In the picture, the camera sweeps down to the ground, and then it is clear that all those who fell to the ground are military medals!

In the video, there is a burst of inspiration and exclamation, which is obviously the surprise and shock of the onlookers.

In front of the screen, what Zhao Chengfeng was watching was no longer a live broadcast, but a video recorded by an onlooker, but he was still moved to see this scene.

Even he did not expect that the eccentric old man should have such a move.

He was shocked not only by the old man, but also by his actions.

As a former soldier, he knows very well in his heart the significance of a military medal for a soldier.

It's not just a medal, it's glory, pride, even life.

And it can be seen that some of those medals have been clear for a long time, but they still keep their luster and spotless. It can be seen how the old man cared for them before.

But now they are put in the dust, this is exactly what kind of mood.

At this time, just heard blood and Shang said: "should be all home, if not all, should also have 89% of the specific I don't know, anyway, IMP and shadow say so, in addition, IMP and dragon side understand, also got a similar answer."

"Well, then they are really going to jump out, huh, something that doesn't know what to do. Unfortunately, this is no longer their time. " Zhao chengtui said, eyes are still tightly staring at the screen, staring at the medal.

I feel my heart is stabbed by a knife.

This is a girl in the video, short hair, very beautiful, clean, this is a type that Zhao Chengfeng likes.

But at this time, the words from her mouth, but let Zhao Chengfeng almost crush the mobile phone.

"Hum, old man, I respect your age, so I always speak politely, so please don't spray manure when you have something to say!"

The girl then glanced at the medals on the ground, as well as some awards, invoices and other things. There was a trace of panic in her eyes, but then a sneer.

"What do you mean by these things? I'm not a soldier and I don't want to join the army, so I don't know about you. Even if you throw them out, I can't tell the true from the false."

"And even if they are true, what can soldiers say? I'm afraid you don't like to hear that. If they are all true, you should cherish them. Although I never think soldiers are great, it's at least your pride. You can live in such a high-end welfare home. Isn't it because of them? "

"Click!" Although Zhao Chengfeng has been desperately controlling, but the mobile phone screen is still cracked.

Zhao Chengfeng has always felt that he is a lower body animal. As long as a beautiful woman does anything, he feels that he can forgive. But at this moment, if he stands in the position of the old man, he feels that he can't help slapping the woman in the face.

But other onlookers and people on the Internet obviously didn't say that he thought so. Some people were shocked by the medals of the old man's place.

At this time, some people did not feel angry when they heard the woman's words, but felt reasonable.

"Yes, old man, how about you being a soldier? Our country has a volunteer system, and it doesn't require everyone to serve. When you are a soldier, where does the state pay you? Or do we pay taxes? What else is worth showing off when you get benefits?"

Another anchor came forward and said.

On the screen also floats a piece of congenial barrage.

Zhao Chengfeng's lips are getting tighter and tighter. He's afraid that once he relaxes, he can't help himself.

The old man was very angry and laughed, "ha ha, you animals are really inhuman!"

"Hey, old man, if you have something to say, don't swear!" One of the anchor's eyebrows glared.

The old man looked at him and said with a sneer, "scold you. You should be glad that when you meet Lao Tzu, I have no strength to kill the enemy. Otherwise, if you still live till now, Lao Tzu will kill you long ago!"

Although the old man is old, but this sneer, a stare, but let the anchor can not help but step back, but the old man did not pay attention to him.

Trembling, he bent down to pick up a medal. A trace of complexity flashed in his eyes. He was rubbing and murmuring: "I have participated in the revolution since I was 12 years old. I can't even count the battles I have participated in."

"All my life, I have no son or daughter, and I am lonely, but I never regret it. Because I always feel that I am fighting for my motherland. I am fighting for a new tomorrow for my motherland. I don't regret it

The former anchor sneered all his life and seemed to want to talk again, but the old man glared at him, and he still didn't dare to speak.

The old man looked at the girl again and said, "little girl, you have a saying right just now. They used to be my pride, because I always think they are the motherland, the land under my feet, and the recognition of people on this land. Why don't I be proud?"

"I am not only proud, but also feel very lucky, because so many of my comrades in arms are gone, and I am still lucky to live. I can still see the new era. I have no children, but I feel that all the young people in this land are my children, so I feel very lucky. I have to work hard to live, not only to watch the growth of the young people in this land, I'll look at it for my old comrades in arms. "

"But now, they are not important to me, because I regret it. Yes, I regret it. What have I got in exchange for fighting? Are you the people I protect with my blood? Are you so many comrades in arms and so many people sacrificing for you? Are you worthy?"

"Now, you still ask me conscience, do you animals have conscience?"

The old man drank violently, but he couldn't help covering his chest.

As soon as Chen Shuxian and others' faces changed, they quickly stepped forward to help them.

Huang xiayun and other people's faces slightly changed, some ugly, subconsciously took a step back, the live room of each live platform was quiet.

However, Huang xiayun was Huang xiayun. Although she was surprised by the appearance of the old man, she soon calmed down and said with a smile, "old man, I apologize for some of my remarks just now. But what do you mean by all this? In the final analysis, it's not because of your dedication that you have the money to live in such a place now?"

Although the mouth said sorry, but everyone can hear, she is still ironic.

"Money? Is that what you mean? " The old man sneered again, picked up a pile of invoices and receipts from the ground, and smashed them on Huang xiayun's face with a shaking hand, "go and see for yourself, if your eyes are not as blind as your heart!"

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