I couldn't help saying in my heart: "this is the place where Lao Tzu fought in those years. Later, all the leaders also fought here. Now I'm going back to my hometown. I feel it's quite good."

The only thing that gets in the way is the slap mark on his face. He suddenly gets a little angry with the person who started the operation. He thinks that he must be a rude guy. What's wrong with you to hit someone in the face.

Bai Jie was touched and pinched by him. In fact, she was disgusted. But now she needs President Jiang to vent her anger, so she can only bear it. Anyway, it's not the first time, so she let him do it.

Moreover, after being touched and pinched, her heart became hot and dry, and her breath became short.

He said: "in fact, I ask you to help me, but I don't want you to help me in vain. Isn't the old president of your hospital going to retire soon? Mayor Wu is in charge of medical and health care now. When the bastard who beat me is finished, I'll help you blow the wind in Mayor Wu's place. The president's throne is not easy to capture."

"Is that true? If so, I'd like to thank you President Jiang was moved in his heart when he heard the speech. He suddenly thought of it. He was not willing to do it, and he became hot all of a sudden. Even his hand was more powerful.

"Eh ~" Bai Jie whined, her head could not help but raise back. When she heard his words, she couldn't help but sneer. She grabbed him by the shoulder with her fingers and wrung it hard. "If you want to die, you can say that too."

But he put his hand around President Jiang's neck and sat on his lap


"Bai Jie, although I have promised to help you, what should I do? I'm not a policeman or a thug. I'm just a vice president. You can't let me catch him or beat him? "

After a cloud and rain, President Jiang asked while enjoying the warmth afterwards.

"Well, don't worry, I'm not that stupid. You can fight him if you want to Bai Jie gave a sneer and a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes. She said, "don't they have an old man who lives in your hospital? As the president, you still can't deal with him? You just say that the old man's illness can't be cured in your hospital, and let them go to other hospitals. Can the old man stand up to the toss at his age? I don't think he has to go to other hospitals, but he will die in the middle of the road. "

"And although all the reporters have retreated to the hospital gate now, as soon as they go out, they will be surrounded by them. Hehe, he can fight. I want to see if he dares to beat all the reporters! "

"What a cruel girl!" President Jiang took a cold breath in the dark, and the hands that had been rubbing against Bai Jie could not help shaking.

He knew that if things were as Bai Jie said, not only the old man would not survive, but Zhao Chengfeng and others would become the common enemies of all media.

"Well, it's not good. After all, we are hospitals. It's not good to drive patients out and influence them?" President Jiang hesitated.

He doesn't mean to sympathize with Zhao Chengfeng and others, or to have any sense of justice or professional ethics, but if he does, things will really get worse. In the end, it's hard to say whether their hospital can do well.

Most of all, he didn't want to put himself in.

"Cut, look at you. What's wrong? What's going on? The doctor is not immortal. There's always something that can't be cured. Isn't that normal?" Bai Jie's disdainful lips.

Then he hooked President Jiang's neck and said with a soft smile, "and you just need to let your doctor tell them that you can't cure the disease. It's his own business whether you can go or not. If you don't go, hum, even if you die, it doesn't matter to you, does it?"

"Well, this... By the way, who is that Zhao Chengfeng who beat you? It seems that he has some background, in case..." President Jiang's face changed slightly and hesitated, but he was obviously loose, but he still had some concerns.

"Hum, bullshit background, but it's just a loser who has been hyped by the Internet. If he really has a powerful background, do those websites dare to publish his black news?" Bai Jie said while the iron was hot: "and you are not the president now. Even if there is something wrong in the end, Mayor Wu will cover you and let the old man who is about to retire to work in the VAT. In this way, you can let the old man go away early. Then, President Jiang will be able to take out the word" Vice "

"President Jiang, what do you say?" Bai Jie smiles and kisses President Jiang on his forehead.

"Well, you have a point in saying that." President Jiang, with a smile, was also moved.


"Amazing, amazing!" In the emergency room, Zhao Fangzhou looked at the data on the meter and the old man on the doctor's bed in surprise. Although he didn't wake up, he could clearly feel that the old man's face was much ruddy and his breathing was more powerful than before.

"Mr. Zhao, how on earth did you do it? Your secret is amazing?" Zhao Fangzhou grabs Zhao Chengfeng's hand and looks at him with fiery eyes. The fiery energy makes Zhao Chengfeng shiver.

"It's nothing," she said with a smile. "It's just a secret method that can't be used at all."

"No, it's not a secret. Mr. Zhao, you're not a doctor. You don't know how precious your secret is."

Zhao Fangzhou shook his head like a rattle, and said solemnly: "although it's a little inappropriate for me to say that, Mr. Zhao, you should not cherish this secret. If you can contribute this secret and popularize it, do you know how many people can live?"

"Director Zhao, you're right about that. But it's not that I don't want to contribute, but that even if I do, ordinary people can't use it. Because he needs the real Qi of the ancient martial arts to help him, and he is not just a common ancient martial arts person. He must have a certain strength, at least not weaker than me. " Zhao Chengfeng said with a bitter smile.

He said in his heart: "this is my blood and Qi. Can I not know how precious it is? It's a pity that even if I want to, it can't be popularized. Unless I want to be a pig and supply blood and gas to people every day, I can't live. "

However, when he saw Zhao Fangzhou's serious and compassionate look, he had some admiration for the doctor with the same surname, because he knew that the first thought of this secret method was not fame and wealth, but life.

A doctor can have such a state of mind, even if the medical skill is not so brilliant, he is also a good doctor.

"The ancient warrior?" Zhao Fangzhou seems to know the existence of the ancient warrior. Wen Yan is a little surprised to see Zhao Chengfeng. "I didn't expect that Mr. Zhao is still an ancient warrior."

The other medical staff were also surprised, but looking at their expressions, they knew that they didn't completely believe Zhao Chengfeng's words. They just thought he was reluctant to part with them.

Many people even sighed in their hearts, "ah, Chinese culture is good at everything, but this kind of self cherished problem is not good."

But then again, if you have such a secret, are you really willing to take it out?

There was some hesitation in everyone's heart, so no one said more.

Without the command of others, each of them took a pile of instruments and began to diagnose the elderly.

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