"Shuxian, are you ok? Xiner, Beibei and Xiaotian, how are they Although he had heard some information from Xia Bingbing, he didn't know the specific situation. Zhao Chengfeng still couldn't put it down in his heart, so when he got through the phone, he couldn't help asking two questions in the first sentence.

But at the other end of the phone, Chen Shuxian seemed to be excited when she didn't hear his question. As soon as the phone was connected, she began to cry.

"Chengfeng, Wuwu ~ ~, grandfather Chen, grandfather Chen, he's going to die. Chengfeng, I'm useless. What should I do now? What should I do? "

Chen Shuxian's voice on the phone is sobbing and her speech is also upside down. After listening to Zhao Chengfeng's heart, she can't help pulling it.

At the same time, in addition to Chen Shuxian's voice, he also heard Beibei and Xiaotian's cry, and Tian xiner's voice of comforting Chen Shuxian while crying.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart is more painful, but listen to the meaning, the accident should be really an old man, and the old man is not dead, but obviously afraid is not far from death.

"Grandfather Chen, how is he now?" As Zhao Chengfeng asked, he tried to recall which old man Chen Shuxian's grandfather should be. Soon he came up with an old man who was a little lonely, but very honest and kind.

He remembers that the last time he went to the welfare home, he met the old man, but the old man didn't seem to think much of him and didn't give him a good look.

At that time, he bit the old man's teeth for a long time. Tian Xin'er saw him and made fun of him.

I didn't expect to hear the news of the old man's accident again, but also in order to protect Chen Shuxian, Tian xiner and others.

He was filled with anger.

"We are in the hospital now, and grandfather Chen was sent to the emergency room. But just now the doctor came out and said that the old man might not be able to be saved. I'm so scared. I..." Chen Shuxian's voice was shaking. She never felt so weak as she is now.

Next to Tian Xin'er and others are also crying, crying, while comforting, "Shuxian sister, you..."

But she you for a long time, do not know what to say, because her heart is also the same chaos, the same pain.

Beibei and Xiaotian are usually very naughty and smart, but they only know how to cry at this time. After all, they are just children.

"Shuxian, Xin'er, you are in a hospital, aren't you? You wait for me to come right away. Don't worry, there will be a way! I'll talk about everything when I come over. " Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what to say. He couldn't ask about the specific situation and process. He could only comfort him and hung up.

In a hospital in Beihai City, Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner hold Beibei and Xiaotian's shoulders, and their tears fall down.

But just then, several nursing workers and a group of children ran in from the outside.

Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner quickly wiped away their tears and asked calmly: "Xiao Li, Xiao Wang, how did you all come here and bring your children? What about the old people and children in the courtyard? "

"Mother Dean, don't scold Auntie Wang. We must let them bring us here. It's also grandfather song and grandma Chi who let us come." Before Xiao Li and Wang could answer, a group of children had gathered around Chen Shuxian and cried before they could speak.

"Mother Dean, how is grandfather Chen? Will he die?" A little girl asked.

Chen Shuxian just reluctantly held back her tears, and the tears came down again. She put her hand around the little girl and said reluctantly, "no, no, grandfather Chen, he won't die, he won't..."

At this time, a child suddenly looked at the gate of the hospital, exclaimed: "they, it's them, those people are coming again!"

Chen Shuxian looked up and saw a group of people with microphones and mobile phones swarming inside the door. The security and staff of the hospital at the door tried their best to stop them, but they couldn't stop them at all.

Chen Shuxian stood up like a lioness


"Boss!" At the gate of the airport, the blood monk drove a Cherokee to stop in front of Zhao Chengfeng. Without saying a word, Zhao Chengfeng directly got into the co pilot, "drive, go to a certain hospital."

Originally, his first destination must have been to see Liu Qinglong in the detention center and ask about the situation, but now he has to change his itinerary temporarily.

I can only say sorry to Liu Qinglong in my heart.

"Boss, you've come back. We don't dare to mess around without your instructions, but we're choked. Now we're waiting for you to tell us what to do?" The blood monk asked while driving, his eyes were all excited and restless.

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at him, but he didn't know what to say about him, so he had to give up. Then he asked, "what have you done all day? What have you got? "

As he said it, he took out his mobile phone and turned on the Internet.

Although he knew from the time he got on the plane that someone was using the Internet to attack himself, he still hasn't turned on the Internet to see it.

At this point, sure enough, the whole network, microblog, prestige, post bar, and major portals are almost all about him.

"What a lot of energy Zhao Chengfeng gave a cold hum.

"Of course, we've been ready for a long time. Although we're not sure about the details, before I came here, the kid and the shadow had already targeted. I heard him say it was probably related to the guwu family!" Blood monk hey ran way, peep out a sharp white tooth to the rearview mirror.

"Oh, guwu family? Listen to you, it's not one family. Is it all or many? " Zhao Chengfeng repeated a sentence while turning over the webpage.

This answer is no surprise to him.

In a short period of two days, it's certainly not the ordinary people who can make such a big move. The guwu family is absolutely enough in terms of ability and influence.

Unexpectedly, he did not expect that these ancient martial families were always low-key on the surface and arrogant on the inside. They usually used money, power or force.

Actually can use the network public opinion.

It's not in line with their style.

And the interests are not in line, because the guwu family has always been a group of guys pretending to be mysterious. They usually do not want to be known by ordinary people about their existence. The Internet information world should be very contradictory to them.

This time, the Internet was used.

"Do they want to change their style, or do they want to jump out completely?" Zhao Chengfeng brow micro lock, fingers are still flipping the web page, soon he found a live video was intercepted, it is about the Beihai welfare home.

The background of the video is the gate of the welfare home.

A tall and resolute old man with a package in his hand said coldly to the camera: "you animals have the right to speak of conscience and live by slandering others without conscience. You also have the right to criticize others with morality."

"The old man will tell you what conscience is today!"

As the old man spoke, his hand shook, and immediately a lot of things poured out of the package.

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