"It's him, Zhao Chengfeng, the first villain in China!" Finally someone recognized Zhao Chengfeng, subconsciously issued a exclamation.

This person this shout, other people also immediately come back to God, see to Zhao Chengfeng all show surprised color.

"You, you..." Bai Jie, who is still sitting on the ground, didn't expect that the person in front of her is Zhao Chengfeng, who is called the No.1 villain in China on the Internet. She can't help but be afraid.

"Hum." Zhao Chengfeng gave her a condescending glance and a cold hum. Then he withdrew his eyes and went straight to the emergency room at the end of the corridor.

Bai Jie saw Zhao Chengfeng and left without saying anything. Her heart suddenly relaxed, but then her anger suddenly jumped up. She heard that Zhao Chengfeng didn't return and left a word——

"Go away!"

Although it's just a simple word, it sounds like thunder in Bai Jie's ears, which instantly dissipates her anger and courage, and makes her shiver for no reason.

When she reacts again, Zhao Chenggong has already pushed open the door at the end of the corridor and walked into the waiting area outside the emergency room with the blood monk.

Outside the emergency room, Chen Shuxian and others are nervous. On the one hand, they are worried that bad news will come out of the emergency room, and on the other hand, they are worried that those reporters outside will break in again.

Suddenly see the door is opened, all not from frighten, subconsciously stood up.

"What to do, the reporters are coming again!" A welfare nurse is nervous.

"I'll stop them. They can't make noise here!" Tian Xin'er stood up as she spoke.

"It's me... Eh..." Chen Shuxian, ye Zhuqing and Shangguan Yan'er reach out to stop her. They all intend to say they are going. But when they look up, they see that Zhao Chengfeng and blood monk are walking in. They are all stunned, but then they are surprised and happy.

"Chengfeng, Xiaoxue, how are you, the reporters?" Chen Shuxian subconsciously looks behind Zhao Chengfeng and asks.

"Godfather!" Zhao Chengfeng is about to answer, but two small figures bump into his arms.

"Oh, you two guys want to kill me?" Zhao Chengfeng pretended to be hit, but he laughed and held the two children in his arms.

"Shh ~!" The two children put their index fingers up to his mouth and hissed him. After that, they took a look at the door of the emergency room with the red light on.

"Godfather, be quiet." Beibei stares at Zhao Chengfeng like a little adult.

Xiaotian also said like a jerk: "Dad, be quiet."

"Right, right, quiet!" Zhao Chengfeng is more happy to see that the two little guys are so sensible. He also deliberately exaggerated his voice, which made the two children giggle, and then put their fingers on their lips, "Shh ~"

"See, this is Zhao Chengfeng's child. Although he is still a child, he is more sensible than those rubbish outside." Zhao Chengfeng complacent way, finish saying to glance toward outside again.

Chen Shuxian, Tian xiner and others can't help laughing when they see the father and son's appearance. The haze in their hearts seems to have been blown away a lot.

"Ha ha, you are really, what kind of people are you compared with?" Chen Shuxian rolled her eyes and said, but her eyes also showed a smile. She said to the two children, "you two guys, come down quickly, don't pester your father."

But the two little guys smell speech but more tightly around Zhao Chengfeng's neck, put his head in his arms, pretending not to hear Chen Shuxian's words.

"You two little things..." Chen Shuxian said again. Next to her, Shangguan Yan'er held her and said, "it's OK. Let them get tired of Chengfeng for a while. Anyway, this guy is as strong as a cow and won't be tired."

Then he cast a white eye at Zhao Chengfeng and asked, "those reporters didn't follow you when you came in, and what happened outside just now, did you hit people again?"

"What do you mean again? Brother Feng, I seem to be a rough man who always beats people?" Zhao Chengfeng speechless way, "and this words to say, Shuxian said even, you and Zhuqing seems not qualified to say me, that video I have seen."

"Well, that's different in nature." Shangguan Yan'er coughs, conceals embarrassment, but admits defeat.

But next to ye Zhuqing can't help blushing, a little embarrassed, because it was her who hit people in that video.

When she hit someone, she didn't think much about it, but later she was a little worried, because she had never met this kind of situation before, and she was worried about whether her actions would be blackmailed by Zhao Chengfeng.

Chen Shuxian is also worried, but she says, "Chengfeng, don't blame Yan'er and Zhuqing. They are also trying to help me."

"Blame them. Why should I blame them? I boast that it's too late for them? " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "it's just beating people. Well, some people in this world should fight."

"Besides, if my women don't know how to beat people, I don't think Zhao Chengfeng has betrayed the title they gave me."

Zhao Chengfeng said, hey ran a smile, "China's first villain, don't say I really like this title."

The public turned their eyes when they heard the speech. Is this the so-called "not ashamed but proud"?

However, seeing that he was calm and didn't worry at all, everyone was relieved.

Ye Zhuqing, in particular, was a little worried after the fight. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng, he was relieved. However, she also knows that Zhao Chengfeng's words are probably enlightening her.

The so-called "three men become tigers", and people's words are formidable. In the face of fierce public opinion, how can we not worry at all.

As she was about to speak, the door of the emergency room suddenly opened, and a group of medical staff in cyan surgical suits came out from inside, each with a tired and gloomy face.

Seeing the look of these doctors, people's relaxed heart suddenly tightened.

"Doctor, how is grandfather Chen?" Chen Shuxian was the first to greet her.

Walking in the front of a doctor, while pulling down the mask, while sadly shaking his head, did not speak.

All the people's tight hearts shook their heads and clattered with him.

"Damn it, if I ask you something, you'll shake your ass!" The blood monk has a hot temper. He comes forward and grabs his coat.

"Stop it Zhao Chengfeng and Chen Shuxian drink at the same time.

But Chen Shuxian immediately realized that her words were a little harsh, and quickly slowed down her voice: "little blood, it's not the doctor's fault."

Zhao Chengfeng is not so polite, toward the blood monk a stare, "see what to see, still don't let go."

Hearing the words, the blood monk reluctantly released his hand, but his eyes glared at the doctor again. Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng raised his foot and kicked him on the buttock, "still stare, go outside and watch!"

Blood monk for a while bared his teeth and bowed his head to go outside, but he was stopped by Zhao Chengfeng again, "stop, don't you know to apologize?"

"No, no, no apology. I can understand this gentleman's mood. We've seen a lot of such things!" But the doctor waved his hand. Just now, he was really scared by the blood monk, and his heart was still beating.

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