tell you a news, this passage collapse, and I and you came to this world, in fact, he is not an accident."

"What, not an accident?" When people heard this, they were not only surprised by the inner elite, but also by Ouyang Hu and others.

But Yunqing ignored their shock and muttered to the woman in red.

"Well? Have you left yet? " The woman in red was staring at the weapons on the computer screen. Slowly, she was curious and greedy. She felt that her mouth was watering. She didn't listen to people talking there.

It was not until Yun Qing lowered her head and whispered that she turned around and wiped her saliva.

"What, master Yun, are you going to leave?" Before Yunqing could answer the woman in red, others were surprised.

As soon as a young man in white floated, he stopped Yunqing's way. "Master Yun, what do you mean? We are all gathered here by you, and these aristocratic families are also called by you. Now what do you mean to go?"

"Yes, yunshaozhu, you can go, but you need to make your words clear. It's not a good habit to say half a word! It's not an accident. What does that mean? "

"Literally, it's not an accident." Yun Qing said with a smile.

The two men sneered and were about to break out, but suddenly they felt that a flower, a red shadow and two white jade palms had appeared in front of them.

"Go away, you dare to stop miss Ben's way!"

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