"Why so many people?"

The woman swearing into the corridor to see a large group of colleagues, can not help but slightly frown, very unhappy way.

"They may be colleagues in other media, which is very hot now." The girl next to her followed her quickly, and at the same time, a group of colleagues replied.

"Then what else are we going to do, such a piece of broken news, interview with so many people, and what else are we going to do?" The woman frowned.

"But, this is arranged in the stage..." the female assistant said in a low voice. Then the eyes swept the crowd and whispered something in the female reporter's ear.

"Well, those idiots in the stage know nothing! Did you really regard me as a little reporter who ran to the scene when you sent me such a rubbish errand? What's more, it's just a veteran. What can I interview you about? " The female reporter listened to the woman assistant's words, her face moved a little, relaxed a little, but still scolded.

"However, it's true that these people shut the door, cut..." the woman said and swept other reporters, with a contemptuous smile and a look of arrogance. It seemed that she instantly found a certain sense of superiority, and then dropped her eyelids, "forget it, let's finish this unfortunate job."

"By the way, have you made an appointment for the lively spa?"

"We have already made an appointment for the 3:00 p.m. stall. After that, we can have something to eat, just in time for mayor Wu's interview." The female assistant said in a hurry.


Two people talk, quickly walk in, for others seem to be completely ignored.

"Wait a minute, this reporter Comrade..." several security guards took a look and managed to persuade a group of reporters. Before these people quit, there was another one. Stop at once.

But before he finished, the woman screamed like a cat with its tail trampled on, "who is a reporter? Which eye of yours sees me as a reporter?"

Several security guards were stunned. They looked at the woman suspiciously, and then at the moustache carrying the camera behind her.

I wonder, "what's wrong with me? What are you not journalists?"

The woman's face collapsed when she saw that the security guard didn't recognize her.

The female assistant beside her said to the security guard: "this is our sister Bai, not an ordinary reporter, but a famous host of the city TV station. Don't you recognize her?"

When several security guards saw it, they found that some of them looked familiar, but they couldn't remember which program they were hosting, but they didn't dare to offend them. They quickly said with a smile, "sorry, sorry, I don't watch much TV at ordinary times. This is a hospital. According to the rules, you can't come in. You can see that other people are waiting outside, can you trouble me..."

"What, wait..." that face arrogant, show disdain to pay attention to a few security appearance of women, hear the security words, immediately like being trampled on the feet like cried. Then he sneered angrily, "hum, it seems that he really takes me as a little reporter."

"Ha ha, it's really... I didn't expect that Bai Jie would be looked down upon by a security guard one day." The woman laughed angrily, then waved to the security guard, "forget it, I don't bother to tell you, I'm looking for your Dean!"

Finish saying also ignore a few security guards, take out mobile phone directly, quickly dialed a number.

"Hello, director Jiang, I'm Bai Jie. Right... I'm in your hospital right now. I have an interview. Right, that veteran. What, wait?"

"Are you kidding me? I don't have that American time... President Jiang, I'm sorry. I'm a little straight, but I can't help it. I'll go to the municipal government to interview mayor Wu later... Yes, besides mayor Wu Mingwu, is there a second mayor in Beihai?"

"Yes, I know it's a hospital, but you should know that I can wait, but I dare not let mayor Wu wait... Ha ha, thank you, director Jiang. I'll make a special topic for your hospital when I have time, ha ha, where..."

It seems that the dean is finally settled. The woman smiles with pride, then looks contemptuously at several security guards and hands her mobile phone forward. "Take it. It's dean Jiang. Let him tell you that it's OK, isn't it?"

Several security guards look ugly and don't have to answer. They also know that the Dean on the other end of the phone is subdued by this woman.

"Hello, President Jiang." After biting his teeth, the fat security guard still reached for the mobile phone and said, "President Jiang, you can't put it. Now the emergency room is in the emergency room. It's been several hours. The operation is not finished yet. Now..."

Fat security desperately wanted to explain, but the Dean didn't know what to say on the phone. Fat security's face changed slightly, and finally he had to shut up, "OK, I know..."

"Well, can I go in now?" Bai Jie grabs the mobile phone with her hand and sneers.

Fat guard can't say anything.

Although I know it's definitely wrong to do this, he is only a security guard after all. The Dean has spoken. What else can he do?

So I have to bite my teeth.

"Hum..." the woman sneered from her nostrils, then said to the assistant and the photographer, "go!"

With that, I'm going to walk in.

Other journalists who had planned to leave immediately stopped.

If they are not allowed to enter, they can only wait, but since someone can enter, why can't they enter?

However, when Bai Jie turned around and was about to go to the waiting area of the emergency room, other reporters wanted to protest.

The two figures suddenly block Bai Jie's face.

"Get out of the way, you..." Bai Jie didn't expect that anyone would dare to stop her. Liu Mei was about to scold, but one of the two people who stopped her suddenly raised his hand, which was a slap in her face.

It was Zhao Chengfeng and blood monk who stopped the way.

The one who slapped him was the blood monk.

Just now, they wanted to fight when the group of reporters began to coax. Fortunately, the fat security guard stopped all the reporters in one voice, which was equivalent to saving them from disaster.

After that, the reaction of these reporters was tolerable, and Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to worry about these people any more.

But unexpectedly, at this time ran out of a white Jie, in the end or can't save this slap in the face.


The slap of the blood monk was really rude. Although he didn't use his internal power and only used half of his physical strength, Rao is so. Bai Jie, a woman who is usually pampered and pampered, can't bear it.

With a slap, he was directly knocked down, screamed in his mouth, and his eyes were black. It was a long time before he finally recovered.

When I looked up, I saw a young man and a bald man who didn't look like a good man looking down at himself. I immediately reacted. I was afraid that it was one of the two who slapped me just now. I couldn't help but be afraid and angry.

"You, who are you, dare to beat me, do you know who I am?" Bai Jie's hysterical scream.

Other people around also come back to mind, one by one quickly reached out to hold their chin.

Then he looked at Zhao Chengfeng and blood monk in doubt. He was also wondering, "who are these two people?"

It's too arrogant. As soon as you come up, you just hit the reporters without saying a word. Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?

And this Bai Jie knows at the scene, and knows that she is not an ordinary reporter.

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