"What's the matter? What's the mess over there?" As soon as they got out of the parking lot, they walked into the hospital. Before they could ask how to get to the emergency room, they saw a mess in the corridor. The blood monk frowned and asked subconsciously.

However, there is no need for others to answer. He and Zhao Chengfeng both know the answer.

Because most of the people they saw were people with cameras and microphones, except the security guards in the hospital.

Look at those people's clothes and microphones with signs like [XXX TV station] or [XXX net] [XXX evening news].

In addition, there are also some people with mobile phones and recording pens, all with the words of [XXX platform], [XXX we media] and so on.

"You can't go in. It's an emergency center. No irrelevant people are allowed in, even if you're a reporter!"

"Please step back outside and don't disturb the patients!"

Several security guards of the hospital yelled and struggled to stop the reporters who seemed to be in blood.

But their shouts did not stop the reporters. Although they were relatively restrained, they did not rush in as hard as they could, but none of them retreated and squeezed in as soon as they could.

Some people crowded, others refused to leave.

"I can't help it. This is the age of information. If you hear a hot news, others will make the headlines one step earlier, and you can only serve as a foil one step later."

A few security guards are short of manpower, so it's hard to avoid looking after one thing and losing the other. They are busy sweating!

"These bastards, an old hero, have been forced to get sick by them. They have not let go! But before those what anchor and so on, is not already scolded on the network into Xiang, how these people still come? " The blood monk was very angry and puzzled.

"Ha ha, you don't understand. If no one scolds you on the Internet, these people may not come yet." A patient with crutches nearby, hearing the words of the blood monk, gave a sneer, "look at these people, they are not the network anchors who used to make little trouble before. They are all big media. At this time, can they not come out to uphold justice?"

"Justice, bullshit justice, these people also know justice!" Next to another onlooker's family members scolded: "now a few of these reporters still have a sense of justice, but it's true that they are not afraid of scolding. Nowadays, no matter what they do, they are more and more angry, abusing. When the scolding is gone, there will be only one name left, only the ratings and money left."

Hearing these people's words, Zhao Chengfeng and blood monk also reacted and understood the reason why these reporters came here.

Before, grandfather Chen showed his medal on the Internet video and denounced Huang xiayun and others, especially the donation bills he finally took out, although he deeply shocked many netizens on the Internet.

So that the public opinion which was originally one-sided suddenly became divided into two groups.

But at the same time, the first villain incident in China, and Beihai welfare home, became more and more popular. After the dispute, these formal media also saw the selling point.

So these people came to the hospital.

All these are understandable, but for the sake of hot spots and attention, these people even completely ignore the rules of the hospital and the safety of patients, and rush to the family waiting area outside the emergency room, which is very excessive.

Zhao Chengfeng and blood monk are also completely angry.

"Go ahead and throw all these people out!" Without any hesitation, Zhao Chengfeng directly ordered the blood monk.

He knows that if he beat these reporters today, there will certainly be a lot of follow-up troubles. As for public opinion, needless to say, his reputation as the first villain in China has been completely established.

Even because of the pressure, the Chinese government has to make some moves.

Although many of the top leaders know about Zhao Chengfeng and his achievements, there is no way to make them public.

And judging from Liu Qinglong's situation, I'm afraid that some of the senior officials are dissatisfied with him or have ulterior motives, so I won't miss this opportunity.

But Zhao Chengfeng can't care so much at this time.

"Good!" The blood monk can't wait for a long time. When he hears Zhao Chengfeng's order, he immediately smiles excitedly.

"Please be quiet. There are old people and relatives in your family. Please think about it." the blood monk was about to start, but suddenly he heard a security guard yell angrily in a voice almost crying.

All the voices in the corridor were silent, and the reporters also looked stagnant. Many people slowed down.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng stretched out his hand to hold the blood monk and said, "wait a minute first."

I took a look at the security guard and saw that he was slightly fat and plain. At a glance, he seemed to be honest and even kind-hearted.

I didn't expect that such a person could shout out the voice just now.

Zhao Chengfeng heart a warm, "the original world or there are people, or there are human nature."

On this day, he saw all kinds of filth and all kinds of means for the purpose. Especially when he heard grandfather Chen's questioning on the video, Zhao Chengfeng himself couldn't help thinking.

"In such a world, such a nation, is there anything worth fighting for and loving?"

Did those martyrs shed their blood in exchange for today's material desires, just for those dirty things?

But at this time, looking at the sweaty security guards, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt relieved.

"That is, do you mean to be called reporters and mouthpieces of the people?"

At this time, the patients and their families nearby also began to blame the reporters.

A group of reporters looked at each other, a little ashamed.

The fat security guard himself was not a good talker. Just now he was in a hurry and yelled, but he was embarrassed.

He quickly began to smile and said, "comrades, we don't mean we won't let you interview, but can you wait outside the hospital? It's not too late for you to interview when your family members come out. We are just begging for food. We are really in a dilemma when you are like this! "

"I'm sorry, it's our fault. We just focus on the interview, but we forget the rules of the hospital." A female reporter was embarrassed and said to the security guard, "everyone, let's wait outside."

"Well, that's the only way!" Although a group of reporters were not reconciled, they could not put in the security guard and were watched by the public. For this reason, they could only hesitate to retreat.

"Can you hurry up, a big man carrying a camera is slow, didn't you eat? I don't want to be as idle as you. There will be an interview with the city government later. "

At this time, the door of the hospital hall was suddenly pushed open, and a scolding voice came along.

When they looked back, they saw a gorgeous woman coming in from the door, with a microphone in her hand, a girl like an assistant, and a bearded man with a camera behind him. It seemed that she was also a reporter from a TV station.

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