To tell you the truth, what a doctor fears most is to meet such insolent and unreasonable family members.

After all, doctors are not immortals. There are always things out of the reach of human resources, but the patients' families don't care about them. Once something happens, the only thing they can vent their anger on is doctors.

At this time, as a doctor, even if he was beaten, he was often beaten in vain. When the police came, they had to understand the feelings of their families.

What's more, these people are not ordinary people.

It was Zhao Chengfeng's performance that surprised him.

"This person looks like Zhao Chengfeng, the number one villain in China, who is spreading on the Internet, but it doesn't seem to be so overbearing and unreasonable in the legend. But this man is a little evil. "

He thought in his heart, looked at Zhao Chengfeng for a moment, and then glanced at him. He reluctantly bowed to him and saluted him. But when he left, he turned back and coldly looked at his blood monk. He couldn't help fighting with that look.

"Well, doctor, I'm sorry that my brother is rude, but don't worry. He hasn't beaten a good man." Zhao Chengfeng's cough interrupted the doctor's thoughts.

"Oh, yes, I can see it." Doctor wiped wipe sweat, in the heart secret way: "can't beat good person, that is your opinion?"

But he didn't dare to say that. He calmed down and asked, "are you all the family members of the old man in there?"

"Yes, I'm the president of the welfare home. Grandfather Chen is an old man in our welfare home." Chen Shuxian quickly replied, then took the doctor's hand and asked eagerly, "doctor, how is grandfather Chen?"

"Ah ~" the doctor shook his head again, "sorry, we tried our best, but..."

The doctor sighed again, but looked at Chen Shuxian and others.

I didn't expect that the people who are so concerned about the patients are not the relatives of the patients, but the relationship between the staff of the welfare home and the elderly being taken care of.

Chen Shuxian smell speech but only feel in front of a black, dangerous did not stand firm.

"Sister Shuxian (Dean Shuxian) ~!" Next to ye Zhuqing and others help quickly.


"Mom (third mom) (Dean mom)!"

Zhao Chengfeng, Xiaotian, Beibei and the children in the welfare home also lost their voice.

Zhao Chengfeng puts down Beibei and Xiaotian, and arrives at Chen Shuxian with one quick step. "Shuxian, keep your mind steady!" As she spoke, she drew a wisp of internal force from her back.

Chen Shuxian only felt a warm current flowing in from her back, and her body seemed to have strength again.

"Ah ~" Chen Shuxian uttered a low groan, and then opened her eyes, but a tear could not help flowing out of the corner of her eye.

Then he grabbed the doctor's hand again, "doctor..."

Just yelled, but didn't know what to say?

"Ah ~" the doctor sighed again and shook his head, "I'm sorry, the old man is old and his vitality has nearly withered. This time..."

He stopped and shook his head in the middle of talking. He didn't know what to say. He thought that the old people's situation was caused by feminism. When he heard that it was the old people in the welfare home, he even thought that it was caused by the bad work in some parts of the welfare home.

But look at the look of Chen Shuxian and a group of nursing staff, we immediately know that these people will not abuse the elderly.

So he can only sigh.

Fortunately, he didn't know the truth of the matter and didn't watch the video on the Internet. Otherwise, the doctor would not only sigh, but also be angry.

"The patient still has a doctor. If you have anything to say to him, I'm afraid he won't be able to answer you." The doctor sighed again.

Chen Shuxian feebly released the doctor's hand, nodded, "doctor, thank you!"

Although the heart is not reconciled, but the doctor has said this, she also knows that this matter has no future.

She didn't get angry with the doctor.

First of all, her character is not a person who will anger others. Second, she can see that the doctor is a doctor with medical ethics. Only by looking at his tired and gloomy eyes, she can know that he did his best.

It can only be said that when human resources are poor, the way of heaven is irreversible.

But Zhao Chengfeng heard the doctor say that the main reason for the old man is not only the recurrence of heart disease, but also that he is too old to stand such a toss in his life.

"I don't know if my internal power or blood can return to heaven?"

After eating so many Tianzhu, the vitality of ordinary people can be said to be incomparably exuberant. A drop of blood may be the effect of tonic, and the internal force itself is also the cohesion of vitality.

With this in mind, he asked the doctor, "doctor, you said that the main reason why you can't save the old man is that the old man's vitality is exhausted, right? If I can find a way to restore the old man's vitality, can you still save him? "

The doctor had planned to leave, but when he heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, he gave Zhao Chengfeng a slight frown and said, "this gentleman, you are right. The main situation of the old man now is that he is too weak. If you want to treat him, you have to have an operation. But his current physical condition, if you don't have an operation, you can talk to him and have an operation, I can't bear a single shot of anesthetic. "

"Don't say so much, just say if I can restore his vitality, can you cure him?" Zhao Chengfeng interrupts him impatiently.

"In theory, it's OK, but I advise you not to act rashly. It's not a layman who can treat and save people casually!" The doctor frowned again, slightly unhappy.

He guessed that the young man might have some valuable tonic on his hands, which is why he made such wild talk.

But there was a sneer in his heart.

"If the old man is a little younger, even if he has a little potential, as a doctor, he certainly has a way to make the patient recover. But the old man is more than 90 years old. Even though he is healthy on the surface, his life has come to an end. He may still live for some years without setbacks."

"But as long as there are some twists and turns, the oil will run out and the lamp will dry up. No matter how clever a doctor can save it, can a layman take a tonic to make it up? If so, can a man live forever?"

Zhao Chengfeng's good impression disappeared in an instant.

He said in secret: "it's true that there is no reason for it. Although this man is not as heinous as he said on the Internet, his arrogance and ignorance are true at all!"

At the moment, the words are not so polite, "if the patient has any problems, our hospital is not responsible."

"Popular?" Next to Chen Shuxian had heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, a glimmer of hope ignited in her heart, but when she heard the doctor say so, she immediately hung up again.

Although I believe in Zhao Chengfeng's ability and that he won't do anything wrong, it's not a trivial matter after all to cure and save people. The so-called profession has its specialty, and no one can be omnipotent.

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